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September 5, 2012 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 5:30PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 5:33pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr. and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.  The meeting was audio taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • Sign Vendor Manifest
The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated August 29, 2012 in the amount of $51.69.

The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated September 4, 2012 in the amount of $724,562.10.

The Board signed a Vendor Manifest dated August 7th - August 18th in the amount of $15,152.02.

The Board signed a letter to the Sanborn Regional School District which included Newton’s submission of “Impact Fees” including accrued interest in the amount of $13,915.64 to be applied toward the 2004 New High School - Bond Payment.

The Board signed a Welfare Manifest in the amount of $350.00.

The Board signed a Timber Tax Levy for Map 008-03-011 in the amount of $218.80.

Cont review of Paving Bids

Chairman McCarthy stated that she did leave a message informing Road Agent Mike Pivero of tonight’s meeting and reposted the agenda to include this item on Saturday.

Selectman Melvin stated that again he does not want to pave Maple Avenue this year.  The subdivision is not de-funked; subdivisions carry on forever.  According to Jim Doggett, subdivisions do not go away other than through the court.  Melvin added that he knows two people that are interested in the subdivision and felt that we should wait a little bit.  He added that he would rather see them do the work than us.  Selectman Thayer agreed let them do the work.

Selectman Melvin added that Pivero can do work farther down on Maple Avenue, the culvert that he spoke about….Chairman McCarthy responded that you are in agreement for work to be done on Maple Avenue just on a different area, not near the approved subdivision.

The Board discussed the road improvement plan and Selectman Melvin added that if nothing happens this year with the subdivision then we can do the work next year.

Town Administrator Wrigley questioned what happens if someone buys the subdivision and sells a couple of the lots, how will that work for the culvert work.  Melvin responded that they will not be able to do anything until the culvert work is complete which would be the responsibility of the developer.

Wrigley asked if Pivero is going to be included in this decision; the Selectmen responded that we asked him to give us a week; when we spoke there was another option to hot top Hadley Road.  

Chairman McCarthy added that she spoke with Pivero last week and asked if he spoke with the paving/reclaiming companies; Pivero told her that he had spoken to them and it would not be a big deal for he would have them work on Hadley Road.  

Selectman Melvin motioned to amend his motion not to include Maple Avenue and direct him toward Hadley, unless he has a different plan.  At this particular time, we do not want to pave Maple Avenue right now.  If nothing happens in another year, I know they are there, if it does not happen then go ahead and do it.  Melvin added that he does not care what roads are paved; it does not matter to him but we need our roads repaired.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Chairman McCarthy clarified that we are asking Pivero not to include Maple Avenue in this year’s paving and to leave it up to his discretion on what roadwork will take its place; if it is a different price then he would come back to the Board.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.   

  • Adjourn
Chairman McCarthy adjourned the meeting at 5:59pm.

The Board reopened the public session at 5:59pm so they could review a memo from Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur.

The memo informed the Board that on August 30, 2012 he noticed that two (2) pallets of batteries were missing and he is not sure when they were stolen.  He contacted Police Streeter and whoever stole the batteries made it look like nothing was missing.

The Board discussed how the perpetrators gained access and the Board agreed to a temporary location of the batteries per the recommendation of Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur.

Chairman McCarthy adjourned the meeting at 6:13pm.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager