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April 16, 2013 Board of Selectmen Minutes
   Office of the Board of Selectmen
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
   Tel: 382-4405 ext. 10 * Fax 382-9140



  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Thayer called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.  In attendance were Chairman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The public meeting was videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.   

Chairman Thayer motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) - Tax Lien Property, Transfer Station and Impending Deed Notices; (b) - Recreation Commission.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.  

Chairman Thayer motioned to close the nonpublic meeting at 6:38pm.  Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following:

  • The Board unanimously motioned to hire Jared Burt as a Swim Aid effective June 9, 2013 at Grade IV, Step 1.
The Board recessed after the nonpublic session at 6:38pm.  The public meeting reconvened at 7:07pm.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Update from Senator Stiles
Senator Nancy Stiles of District 24 was present to answer any questions the Board may have regarding anything happening in the community with any issues and any way she can help them and/or any questions on what it happening at the legislature.  The Board had no questions, Senator Stiles offered to be of help anytime in the future.

Selectman Melvin asked Senator Stiles if there is any way possible to address the Newton Planning Boards reconfiguring of Route 108 at Rowes Corner Market; is there any funding to have them work on that corner.  Senator Stiles responded that she will be in touch with the Commissioner to find out.  Selectman Melvin added that this is a five way intersection and would like to straighten it out so it is safer to travel.

  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Scheduled Business
  • Departments, Committees and Commissions to discuss liaisons
Chairman Thayer stated that the Board received a good response from department heads.  The following is a list of departments that responded in writing stating that they do not require a liaison.

Fire Department felt is works best to meet with the entire Board of Selectmen
Cable Committee works well with Office Manager Mary Winglass as the liaison
Recreation Commission is fine with Chairman Thayer as liaison
Emergency Management does not have meetings but has no problem working with all three Selectmen
Trustee of the Trust Funds meet only once per year, no need for a liaison
Moderator - State Statute does not allow for the delegation of responsibilities of a Selectmen liaison
Gale Library does not need a department liaison for the Trustees and the Director communicate regularly with Town Hall personnel
Welfare Department does not feel a liaison is necessary
Town Clerk/Tax Collector does not want nor requires a liaison for the department
Planning Board per State Statute a member of the Board of Selectmen is an ex-officio member of the Planning Board (Voting Member) and that person should also be the liaison to the department

Selectman Melvin added that due to a conflict of interest he can longer be the ex-officio to the Planning Board for he is working with a developer in town.  Selectman Donovan responded that he will check his schedule.

Cemetery Trustee Bill Landry asked for his own edification, what is the State Statute that clarifies an ex-officio and/or a liaison, who needs them and what do they do?  Chairman Thayer replied that the liaison is for committees or commissions; ex-officio is a member of the Planning Board.  Liaison and ex-officio should attend every meeting and can be a voting member.  Landry replied that the State Statute defines the responsibility of the Cemetery Trustees who meet three times per year.  The Trustees have no need for a liaison but the Selectmen are more than welcome to attend their meetings.  

Police Chief Lawrence Streeter discussed in his opinion a liaison dilutes the democratic process and things can be mistranslated to the Board and he would much prefer to meet in an open public meeting with the Board of Selectmen so that nothing can be misinterpreted.  Secondly if the Board of Selectmen does decide to have liaisons the first thing he would ask the Board is what is the policies and procedures of the liaison and what are the perimeters that they would operate under.  Streeter added that he feels that it would need to be defined so that everyone is on a level playing field.  Chairman Thayer responded that the RSA’s do not require a liaison for elected officials.  Streeter added that he has always been candid and open with the Board and is willing to come to a meeting to deal with any issue.  

Road Agent Mike Pivero stated that he agrees with the Police Chief but would like to add that if any of the Selectmen have any issues they are welcome to call him directly.  Pivero added that he feels that if a topic needs to be discussed it should be done in a public meeting and have it open and across the Board so that anyone can get in touch with him.  In turn this allows Pivero to get in touch with any of the Selectmen; this was tried in the past and it narrowed the window and turned out to be not a good idea.  

Recreation Commission - it was unanimously agreed upon by the Selectmen to have Chairman Raymond Thayer remain as the liaison to the Recreation Commission.

Conservation Commission meets on the first and third Thursdays each month.  The Board decided to wait on making a decision on the Planning Board and Conservation Commission until the May 7, 2013 meeting.

  • Update on 2 Amesbury Road
The Board received an update from Office Manager Winglass that the town has until May 7th to close on this property; St. Jean’s Auctioneer has not finalized on a date.  The Board then reviewed a proposed deed prepared by Town Counsel Sumner Kalman.  

  • Recycling request from J&J Enterprises, 36 South Main Street
Selectman Melvin read an email from John Paiva, owner of J & J Enterprises of Kingston, NH who are the owners of a six unit apartment building located at 36 South Main Street in Newton.  The owners have been approached by the tenants that they would like to recycle and the owners would like to provide barrels at the building for recycling to be emptied biweekly.  Recycling would be limited to glass, cans, plastics and paper products.  Paiva is looking for a permit in order to bring the recycling to the Newton Transfer Station but since they are not town residents they would need a special exception.

The Board discussed that the tenants have the ability to recycle at the Newton Transfer Station and can bring it down themselves.  The Board reviewed an email from interim Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco stating that the town does not receive any revenue from recycling these items; the benefit is keeping this out of the landfills.  Newton currently accepts only cardboard and paper from non-residents which provide revenue to the town.  

Selectman Melvin motioned not to approve this request.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Award of XTS 2500 Radio to Emergency Management Director
The Board reviewed a letter from the Department of Safety informing the town that they have been awarded a XTS 2500 radio to be used by the Emergency Management.  The radio is issuing this free of charge and the town will be responsible for programming it.  Programming may also be reimbursed by the Department of Safety.  The value of the equipment provided is $1,585.00.  Emergency Management Director Larry Foote was present and discussed this opportunity for it will assist with vital first responder interoperable communications.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the XTS 2500 Radio from the State of NH Department of Safety to the Newton Emergency Management.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Draft Proposal for Police Service Consolidation
Police Chief Streeter showed a PowerPoint presentation outlining a draft concept between the Town of Newton and South Hampton.  This is a conceptual proposal prepared by Chief Streeter for presentation to both towns.

The proposal/concept is presented at this time due to the recent resignation of the Town of South Hampton’s Police Chief.  The timing presented an opportunity for both towns to consider service consolidation for the enhancement of cost savings, police availability and service professionalism for both communities.  Chief Streeter has proposed this idea to the Town of South Hampton Board of Selectmen and to each member of the Newton Board of Selectmen.  South Hampton is interested in talking further about this concept and should be in contact to set up a meeting date and time to discuss this idea.

Selectman Melvin confirmed that with this proposal Newton will have 24 hour coverage which we do not have now.  Selectman Melvin then asked about the response time to a call in South Hampton on Route 150; Streeter responded that it would be approximately 16 minutes which is the farthest distance.

Selectman Donovan asked about the vehicles owned by South Hampton.  Streeter responded that one option would be to have them come under the use of the Newton Police Department but South Hampton would finish paying for any outstanding balance owed on their vehicles.  Streeter added that one issue to be discussed is the seal on the door of the vehicles since we are patrolling two towns.  Chairman Thayer asked if Newton will be responsible for the repairs to the vehicles.  Streeter responded that it would be part of the administrative expense paid to Newton from South Hampton but would fall under Newton’s patrol fleet.  The Board needs to sit down and look over the numbers; Streeter feels that this is a good opportunity for Newton and something that we should look into.
After a brief discussion explaining the draft concept, the Board decided to schedule a work meeting on Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm to meet with the South Hampton Board of Selectmen for a preliminary discussion.  

  • First Quarter YTD Expenditure Reports
The Board reviewed the report and there were no concerns.  

  • 2013 Matrix Schedule
The Board signed the amended Salary Classification Plan and Matrix as of April 16, 2013.

  • Review Selectmen’s Meeting schedule
Chairman Thayer explained that the Selectmen’s meeting schedule is currently on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  On the first Tuesday of the month the public meeting starts at 7pm; on the third Tuesday the meeting starts at 4:30pm.  

Office Manager Winglass put this item on the agenda for the Board has consistently changed the start time on the third Tuesday to 6pm.  The Board agreed to change the schedule to 6pm on the third Tuesday.

  • Announcements
  • Public Notice: Country Pond Fish Advisory from the Department of Environmental Services.  Documentation is online at and at the Town Hall
  • Weekend of April 20th and 21st - Town wide roadside cleanup.  Conservation Commission is working on an Earth Day roadside cleanup with some community groups in town.  Residents were asked to clean the roadside at the front of their property.
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • The Board scheduled another site walk at the Transfer Station for Saturday, April 20th at 1pm.  The public is invited to attend.  Selectman Melvin asked Road Agent Mike Pivero to attend; Pivero responded that he will be there.  
  • Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that evening training with the Local Government Center has been scheduled for May 22nd at 6pm for those that were unable to attend the morning training session.  Selectman Thayer is not available to attend, Selectman Melvin and Selectman Donovan will attend this training session.
Preventing ~Workplace Harassment Training duration: 60 – 90 minutes
This seminar heightens participants’ awareness of harassment in the workplace.~ Federal laws, State laws and company policies that protect workers from harassment are discussed. Participants are encouraged to examine their own attitudes and ~behavior, as well as the impact of their behavior on co-workers. Discussion will include review of recent court rulings and policy recommendations.
Workplace Violence Prevention Training duration: 60-90 minutes
Managers play a significant role in keeping their workplace safe from violence. Research has shown that roughly 85% of workplace violence incidents had clear warning signs. By recognizing and acting on these signs managers can help their organization significantly reduce their risk for workplace violence. This program will provide managers with the information and tools necessary for intervention.
  • Office Manager Mary Winglass informed the Board of the following training session.  Date:~Thursday, May 9, 2013, Time:~9 am – 11 am; Location: Newton Town Hall Meeting Room.  Presenter: ~Kim Burkland-Ward, Local Government Center
Performance Discussions:~ Timely Feedback and Performance Appraisals
~A key ingredient to effective management is honest, direct communication about an employee’s~ performance. Easier said than done! This session will address the entire process of employee appraisal, including writing and setting goals with employees, evaluating employees’ performance, and strategies for communicating bad news. Participants will leave with specific steps and skills for effective employee~appraisal.
~Delivering Difficult Messages
~It’s easy to pay someone a compliment, but when the message we need to deliver is negative, or one that will be hard to hear, it can be quite stressful. In this session, participants will learn common reasons why managers avoid delivering difficult messages, and will explore how to get their difficult messages heard and solutions generated through strategic communication.

  • The Board reviewed an email from Derek Swanbon from Omni Security Systems stating that there will be no charge on the networking of the DVR at the Transfer Station.  The Board asked for one camera to aim toward the sand/salt shed for now and we will see how that works.  
  • The Board signed an appointment for Anne Collyer as a member of the Recreation Commission with an expiration date of April 15, 2016.
Per the recommendation of Town Assessor, Andrea Lewy
  • The Board signed to approve a Veterans Credit for Map 008-03-11-48.
  • The Board signed to approve a Veterans Credit for Map 013-2-15-3.
  • The Board signed to deny a Veterans Credit for Map 008-02-009.
  • The Board signed a Current Use Land Use Change Tax Collector’s Warrant for Map 004-06-3-17 in the amount of $6,500
  • The Board signed a Notice of Intent to Excavate for Map 014-01-024
  • The Board signed a Gravel Tax Levy for Map 014-01-24 in the amount of $28.86.
  • The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated April 16, 2013 in the amount of $467,483.20
  • The Board approved a Payroll Manifest checks dated April 12, 2013 for the pay period ending April 6, 2013
  • The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated April 9, 2013 in the amount of $60,000
  • The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated April 10, 2013 in the amount of $415.48
  • The Board signed two letters to the Bookkeeper regarding the Cable Expendable Trust Fund and to establish a Revolving Fund for Cable.  The Board signed a third letter regarding the same to the Trustee of Trust Funds.
  • Adjourn
Selectman Thayer adjourned the meeting at 8:50pm.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager