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September 18, 2012 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 4:30PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman McCarthy opened the meeting at 4:37pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Raymond D. Thayer was not in attendance.  Due to Thayer’s absence, the meeting dealt with only time sensitive material for Chairman Trisha McCarthy had to leave at 5pm.

The Board met with Health Officer Robert Leverone in an emergency meeting for the State DHHS has notified the Town Health Department that a mosquito pool has tested positive for EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) in Newton.~ Leverone has been in contact with Dragon Mosquito and recommends a town wide roadside spray as soon as possible based upon favorable weather conditions.  The Board agreed to a town wide roadside spray; Leverone will keep the Board updated as we move forward with a date.  Leverone stressed the importance that the first line of defense against mosquitoes is personal protection.

Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Transfer Station and Greenie Park
(Nonpublic meeting did not take place)

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Scheduled Business
  • Set date for Trick or Treat
Residents Wendy Miller, Joe Castellano and Angela McVey were present to give input on setting the date for Trick or Treat this year.  Castellano asked the Board to set the date for either the Saturday before or after October 31, 2012 due to safety reasons.

Castellano started the conversation by stating that two years ago a group of residents were in here for the safety of the children and asked the Board to set the date for trick or treat on Saturday night which was overwhelming approved by the Selectmen.   Last year the date was set for a weekday night and he thought that it was officially in as a weekend event.  McCarthy explained the Board sets the date of trick or treat each year.

McVey explained that she is a teacher and lives on Williamine Drive which turns into Halloween town each year.  Saturday is the best day for trick or treat for there are many that visit from Newton and out of town and it is very crowded.  For safety reasons there are vehicles parked on the street and there are not a lot of lights on the road.  The kids have a school party that day, it gets dark earlier and for the parents to rush home to get it all done in time plus the amount of traffic is a safety issue.  

Castellano agreed that there are not many street lights in this town and he does not get home until after dark as most parents are working and arriving home late therefore for the safety of the children he would like to see it on Saturday.

Miller discussed the safety of the children and this year the Middle School is on a school trip that day and will be coming home on the late bus which will make it difficult and it makes more sense for safety reasons.  The Newton Community Board has been discussing this issue and many agree but could not be here tonight for there are parent/teacher conferences tonight at the Middle School.

The Board decided to not make a decision tonight, Selectman Thayer asked to have this on the agenda tonight and yet he could not attend due to illness.  Selectman Melvin added that we should speak with the Police Chief to get his input.  McCarthy added that we also need to check with the other towns to find out when they are setting the date.  McCarthy added that in the past they received a lot of feedback from the residents stating that the holiday should be on the holiday.  The Board will review this item again at their next meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2012.

  • Acceptance of Twombly Drive
Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley received final approval from Town Counsel to accept Twombly Drive as a Town Road.

Selectman Melvin motioned that we accept Twombly Drive as a Town Road based upon the decision of the Planning Board and Melvin being the Planning Board Liaison.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed.

  • Review of Transfer Station job descriptions
Sprinkler System Re: Fire Suppression Cistern
2012 Wage/Salary Matrix

Town Administrator Wrigley asked the Board if they are prepared to sign the 2012 Wage/Salary Matrix which is a list of current employees and their rate of pay as of today’s date September 18, 2012 and the amended Salary Classification Plan.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the Salary Classification Plan as amended as of today 9/18/2012 as written.  With no second the motion failed.  Selectman Melvin asked to be able to review the information before signing.  Town Administrator Wrigley responded that nothing is out of order; the update is based upon changes approved by the Board.  

  • Transfer Station Office
  • Timeline for 2013 Town Meeting
  • Quote to install electrical service at Beach Shed
  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • The Board signed a Welfare Manifest in the amount of $1,025.00.
  • The Board reviewed a requisition they just received from the Recreation Commission for the purchase of bathing suits from the Lifeguard Store.  McCarthy was not sure if it had been paid for the purchase was made in June and August 2012.  The Board asked for the Bookkeeper to contact the company to find out if the bill has been paid by check or credit card.
  • The Board signed a request from Town Clerk Mary Jo McCullough authorizing the ACO/PD the issuance of civil forfeiture notices to the owners of 104 unlicensed dogs.  
  • The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated 9/17/2012 in the amount of $54,051.79
Selectman Melvin motioned to accept the Vendor Manifest as amended in the amount of $54,051.79.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Motion passed.

  • The Board signed a second Vendor Manifest for a contract payment to the Town Assessor.
Chairman McCarthy motioned to sign a Vendor Manifest dated 9/6/2012 in the amount of $3,575.01.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed.

  • Adjourn
Chairman McCarthy adjourned the meeting at 5:08pm.

Selectman Melvin re-opened the meeting at 5:09 for the Board did not make a motion to approve the funding for a town wide roadside spray due to the mosquito pool testing positive for EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis).

Chairman McCarthy motioned to allow Dragon Mosquito Control to conduct a town wide roadside spray according to the weather conditions; the town will be notified through the Alert Now Telephone System and the usual media sources to be paid out of EEE/WNV budget.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed.

Selectman Melvin adjourned the meeting at 5:10pm

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager