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December 4, 2012 & December 10, 2012 Board of Selectmen Minutes

December 4th and 10th, 2012

  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 5:06pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (d) - Contract Negotiations; (a) - Transfer Station and Employee Evaluations.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Chairman McCarthy closed the nonpublic session at 7pm.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following:

The Board unanimous agreed to continue the probationary period for Mark Kerns until March 3, 2013.  He works for the Highway Department.

The Board hired St. Jean Auctioneers and signed an agreement to market and auction the old Police Department located at 2 Amesbury Road.

The Board clarified a motion from a previous meeting made on Monday, November 26, 2012 as follows;

Motion made by Selectman Melvin that the Transfer Station Manager position will go back to a permanent part time position with 34 hours at the Transfer Station and 2 hours of administrative time.  The basis for this is because the Manager is no longer doing the other Facilities Maintenance position.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  All in favor.

The amended motion for clarification is as follows;

Motion made by Selectman Melvin that the Transfer Station Manager position will go back to permanent part time position with 34 hours at the Transfer Station and 2 hours of administrative time after the Manager has been cleared for full duty.  The basis for this is the Manager is no longer doing the other Facilities Maintenance position.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  All in favor.

The other clarification very similar for insurance and bookkeeping reasons regarding a motion made on November 26, 2012;

Motion made by Selectman Melvin that Health and Dental Insurance will be continued for six months after the date that the Transfer Station Manager is cleared to come back to work by the town doctor.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  All in favor.

The amended motion for clarification is as follows;

Motion made by Selectman Melvin that Health and Dental will be continued for six months after that date that the Manager is cleared to come back to work by the town doctor at full duty status.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  All in favor.

Chairman McCarthy added that we need it to be clear that while on Light Duty Status the Manager’s position stays at 40 hours per week and nothing kicks in until he comes back to full duty status based upon the doctor’s recommendation.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman McCarthy started the public meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Introduction of Guests
Chairman McCarthy introduced all the department heads present at the meeting.

Chairman McCarthy explained that the Board received a request from Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur to hold his meeting in public versus a nonpublic meeting to review the revised job descriptions.

Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur was present.

Jolicoeur asked the Board to discuss their decision to amend the job descriptions.  Chairman McCarthy explained that the Board has been working on job descriptions at the Transfer Station many months ago.  The idea came when Jolicoeur and Town Administrator Wrigley gave the Board revised job descriptions and the Board took them and used them as a template.  The job descriptions were kept very similar but some of the changes were due to having very similar job stations.  The job descriptions changed for each station, as presented by Jolicoeur and Wrigley, for the Board felt that if an employee works a different station then they need to sign for that job description as well.  The Board decided to take the basics that everybody should know at the Transfer Station and named it “Guidelines for all employees at the Transfer Station”.   The Board’s intent is for every employee to sign this document and it does say that if they are working at a different station then posted at that location will be a copy of the job description.  Therefore everyone will have available to them the guidelines and job descriptions.

McCarthy continued that they broke down the positions and created an Assistant Manager’s job description and this was for Jolicoeur’s assistant already in place and who is in charge in Jolicoeur’s absence.  Another job description is the guard attendant, recycling, another for the packer and one for the laborer.  Another thing that changed is  they had a laborer and a floater position that became very confusing.  Everyone now starts as a laborer and does the job the Transfer Station Manager decides whether it is stationary for the day or to keep track of stations as needed.  Again with each station having the job description posted will give any employee the duties posted at that location.

Some of the other changes is we had issues with out of town residents, for example a resident from South Hampton can come into the Transfer Station without a sticker on their windshield and only showing their drivers license are allowed to use the bulky item program, pay to dispose of their item (not household waste).  The Board felt that Newton residents for whatever reason without a resident sticker or cannot put a sticker on their windshield are refused and often times denied access.  Our Newton residents are paying taxes and are being held to a higher standard than those from out of town.  To make it easier for the employees and the residents they adjusted the requirement and if their license reads Newton then they would be allowed access.  

Jolicoeur added that the main reason why we started the sticker requirement is due to when Kingston, East Kingston and South Hampton residents come to the facility they do not need a sticker but have restricted access.  Newton residents with a sticker have full access to the facility and anyone can keep a Newton license for three to five years therefore residents that have moved out of town and using their license would be able to gain access to household trash which costs the residents.  McCarthy responded that we have had quite a few residents come forward that said not only do I live here you know me and I cannot put the sticker on the windshield and ended up an adversarial situation.  

McCarthy added that when a resident comes in to register their vehicles then the list is update so that Jolicoeur is aware of who does not live in town anymore.  This may not be the answer to all situations but let’s try to take some baby steps and work with it for our residents.

A resident asked, what are some of the reasons why a resident cannot put a sticker on the windshield?  McCarthy responded that for instance there is an elderly resident who has sticker requirements, the State seal from the House of Representatives and she cannot add the Transfer Station stick on her windshield for it interferes with her vision.  The resident responded that we all know Mary Allen so it should not have been an issue.  McCarthy responded that it has been an issue.  Selectman Thayer added that there are other residents that go to school with stickers on their windshields and cannot add another sticker without interfering with their line of vision, others use rental vehicles on a daily basis.  The resident added that he has a lease vehicle and changes it every one to two years and he replaces the sticker.  McCarthy responded that the policy allows that if a resident cannot put a sticker on their windshield then they can come to the Selectmen for special permission.  Jolicoeur added that he has a list at the Transfer Station of the residents that have been given special permission by the Selectmen.  Selectman Thayer added that he feels it is minimal that people from out of town are trying to gain access and feels that they have done a good job keeping track of the stickers.  Jolicoeur added that he has caught a fair amount of people trying to gain access when he cross references the registration to the sticker number.  Usually once caught they do not come back.

A discussion took place that some residents have been given permission to place the sticker in another area due to medical reasons and another who works for a rental company.  We have been trying to protect the taxpayer for that is our job.  Selectman Thayer asked if Jolicoeur would object to someone having a laminated sticker in the glove compartment that would then have to show it to gain access.  Jolicoeur responded that he would not object if that is what the Selectmen decide to do he will follow whatever policy set forth.  Town Administrator Wrigley asked the Board if they changed the policy to reflect this change.  The Board responded no, they need to work on the policy.  Jolicoeur asked that since the town voted in the Transfer Station ordinance that change may also be part of the ordinance therefore the change might have to go back in front of the voters.

Jolicoeur then asked questions regarding his job description and the memo that he received from the Selectmen.

Jolicoeur asked how and what process was used to make the decision to cut back on his hours.  Did the Board go through the 44 items listed in his job description to determine how much time it would take based upon the list.

Chairman McCarthy responded that they reviewed a lot of information but the main reason was when you inherited this job from prior employee Andy Morse and part of that job was to be a Friday handyman at town buildings.  Earlier this year Jolicoeur sent a memo to the Board stating that he would no longer be able to do the maintenance jobs and we have a need to get these jobs done.  Since they could not attach the two jobs together the Board  hired a custodian to complete these jobs which put Jolicoeur back to permanent part time status as defined in the current Transfer Station Manager’s job description.

Jolicoeur responded that he thought the memo he sent to the Board stated that he was having a problem doing the above and beyond duties plus he was down a couple employees at the Transfer Station.  Because he had only five employees and had to cover stations at the Transfer Station and was unable to do the other duties.  Jolicoeur asked the Board to please revisit this decision, to take a deeper look into his job description and if you look back at his time sheets for he elaborated what he was doing at the Transfer Station which came out to about 47 hours a week.  Jolicoeur added that he has been working to fill in at the Transfer Station and that makes it hard to complete the paperwork.  Chairman McCarthy responded that we certainly can take a look at the time sheets unfortunately with Jolicoeur and the Board’s schedule we have tried to get together a couple of times which did not happen but it was the intent of the Board to sit down and go over what the Board was doing to make it a better place.  Jolicoeur added that he feels that it will not leave him enough time to efficiently take care of things at the Transfer Station.

Jolicoeur’s second question is why was the decision made to require him to take anger management classes?  Chairman McCarthy responded that they cannot respond for all that discussion was made in a nonpublic session and the information has not been made public.

Jolicoeur asked about the requirement to take additional classes through the Local Government Center and will this be worked into his 36 hours.  McCarthy responded that now you are still at 40 hours and the thought was because you are on light duty that this would be part of it.  Selectman Melvin added that we are going to pay you to go to school.  Jolicoeur responded that he would like to go to school for any education can only help make him a better Manager.  McCarthy responded that Jolicoeur will not be the only employee attending these classes, it is going to be more of a town employee training session.  Jolicoeur asked if he was the only Manager that is required to take the anger management class or are there others.  McCarthy responded that information is nonpublic and we cannot talk about others in public session.

Jolicoeur then asked on what grounds did you make the decision to put him on six-month probation.  McCarthy responded that based upon the nonpublic discussions that we cannot discuss in a public meeting that ended up with the anger management and then to see after the classes how you are, do you feel better etc.

Jolicoeur asked if he has ever been written up for any anger situation.  McCarthy responded yes; Jolicoeur asked to refresh his memory.  McCarthy responded that was done in nonpublic and some of it was in 2009.  Jolicoeur responded that he does not remember any write-ups but he will check his file.

Jolicoeur asked to jump to his Job description.

#28 - “Every 3 years create a Solid Waste Bid to be advertised in the newspaper for Solid Waste.  (Areas included in the bid are: Transfer Station, Library, Town Hall, Fire Station, Police Station, and Town Beach & Greenie Park).”  Jolicoeur asked who will be working him to oversee those areas since he is no longer the Facilities Manager.  McCarthy responded that was included in the proposed job description from Jolicoeur so they left it in.  Jolicoeur responded that was part of his job as Facilities Manager so who will he collaborate with on the locations.  McCarthy responded that the bid includes the dumpsters at town locations which are included in the contract.  Jolicoeur asked as the town grows he was wondering who he will be working with.  McCarthy added that this is information compiled as part of the bid and if you do not want to do it just say so.  Jolicoeur responded that he does not want to step on anyone’s toes or go against the wishes of the Board; he was just looking for clarity.  McCarthy responded that he should work with the Town Administrator for these locations come under the General Government Buildings budget.  Town Administrator Wrigley added that this is just part of the bid for solid waste to include the dumpsters at town buildings.  Town Administrator Wrigley added that now that we have hired a custodian he will be picking up the recycling at each location; Wrigley will prepare a memo outlining this change.    

#34 - “Manager can be held responsible for property belonging to the Town of Newton.”  Jolicoeur asked for clarification for it is confusing, is he responsible for all the equipment and what does this mean?  Jolicoeur asked for what equipment and if others damage the equipment is he still responsible as the Manager, does it include normal wear and tear.  McCarthy responded that just like any department head they give a list of inventory, they are responsible to maintain it.  Jolicoeur asked if equipment disappears is he held responsible for it.  McCarthy responded that if there is negligence then any of our department heads would be held responsible.  The Board agreed that in a normal working atmosphere if something breaks then he would not be personally responsible; the Board responded that they will work on clarifying this item.  Selectman Thayer added that we have insurance for all the equipment.  Jolicoeur responded yes but the way it reads it could be perceived a different way.

#43 - “The Manager will make sure the gates are closed when not in use, can be held responsible for losses.”  Jolicoeur asked for an explanation for how can he be held responsible when there are other departments that have a key to the facility.  Selectman Melvin responded that this is the way he perceives it; if you turn around and leave the gate unlocked then you can be held responsible.  If another department head leaves the gate unlocked then you should be telling that department that they left the gates unlocked and change the locks and they will not be allowed a key.  Jolicoeur responded that he does lock the gates when he leaves but there are so many with keys how is he to control it.  There is another department with keys and he has no control over that department; McCarthy responded that they will speak with that department head.  Jolicoeur added that anyone could walk into the facility therefore he does not feel that this item is reasonable.  If he left the gate open then he would be responsible but if someone walks in and something happens would he be held responsible.  Selectman Melvin responded that this is your facility and you are responsible for who has keys and we have the tapes and that is why the Board wants the tapes stored at the Town Hall.  McCarthy added that with the tapes we will know and we are going to put a stop to leaving the gates unlocked.  Selectman Melvin added that Jolicoeur has expressed many, many times that if the State comes down and finds the facility unlocked we could be fined $30,000.  Jolicoeur responded that when the State comes in he is responsible but the $30,000 is for hazardous waste not for the gates being left open, he does not know what the fine would be for leaving the gate open.  Jolicoeur added that he cannot tell an elected official that you must do something for he has no control and that is more of a Board decision.  McCarthy responded then you come to the Board; they understand that it is inconvenient but we do not want a fine, the residents did not approve the swing gates so we could not make that purchase this year to help secure the facility.  Voters keep voting down funding to help secure this facility; this is a horrible way to deal with it but we have no choice.  The Board agreed that Jolicoeur will not be held responsible for other departments leaving the gates unlocked.  Selectman Melvin added that you need to tell whoever is using that gate that if you get out of the vehicle to unlock it then you must lock it on your way out.  Jolicoeur added that he has spoken to the Board about this issue in the past.  The Board responded to let them know what is happening and they will deal with it.  Chairman McCarthy added that we will send a memo out to all department heads regarding this procedure and the impact for not locking the gates.  Selectman Thayer asked who is to review the tapes.  Jolicoeur responded that it is a DVR and anyone can use a memory stick and download the files.

Jolicoeur addressed that on November 20, 2012 a resident Heather Bell came in with concerns and questions about the Transfer Station.  The Board responded that they do not have that information with them tonight but could put it on another agenda.  Jolicoeur responded that he has some answers to her questions as to why things are the way that they are, why the budget is a bit higher than other towns.  McCarthy responded that if you do not mind talking about it without the Board having the information in front of them then that would be ok.  

Jolicoeur stated that Bell was referring to Transfer Stations that deal with only one town.  We service four towns; when the other three towns come in they are given a receipt and it is noted the town they are from and those monies minus the recycling containers and the clothing recycling goes into our Transfer Station Recycling Fund.  Why our budget is higher is because the fees collected do not go into to offset his budget.  All four towns that come in for recycling is paid out of the town budget so that is one of the reasons our disposal budget is so high which accounts for approximately 60% of the budget.  The other 40% is employee pay rates which have been raised for we felt that the way employees were being treated plus with the lower wages; it was difficult to get good people therefore we raised the wages.  Jolicoeur stated that forecasting for the coming year is difficult therefore a buffer is included with the end goal of putting as much back into the general fund at the end of the year by not spending the full budgeted amount.  Jolicoeur added that he is actively trying to lower the salaries line item by sending employees home when they are not needed and the work has been completed.

McCarthy responded that after the meeting she reviewed the material given to them by Heather Bell, she did a great job and we need people like that on our committee.  The interesting thing is when she said the budget is a larger percentage than many other towns but what was not being taken into consideration is that our town departments try to sharpen their pencils to reduce the budget.  Our operating budget is lower than a lot of the other towns therefore percentages for individual departments will seem higher.  Also the way we show revenues, all the recycling revenues that come in does not go back in to offset the budget so those figures are not there and does not show the complete picture and that is one thing that we need to explain.  We have asked the residents in warrant articles to update the facility with swing gates to be paid from the recycling fund and that is all money received from the recycling programs.  Jolicoeur added that he has looked into the profits going into that account and in years past the average was about $18,000 per year in revenue.  Since Jolicoeur has taken over as Manager, revenues are up to approximately $80,000 per year.  The one thing that goes back into our budget is the recycling containers; the clothing recycling revenue goes to support the Food Pantry.

Another item addressed by Heather Bell is that the Transfer Station has been closing early.  Jolicoeur responded that he honestly has never shut the gates early unless directed by the Selectmen due to an emergency.  Jolicoeur uses his phone as the clock that they go by for he feels that is the most accurate.  McCarthy agreed and added that she was there once when Jolicoeur was accused of closing early therefore she knows for a fact that it did not happen.

Jolicoeur addressed another comment by Heather Bell with employees rushing over to tell her that kids under 12 are not allowed out of the vehicle while at the facility.  Jolicoeur responded that if that happened he apologized for in the four years he has never seen this happen.  He has seen an employee come out and state that it is a State Law so please keep the children in the vehicle.  Jolicoeur added that she is correct that his son is dropped off by the school bus and Jolicoeur has walked him across the facility to bring him home.  Jolicoeur stated that he does not do that anymore and he apologized for we do not want to cause a commotion for his objective is to work with everyone in a diplomatic manner.

Vouchers - the comment from Heather Bell that the rules that are not displayed on the card or posted.  Jolicoeur added that he thought that he did a good job to list them on the voucher.  On the bottom of the card did say if you lose it then you will not get another one but if you take a look at the voucher sheet at the Transfer Station there are about four pages of vouchers issued to residents that did not receive one or lost it.  We are working with the residents and Jolicoeur added that he is 100% in agreement with Heather Bell that there needs to be consistency and is glad to have the job descriptions to remove the wiggle room.  Everyone working the gate has to be consistent and we need to be on the same page and treat everyone the same so there is no bias treatment.  Jolicoeur added that his mother came into the Transfer Station without a sticker and she was sent away; it is very hard in his position for you have to follow the rules set by the Board of Selectmen.  There are many that are watching therefore we must be a stickler on the rules.  Jolicoeur added that if someone was told that they could bring in their registration and license to gain access to the facility then that would be going against the Selectmen’s policy and if the Selectmen decide to make that change then they will be glad to follow the new rules.  Jolicoeur apologized for any resident being turned away if they were told that they could use their registration and license.  With the new job descriptions hopefully that will avoid this from every happening again.

Jolicoeur discussed lowering the disposal and recycling costs to the town and feels that he has been effective with that over the past four years.  Fees for metal, TV’s and monitors have dropped for we are now contracting with vendors at a lower rate.  Recycling for cardboard and paper is now paid to the town versus the town paying to recycle this item; we are receiving $65 to $80 per ton.  Rental fees for disposal bins have been substantially reduced because we worked with the vendor and Jolicoeur is working to lower the budget as much as he can and plans on lowering the budget for 2013 because of these contractual changes with his vendors.

Jolicoeur explained that recycling does affect your taxes; we do not pay for recycling but we do pay a lot to get rid of the household trash.  Please try to work with everyone at the Transfer Station to try to get as much recycling as possible.  If we are regulated by the State or the Town policies, please do not take it out on the employees.  The policies we are working on are to help everyone have a good experience at the Transfer Station and if you have questions please contact the Selectmen.  We are all working on the common goal of bringing down the taxes and we need to work as a team.  To have a self sustaining facility is the goal but we all need to recycle in order to do this.  

Chairman McCarthy addressed the fact that the doctor has approved Jolicoeur to come back for light duty.  Jolicoeur thought the Board told him that he could not come back until he was cleared for full duty.  The Board responded no he can work 40 hours per week at light duty.

Chairman McCarthy motioned that based upon Kevin Jolicoeur’s clearance for light duty that he can come back for 40 hours per week effective December 4, 2012 and Office Manager Winglass will help set up the training schedule which will be part of his 40 hours.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Jolicoeur asked if the Board is taking over the preparation of the 2013 Solid Waste Budget.  The Board responded that they are waiting for something from Jolicoeur for the 2013 proposed budget.  Jolicoeur responded that he will start preparing the proposed budget and warrant articles.  Jolicoeur asked if the Board wants him at the Transfer Station as much as possible.  Selectman Melvin responded yes; McCarthy reminded Jolicoeur to be careful.  McCarthy stated that Jolicoeur’s office has not yet been cleared for use since we need to remove the oil tank.  Jolicoeur responded that he has not been using that building since the Chief Building Official Ron LeMere denied it for occupancy.  Jolicoeur has been using a temporary office in the recycling building.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
Scheduled Business

Business Occupancy Permit Regulation

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere, Code Enforcement Officer Laurence Middlemiss and Emergency Management Director Lawrence Foote were present.

LeMere explained that he has been working on this item with Middlemiss and Foote for some time, reviewing the International Building codes for expanding businesses in town occupying a space and the existing procedure in place currently .  The current certificate of occupancy is outdated for the types of businesses coming into town.  We have industrial use expanding, coming and leaving and we do not know when they come into town occupying a space.  Research has been done on the building codes adopted to clarify and find a better way of that process to produce a better document to have a better understanding of what we have in town.  LeMere added that we have over 30 types of classifications in town and the building code has a requirement that we indicate which type of classification for each business at that property.  The building code has allowed us to ask and obtain that information and we have always followed the simple occupancy form but we are in a time and age where we need to have a better alliance with our codes and we need more information.  Part of the requirements is that it is just not to know what we have for businesses in town but also for safety reasons for our first responders going into these buildings.  Changes of use are happening in buildings with no notification to the town and we need to take a proactive approach to work with these businesses in the community.  Welcome them into the community and learn what is happening in the building for life safety reasons.  Any storage of chemicals we need to let the first responders or the general public know that if they go in that they are safe.  Code Enforcement Officer Middlemiss has done research of other towns and how they deal with this policy and what type of form is used for this purpose.  The Department of Building Safety already has the authority to adopt procedures to put this in place but felt that it was important to come before the Board before putting this policy and procedure in place for there will be some positive and negative feedback with this change.

The intent is for all of us to understand there is a potential hazard and creating a safer community.  Chairman McCarthy agreed that having the MSDS sheets are mandatory for businesses and it is important for life safety so we know what is stored at the property.  McCarthy suggested that Fire, Police and EMD also receive a copy of the MSDS sheets.  LeMere explained the form for it will specify what type of business is at the location and to know the hazardous groups for liability.  When a certificate of occupancy is issued it is for the building.  Currently when the occupants move in there is no further requirement and this will help the town to understand what is stored in the building, number of occupants in the building, etc.    

Chairman McCarthy asked to add to the form a place to check off if a generator is at the location for when we have an emergency it would be nice to know if they have a generator.  LeMere responded that is a good point for obtaining generator information from stores then the community would know who has a generator for food storage and who can then serve the public.

EMD Foote talked about his codes come under RSA 153:10 and we have a number of buildings in town that have violations of the life safety codes.  Certain stores have electrical issues where someone was hurt and the town is aware and nothing has been done and the store is still operating today.  Another business has a number of 55 gallon drums with an unknown chemical for it is not labeled or marked.  They have never had an inspection therefore it is not their fault but with this change it will be required to mark the drums.  Foote visited Packer Meadows this week and their concern is the fire alarm panel for when the call comes in all the alarms are sounding but emergency responders have to go door to door to find the unit.  The panel does not tell you which unit which can mean the difference between life and death.  With this new policy and procedure gives the authority to the town to address this with the property owner.

Foote added that there are two new businesses that moved into Puzzle Lane; one is a martial arts studio and the other has to do with cheerleading group.  There are children in these areas with no inspection for assembly to include life safety, exits and the number of occupants.  This is a safety issue for those entering the building or visiting these establishments.  

Since this is a requirement by the State Fire Marshal’s Office, NFPA and other code requirements they are here to ask for the Board of Selectmen to bless this policy for when they receive calls.  Selectman Melvin asked that should this be called a change of use versus a business occupancy permit.  LeMere responded that there has to be an original form of registration and that is where we are lacking.  Selectman Melvin added that labeling it a change of use will leave the existing businesses alone.  LeMere responded that the intent is not to attack businesses in town but we have no means to register for a use of occupancy and to include hazards to include equipment, what is stored in a warehouse and if the gym moves next door to chemicals stored…

LeMere added that this is not about attacking the business community, they are so important to the town; we want to create a path to better communication.  The Building Department is missing the communication tool for businesses in town.  Businesses  have the right to refusal by law, we are just trying to create a better working relationship.  It will help maintain and create a list and know when someone vacates the building and someone new is coming in. Selectman Melvin added that it sounds like you are punishing the legal businesses in town.  LeMere responded that it will help legitimize the process; we are not having the issue with a lot of the older established businesses in town for everyone knows everyone but we have a changing community.  We cannot do this for some businesses but for them all.  The form is simple and if they do not want to allow the town entry then they have the right of refusal.  

Selectman Melvin responded that he has a real issue with this for with his business he has to register with the State every year to register the name of his business, every two years the state comes in to check his air compressor which both have a fee.  DES sends documentation to prove chemicals are stored in a locked container which has another fee.  When do the fees stop, now the town comes in with another regulation.  There is no fee that has been discussed for this new policy and procedure.  LeMere responded again that we need to know for life safety from the existing business community and anyone that follows behind are doing the same with registering with the state and following the state requirements.  For those that are following the regulations then this is merely a quick procedure, nothing more.  LeMere added that when enacting fees it must be approved by the Selectmen per the policy.  As far as the form, LeMere does not need the Selectmen to approve it for the Codes require it but that is not the approach they are looking for this will start on a voluntary basis.  This will be a start of a business community list.  With different business classifications will require different requirements that will apply with some requiring yearly inspections. This will be a voluntary process or if a violation is known.

Chairman McCarthy asked instead of it being an application could it be a Current Business Occupancy Permit.  Middlemiss explained that this is an application, not a permit.  Once completed a permit would then be issued.  Therefore it is a twofold process.

Selectman Thayer asked how this will affect small home businesses.  LeMere explained that if it is a home business then they have gone in front of the Planning Board.  Our town residents are not trying to have a home business without permission.  The concern is the industries with employees and we need to check and know what is taking place at that location.  Any new business will need a building permit and pay the fee for occupancy permit and inspection.  Approval process for businesses comes under Code Enforcement therefore that is part of the problem for there are currently no inspections for current or new businesses.  Selectman Melvin felt that it should be a change of use or ownership.  LeMere responded that we need to establish a base line.

LeMere explained that the reason why they are bringing this in for review and approval for we need to work together on how we are going to move forward.  Complaints will happen for we are tasked with enforcing the codes and regulations.

Selectman Melvin talked about homeowners doing personal use such as painting a car in their driveway at their property and you cannot touch him but the businesses are regulated.  Melvin responded that he does not have a problem with the town knowing what is stored at businesses for life safety.  LeMere responded that the code will apply when the business came into legal existence unless a major renovation takes place.  

Apartments were address which all felt were more important to regulate but this regulation must go to warrant per the Code requirements.

Selectman Melvin asked how are you planning on implementing this policy.  LeMere responded that they will reach out to the business community that they are aware of and let them know that there is no cost and we will receive a level of compliance.  Roll out date has not been determined yet but we need to be able to reach out to them and they may not be aware of their hazard level.  It would start as an education reach out to the business community.  It will not work if we come out with an aggressive approach.

Chairman McCarthy agreed to accept the form with the amendments with no fee associated with the application.  Selectman Melvin suggested that we set this aside tonight and hold a public hearing and invite the town’s businesses to attend to see how they feel.  LeMere responded that he does not have a problem with that but you will be creating a bias response from the business community and you will be giving the business community the right over the residents in town.  Selectman Melvin responded that was not what he is saying, he just wants their opinion.  LeMere responded that what this does is complete the process for occupancy for the business community and if you bring them into a room 99% of them will not agree with the proposed application/permit because it adds regulation and covers up anything that is illegal and a hazard to the community.  LeMere added that we have a 55+ community that is moving closer and closer to an industrial area.  We need to pay attention to what is happening at these locations and reaching out to businesses for there are some that fell through the loop.  Our current form does not include all the information that we need per the building code.  Chairman McCarthy talked about when the Fire Department responds to an alarm we sometimes do not even have the information on who owns it; she sees this form as a way to assist first responders in many areas.  LeMere does not want to take the enforcement approach but to work with the businesses with a corrective action plan if something is found to be out of compliance.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to move forward and to keep us posted and for the Department of Safety to enforce the codes to help the life safety issues in town.  Selectman Thayer responded that before approving it he would like the chance to review it.   Town Administrator added that as a resident she would like to know if a neighbor is storing something that could be detrimental to her property.  With no second to the motion, the Board decided to review this item at their next meeting.

Transfer Station Oil Recycling Shed

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere was present

LeMere discussed his inspections of the buildings at the Transfer Station; one building is used for two purposes, for housing the recycled oil tank and a business office for the Transfer Station Manager.  LeMere told the Manager that he could no longer occupy that space when he completed the inspection and he then handed out pictures of the shed for the record.    

LeMere completed research on the other buildings and talked about relocating the office but there is an additional cost with the equipment in the building.  Another suggestion to the Transfer Station Manager Jolicoeur was to move the used oil tank to building #2 which houses tires and batteries and after talking to Jolicoeur it was determined that we cannot afford to lose any square footage in that building to add another recycling station.  Selectman Melvin suggested at a prior meeting to look into the option to put in an exterior tank with a lean to; LeMere found a used oil container that has a secondary containment tank that can be placed outside and has a locked seal.  This container would have to be placed on a solid cement pad.  The cost is reasonable coming in around $1,400 with an additional $358 in shipping.  This is a solution to move the oil recycling out of the building and it is affordable and less costly than removing the security system or buying another building.  LeMere suggested that we reclaim the oil in that existing tank and contract with a company to remove the tank from the building.     

Until the tank is removed from the building then occupancy cannot be allowed for employees to use due to the lack of ventilation.  McCarthy questioned Jolicoeur on the size of the existing container and how often is it emptied.  Jolicoeur responded that it is a 500 gallon container and our vendor comes every two to three months to empty it.  The town is paid .15 cents per gallon if it is not contaminated.  If it is contaminated then they are charged a household hazardous waste fee of approximately $6,000.  Jolicoeur explained that the town used a grant and town funding to purchase the existing tank therefore we may be able to get some funds for the tank.  Jolicoeur added that we may be able to get grant funding for a new tank.  

LeMere added that we need to determine how you want to move forward to reclaim the existing tank.  We need to pump out the oil and then we will need to remove the tank and dispose of it properly.  The new tank is sealed with a level indicator; the existing tank does not have any type of sealer.  It was discussed that we do not know the condition of the existing tank; Jolicoeur added that he has seen no leaking coming from the tank.  The tank is an inside tank therefore it has been shielded from the elements.

The Board was in agreement to move forward.  Selectman Melvin questioned if we should move forward by emptying the tank now and not accepting anymore oil until we can put this new tank in place.  LeMere responded that if you empty it out and the tank is to stay in the building there will still be some residue and would require a lot of cleaning on the sludge base in the tank.  LeMere would not feel comfortable until the container is emptied and it is sealed up before occupancy is possible.  You are looking at a four to eight week delivery on this container and we cannot put in the concrete pad until the spring.  LeMere addressed the existing tank in that we would have to clean it up as much as possible and then seal the tank; the tank has no gasket on the inlet cover so we need to seal it off somehow eliminating the odors.  Moving in this direction is temporary only and then phase two is to remove the tank in the spring.

LeMere suggested to get things rolling let’s get the tank emptied and he will look into the new tank in detail.  A discussion took place of giving due notice to the residents and the other towns that we will stop accepting used oil for a period of time.  Chairman McCarthy suggested moving forward with the slab and purchase the new tank so we can start accepting oil as soon as possible.    

The Board discussed the concrete pad would be about 6 feet by 6 feet about 6 inches thick with a gravel base below. Road Agent Mike Pivero gave the suggestion of a precast concrete pad which would cost around $500.  This tank does not need a lean-to for it is a free standing container.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned that we move forward with removing the oil in the existing tank in building three and cleaning and sealing the unit and move forward with getting prices for a pad and a new tank.  In addition should the new tank not be in by January 1st the area towns allowed to use the facility as well as Newton residents shall be notified there will be an interruption in receiving used oils until the new tank is installed.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board discussed not waiting until January 1st for that will delay moving the Manager back into his office.  Jolicoeur added that he receives oil from all four towns on a regular basis; sometimes the 500 gallon tank has to be emptied after a month and a half no matter the time of year.  Town Administrator added that funding is available in the General Government Buildings budget.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to give notice to residents and the areas towns that we will temporarily cease taking used oil as of December 11, 2012 at the end of the day until further notice.  We will keep you posted.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  

Use of Storage/Concession Stand

LeMere asked if the Town Administrator Wrigley had a chance to check with the Local Government Center to find other policies or contracts with legal language when we have a business or person using town property.   Wrigley responded that she will work on this item.  Agreeing on the language and putting a policy in place on the use of the building and those using the property may need to comply with the State regulation for food service based upon the frequency.

LeMere talked about a cost estimate of approximately $2,300 for full usage and if you decide to lease it out the town would be required to have a three bay sink to include a hand sink, a mop sink and an electrical hot water tank.  Labor cost estimate if you contract would be around $1,600 but there has been some interest from the community to step up to help get this accomplished for less.

Stairwell at the Gale Library

LeMere suggested that we reach out to obtain bids for reconstructing/restoring the existing structure for to replace it will be very expensive.  LeMere added that due to the cost we will need to go out to bid and he will work on the bid specifications with Office Manager Winglass.

Response to Robert White

This item has been continued until we can get in touch with him.

Payroll Manifest

Chairman McCarthy stated that the Selectmen want to review all payroll manifests and want to start with reviewing this week’s payroll manifest at next Monday’s meeting.

EMD Fire inspections done on November 26th

Copies of the fire inspections completed by Larry Foote were reviewed by Selectman Melvin.

Continue review of 2013 Budgets and Warrant Articles

Budget schedule
All budget reviews on cable
All budgets to include anticipated expenses for year end

The Board did not review any budgets due to the late hour of the meeting.

Recreation Commission request for payments

Recreation Commission Chairman Sue DiMercurio was present.

Office Manager Winglass stated that she has been working with the Recreation Secretary Diane Morin to make sure all the paperwork is together for approval tonight and the Board asked for Recreation to attend the meeting to answer any questions.

Sue DiMercurio explained that Joe Borowy very generously paid out of his pocket for expenses associated with Movie Night and for Town Day.  Office Manager added that the Board questioned if we had a certificate of insurance on file which we do and a copy is attached to the requisition.  DiMercurio explained that Borowy helped out with the event and we need to reimburse him.  

Selectman Thayer motioned to pay Joe Borowy the sum of $130 for lights and popcorn for Movie Night approved by the Recreation Commission dated November 5, 2012.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to pay $83.65 payable to Sue DiMercurio for pies and mums for Town Day approved by the Recreation Commission dated November 5, 2012.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to pay $392.73 payable to Joe Borowy approved by the Recreation Commission dated November 5, 2012 for supplies for Town Day.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Chairman McCarthy explained that we need to be careful of any member making a motion that could be a conflict of interest.  Recreation Commission member Heather Borowy made a motion for her husband to be paid and that is a conflict which is one of the reasons we wanted it to come to the Selectmen.  This is a learning curve for all but remember if hiring a family member then that person must step down from voting.

Boy Scouts Halloween Party requisition

DiMercurio explained that the Recreation voted to reimburse the Boy Scouts $350 this year for the Halloween Party to help offset the cost of the party.  This has been the practice done in past years and the receipts are all attached for the Board to review.

DiMercurio questioned if we can reimburse the Boy Scout how come we cannot reimburse PTO for the Fall Fair.  Chairman McCarthy explained that the town cannot pay an invoice paid out to a private entity.  DiMercurio asked if the PTO makes out an invoice from them to the town would that be acceptable.  McCarthy responded no it needs to come from the vendor that was paid.  The Boy Scouts run the party and town has helped to support this event over the years.  McCarthy explained that when the event is planned the invoice needs to come to the town, made out to the town, prior to the event and paid per policy.  This all takes time and we know that Recreation has been struggling with having a meeting due to not having a quorum but when planning an event we need to make sure everything is done in advance and not at the last minute as has been the case.  

Karen Radjavitch, PTO President spoke about meeting with the Recreation back in June in conjunction with the Fall Festival.  Recreation told PTO that they would give $500 toward this event and they would pay for the dunk tank and all the other activities were provided by PTO.  This was open to all residents and an hour before the dunk tank was to arrive, Recreation had no money to pay for it.  PTO ended up writing the check for the dunk tank.  McCarthy responded that the Board held an emergency meeting the Friday before the event to approve the expense and cut the check but they had no invoices to pay it as per the town’s policy.  The invoice ended up being made out to PTO for they paid for the dunk tank when it was dropped off.  PTO explained that they were told that they would receive reimbursement for expenses and never told that they need invoices.  DiMercurio responded that she is at fault for not seeing this through per the town’s policy.  

The Board decided to have the PTO submit an invoice to the town as a reimbursement for the dunk tank and t-shirts for the Town Fall Day.  Everything was done in good faith and yet some things the Recreation are not aware of so make sure you check with Office Manager Winglass.  The Board will review this again, with the invoice and requisition at their next meeting.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to pay $350 that the Recreation Commission approved for the Halloween Party to Boy Scout Troop 91 as the town share.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

DiMercurio asked the Board about holding a Recreation Meeting with a majority of the members versus what the bylaws state for it reads that a quorum is (4) members; right now Recreation has only three active members plus Selectman Thayer as their liaison.
Recreation will hold a meeting of their members to recommend a revision of the bylaws and will then have the Selectmen approve the bylaws.
Cont review of transferring ownership of curtains to Newton Historical Society

The Board reviewed a past warrant article approved in1994 that allows us to transfer ownership without the requirement of a town meeting vote.

Selectman Melvin motioned to approve transferring ownership of the curtains at the Town Hall with stipulations to the Newton Historical Society by signing the Notice of Property Conveyance.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Historical Society President Bill Landry stated that he is meeting with Curtains without Borders group and will check with her on the value of the curtains after the restoration.

Review bid comparisons for landscaping and cleaning contracts

The Board decided to review this at their next meeting due to the late hour.

Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments

  • The Board signed the Vendor Manifest dated December 4, 2012 in the amount of $2,216,863.80 which includes a school payment.
  • Chairman McCarthy motioned to appoint Diane Morin as an Alternate Member of the Recreation Commission with an expiration date of April 15, 2014.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Department Heads were frustrated for they waited all night to review their budgets and due to the late hour the Board recessed the meeting to Monday, December 10, 2012.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to recess the meeting at 10:47pm.  The meeting will resume on Monday, December 10, 2012 at 6pm at the Town Hall.

Chairman McCarthy reconvened the meeting on Monday, December 10, 2012 at 6:10pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr. and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.  Office Manager Mary Winglass was not in attendance.  The meeting was videotaped.  Minutes were transcribed and typed Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman McCarthy opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

2013 Proposed Budget and Warrant Article Review

Emergency Management Budget

Emergency Management Director Larry Foote’s presented his budget which consists of two separate budgets; one for the town and the other for Seabrook (RERP).  The Seabrook budget runs from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and this is the hardest budget with their fiscal year different from ours but the town is reimbursed 100% by Seabrook Power Plan therefore it is a zero tax impact for the residents.  

The Town EMD budget was reviewed and Foote explained the additional cost in payroll is for training.  Chairman McCarthy explained that we are working on a default budget so to cut the proposed increase of $4,000 consists of a two year increase.  The new template will include the FEMA reimbursement as an offset to the total budget.

Selectman Thayer motioned that we accept the 2013 Emergency Management Budget of $17,290.00.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the Emergency Management Seabrook budget for 2013 at $16,790.40.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  This budget is a wash for Seabrook reimburses the town for Seabrook drills, meetings and training.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to amend the previous motion for the Emergency Management Seabrook budget for 2013 using the figure that Seabrook will reimburse us is $16,830.00.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Tax Collector’s Budget

Town Clerk/Tax Collector Mary Jo McCullough was present.  The Board reviewed the proposed 2013 budget which came in at $1,000 less that the 2012 Default Budget.

Selectman Melvin motioned to accept the 2013 Tax Collector’s Budget in the amount of $30,354.00.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Elections, Registrations & Vital Statistics Budget

This budget has fees that come in and go out; Selectman Thayer added that this is a fair proposal for we are working on a default budget.  

Selectman Thayer motioned to approve the 2013 Elections, Registrations & Vital Statistics proposed budget in the amount of $78,021.36.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Fire Department

Fire Department Bill Ingalls explained that his 2013 proposed budget has a 3.5% increase over the 2012 default budget.  The 2013 salary line item has an increase of $6,000.  After discussing the Ambulance line item it was agreed by all to zero out this line item therefore reducing the proposed budget by $3,000.

Chief Ingalls explained his budget in that some items are required to handle situations as they happen.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned that we accept the 2013 proposed Fire Department budget of $195,125.00.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion carried with Selectman Melvin voting no due to the new SUV payment in the budget.

Chief Ingalls added that the mobile radio units in the Fire Trucks given to us by the State are now outdated and he is working on a grant for funding new radios.

It was discussed that the revenue from the ambulance should be shown to the public so they are aware of the whole picture, what is coming in as well as being paid out.

Business Occupancy Permit Regulation

Selectman Thayer stated that he stills has a couple of questions regarding this proposed regulation.  Small businesses run out of homes in town and if you see a sign are you then going to knock on their door?  LeMere responded that is a Home Occupation and is addressed by the Planning Board.  This regulation is based for commercial properties; home occupations are reviewed by the Planning Board.

Selectman Thayer talked about a business in town that went over the building department and went directly to the State.  LeMere remembered this business and responded that the business owner decided to close their doors for whatever reason.  

Selectman Melvin added that he is not in favor of the permit for he feels that it should be a change of use.  Chairman McCarthy responded that if it is a change of use then we cannot address those that are now having issues that we are aware of.  Selectman Melvin responded that he can already do that, he told us that already and this is creating more work for the building department and someone has to pay for it.  Inspections on every business needs to happen to make it the same for all across town.  McCarthy asked what we do about a life safety issue that is happening now.  Melvin responded that sanctioning the new form is not needed for the Department of Building Safety to move forward.  Selectman Thayer stated that he agrees with this form but he thinks it should have an effective date and anyone in business before that date is grandfathered.  Foote responded that the Life Safety Code is for everyone and there have not been any inspections for years in this town.  LeMere explained that there are businesses that have been in place for 20 years or more without any type of inspection.  We have an occupancy permit for the building but not for the use.  Selectman Melvin explained that the East Kingston Planning Board has jurisdiction over the tenant with a site plan review.  LeMere asked if that is going to happen in Newton.  Selectman Melvin responded that is what should happen here.  LeMere explained that the Planning Board is part of this review but since the Building Department is out in the field then they are seeing what is going on and completes the circle for this process.  This will become another regulation that is part of the Building Department for no one from the Planning Board is reviewing this information on a regular basis.  This form and regulation will go on the website and be available at the Town Hall.

LeMere added that fees collected from Building permits will go to offset the cost with this new regulation.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the Business Occupancy Permit Regulation packet and new application as presented with the amendment to add a generator.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion carried with Selectman Melvin opposed.

Selectman Thayer asked if there is any chance of having a six-month probation.  LeMere responded that we will approach the owners with a corrective action plan.  The State uses 90 days and then completes a compliance inspection.  

Transfer Station Used Oil Tank

LeMere produced information regarding pricing for the Transfer Station purchase of a new used oil tank and a cement slab.  LeMere added that the tank company has the item in stock item, a 385 gallon oil container, they adjusted some of the numbers which came to a total of $1,700 including shipping with the customer to unload.  The precast concrete pad came in at a cost of $290.00.  The Board discussed that the first thing we need to do is get the tank out of the building.  Selectman Thayer added that if we have the funding he wants to see this moving forward.  LeMere responded that at the last meeting he was tasked with getting you the hard costs.  Chairman McCarthy reviewed the general ledger accounts and found that there is funding available in the improvements line item in the General Government Buildings budget.

The Board decided to move forward with the purchase and not to pay the vendor to unload but have someone with a backhoe do it which would cost around $100; Selectman Thayer added that we can ask Road Agent Mike Pivero.  Selectman Melvin added that once we see the slab we may decide to order another one.  

Selectman Melvin motioned that we purchase a new oil tank for the Transfer Station from Tank Depot in the amount of $1,400 plus $300 for shipping for a total of $1,700 and to purchase a precast concrete slab from A.J. Foss for $165 plus $125 for delivery for a total of $290 and there will be an additional fee for unloading.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

LeMere and Wrigley will work on purchasing these items.

Cable Committee Room

LeMere explained that with the door closed with no ventilation to the Cable Room the equipment gets quite hot and the committee is looking for ways to circulate the air with the use of an inline fan.  LeMere checked on the cost to install a Panasonic inline fan in the wall next to the door and a second ventilation to keep the air flowing.  Fan cost around $273 and a door grade vent is approximately $13.  The only additional cost is for the electrical work for it would be temperature control so it would turn on the fan when it reaches a certain temperature.  LeMere will bring this to us again once he has a price for the electrical work and the plan is to use our in house custodian for the fan and ventilation installation.

Continue review of the 2013 proposed Budgets and Warrant Articles
Department of Building Safety and Code Enforcement

LeMere was present to review his revised budget for the Department of Building Safety and Code Enforcement.  LeMere explained that his revised budget combines the Department of Building Safety and Code Enforcement versus having two separate budgets.  This will eliminate the code enforcement budget of $13,500 and LeMere proposed to add $10,500 to the Code Enforcement line item in the Dept of Building Safety budget of $10,500, reduce the Building Inspector payroll by $16,000, reduce the Assistant Inspector payroll by $5,000, reduce the Permit Clerk by $2,000 for a total budget for the Dept of Building Safety of $83,452.00.  This is a reduction of $12,500 compared to the 2012 budget.  The Code Enforcement budget has been zeroed out since it was reduced and placed in the Department of Building Safety budget.

Chairman McCarthy asked about training for the Permit Clerk.  LeMere responded that she is attending this Thursday.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the 2013 Department of Building Safety budget which includes Code Enforcement of $83,452.00.  No second.

Selectman Thayer motioned to approve the 2013 Code Enforcement proposed budget in the amount of $0 which is down from $15,000 for it is being included in the Department of Building Safety.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  For DRA purposes it will be 0 in that line item.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the Department of Building Safety of $83,452.00 which includes Code Enforcement and is considerable less than last year.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Thayer thanked LeMere for all his hard work and bringing in a fair budget and the taxpayers should appreciate what the Building Department does and Code Enforcement.  They are part of how we keep the taxes lower and they do a really good job.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Vendor Manifest - Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve this manifest dated December 10, 2012 for a total of $11,009.35.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Payroll Manifest - The Board discussed that they want the payroll time sheets and the payroll summary document with the blue line on the top with the date.  That sheet shows regular time, overtime, paid time off, holiday time etc. The Boards wants to review this information for every pay period.  The Board also ask for the General Ledger in detail monthly from January 1st to current with the detail and showing the revenues.  Chairman McCarthy will clarify this information to Rick Milner, Bookkeeper in an email.

Recreation Commission

Research was done for an outstanding invoice from June 2012 for the purchase of swimsuits for the Lifeguards and found that it is still unpaid for a total of $339.50.  The Board signed the requisition as recommended by the Recreation Commission.

The Board then reviewed and signed a requisition from the Recreation Commission for a tape recorder from the Recreation Commission.

The Board reviewed and signed a requisition for a 2 hour rental for a vacation week youth skating program in the amount of $350.00.

The Board reviewed a requisition from Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur to remove the overhead wires to the garage and bury them at a cost of $1,000.  The Board asked for more information before making a decision.

Ratio Study documentation prepared by Town Assessor was reviewed and signed by the Board of Selectmen.

A gas bill was reviewed from picking up two generators using one of the Government Surplus Vehicles on November 29, 2012 for a total of $200.  Chairman McCarthy explained that we need a general ledger account to put the gas expense for this reason.  The Board asked for Town Administrator Wrigley to contact the Police Chief to let him know of the Board’s decision for this to be paid from his budget for the first year it is the Police Departments equipment.

The Board signed a requisition from Road Agent Mike Pivero for (4) Welcome to Newton signs.  The Board asked for one of the signs to say “Welcome to Newton Junction”.  

Chairman McCarthy read an email from an exchange student looking for a family that is willing to host a Chinese student at Sanborn Regional High School.  For more information, contact the Selectmen’s Office.

The Board took copies of contract renewals to review before the next meeting.

The Board asked the Planning Board to find out if the landscaping contractor approved by the Cemetery Trustees has approval from the town.  The Board wanted to make sure there is no concern with zoning.

The Board reviewed a renewal and revaluation with CMS a Medicare Administrative Contractor to bill for transport of the town owned ambulance with a fee of $523 to sign up for this through Medicare.  If we do not sign then we cannot bill Medicare for transport and this payment is for a period of five years.  The Board approved the renewal payment.

Chairman McCarthy is working on an updated spreadsheet to include revenues and/or reimbursement to be given out to residents at the Deliberative Session.

Chairman McCarthy adjourned the meeting at 8:47pm.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager