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August 7, 2012 Board of Selectmen Public Hearing Minutes

In accordance with RSA 265:63-I-(d) and 47:17 VII notice is hereby given to all residents of Newton, New Hampshire, that the Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 7pm at the Town Hall for the purpose of discussing a possible change to the speed limit to 25mph on George’s Way and Brenner Drive.  The public is encouraged to attend.

Chairman McCarthy opened the public hearing to discuss a possible change to the speed limit on George’s Way and Brenner Drive.  

Police Chief Streeter explained the reasoning for tonight’s discussion on this somewhat new subdivision which became a little more unique when they extended Brenner Drive and connected two streets creating a cut through.  Since the connector there are many speeding complaints on Brenner Drive and a few years ago a stop sign was installed to help alleviate the speeding problem.  This help to alleviate the problem but he has been getting more speeding complaints on Brenner Drive.  

Streeter added that the Board has statute authority to reduce the speed from what is ordinary 30 mph under NH RSA 265:60-ll-(b).  However, if the Board of Selectmen determines that a speed limit is greater than reasonable and safe under the particular conditions they can lower the speed limit to “not less than 25 miles per hour”.  Chief Streeter added that holding the public hearing allows the neighbors to be involved and is the basis for being here tonight.  

There were many residents in attendance and Chairman McCarthy asked to show by a raise of your hand if you are in favor of changing the speed limit to 25mph.  Based upon the overwhelming number of hands raised in the air, the Board determined that 25 mph wins the majority.

Resident Mary Reardon asked if there were other streets in town that have been posted and reduced to 25mph or is this the beginning of something.  Streeter responded you address these issues as they pop up; we have a few other streets with similar issues but we will address it as we get to them but felt that the Board should consider a change to the speed limit due to the activity in this area.

Jason Lemay suggested including an additional sign stating “strictly enforced” and to increase the patrols for the first six months.  Streeter responded to the issue of enforcement, people need to be informed and agreed to include “strictly enforced” otherwise it does not have the effect.  Streeter did not mind the extra signage for it comes out of the Highway budget not his…..Chairman McCarthy added to the Chief’s comments wearing her former Police hat; we do not want to broadcast how long we may or may not do something or when we are going to do it.

Kristie Sullivan of George’s Way asked how many speed limit signs will be put up and what is the plan for placement of the signs.  Streeter responded at least one at the beginning and one at the end.  Streeter recommended to the Board to at least start with one at each end for now and see how that works.  Sullivan added that the stop sign does help with the speeding issue but often they roll through the stop sign but they do slow down.  Sullivan added that there are 30 children on George’s Way alone with two more on the way so there are a lot of children and there are several dog walkers.   

Chairman McCarthy motioned in favor of adopting 25 mph speed limit signs to be posted at Georges Way and Brenner Drive at the appropriate places as designated and recommended by the Road Agent, Police Chief and the Fire Chief and to include “strictly enforced” signs.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to close the public hearing at 7:22pm.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary Winglass, Office Manager