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October 24, 2011 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Office of the Board of Selectmen
2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
Tel: 382-4405 ext. 10 * Fax 382-9140



  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Foote called the meeting to order at 2:03pm.  In attendance were Chairman Lawrence B. Foote, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley introduced Mary A. Williams as the new part time Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator.  Wrigley added that Williams will start immediately given a favorable background check.  The Board signed a letter to Mary Williams offering the position of Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator.

Selectman Thayer motioned to hire Mary Williams effective today at Grade XIX, step 1 with a probationary period of three months pending a background check.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated October 4, 2011, October 6, 2011 and October 11, 2011
Chairman Foote motioned to approve the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated October 4, 2011, October 6, 2011 and October 11, 2011 as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated October 4, 2011 and October 11, 2011
Chairman Foote motioned to approve the Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated October 4, 2011 and October 11, 2011 as written.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Scheduled Business:
  • Review quote for bathroom at the Transfer Station
The Board reviewed a cost analysis for the installation of an incinerator toilet at the Transfer Station.  The costs associated with this installation include electrical work (Pat McCusker) for $1,225; building (Tom Drawdy) for $760; Toilet (Incenolet) for $2,000; Bowl liners for $90; bowl liner dispenser for $15 for a total cost of $4,090.00.  The building will be placed behind the recycling shed.  

Jolicoeur added that he reviewed the Transfer Station 2011 budget expenditures and after calculating out the costs for the remainder of the year he feels confident that he has the funds in his budget to cover the complete installation.  

Chairman Foote motioned to accept the quote for the bathroom at the Transfer Station for up to $4,090 to be paid from the Transfer Station Improvement line item.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Discussion: Chairman Foote asked if Jolicoeur ran this installation by the Building Department for their recommendation on the electrical work, etc.  Jolicoeur responded that the electrician will pull permits for the work and it will be inspected by the building department.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Review of Solid Waste bids
The Board reviewed a spreadsheet prepared by Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur using the 2010 tonnage and number of hauls to show the projected cost for years 2012, 2013 and 2014 based upon the quotes received from each vendor that bid on this contract.  Jolicoeur added that it is clear that there are two companies that came in close to each other with the lowest bid price from Northside Carting, Inc and G. Mello Disposal Corp.  Jolicoeur added that the town has been working with G. Mello Disposal for the past eight years and the town has been very happy with the service they provide.  Jolicoeur added that if we switch to Northside we will need to change out the equipment, inspect the electrical work which may require us to close the Transfer Station to make this transfer.  With Mello the equipment is already in place, the service has been excellent and they are the lowest bidder.  A representative from Northside Carting was present and reviewed the spreadsheet prepared by Jolicoeur.  

Selectman McCarthy motioned to approve G. Mello Disposal Corp as the Solid Waste Vendor for a three year contract with an optional two years.  Second by Chairman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Review proposed 2012 Budget
The Board reviewed proposed 2012 budgets and asked for clarification from the following departments;

The Board asked to invite the Fire Chief to come in to meet with the Board to help explain his budget.  Chairman Foote will speak with the Fire Chief about setting up a meeting.

The Board asked to send back the 2012 proposed budget from the Gale Library asking them to include year to date expenditures with the period ending date of the expenditures.

The Board asked to inquire with the Planning Board for the 2011 year to date expenses for the legal line item is zero and Selectman McCarthy stated that she is aware of the Planning Board asking for legal advice from Town Attorney Sumner Kalman.

The Board made some recommended changes to the wording on one warrant article submitted by the Recreation Commission and asked for an explanation or syllabus for the proposed summer camp.  

  • Review schedule for Selectmen Meetings and budget review
The Board reviewed their meeting schedule for the remainder of the year.  There are three meetings schedule for November and Selectman McCarthy will be traveling for her job therefore unable to attend two of the meetings.  The Board discussed scheduling other meetings during the month, if necessary.  In December the main focus will be the 2012 budgets and warrant articles.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $250.00 from the Gideon Lodge No. 84 & AM in Kingston to the Newton Food Pantry
Chairman Foote motioned per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $250.00 from the Gideon Lodge No. 84 & AM in Kingston to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Cable Television Renewal Franchise
Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that the Cable Committee and Comcast finalized the renewal franchise and the cable committee is recommending for the Board to sign the document as written.

Selectman McCarthy motioned to accept the Cable Television Renewal Franchise as written.  Second by Chairman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.  The Board signed the franchise renewal document.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • Help Wanted: Floating Transfer Station Attendant.  The Board reviewed a help wanted advertisement prepared by Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur.  The Board approved of the final wording after making a minor adjustment.
  • Voucher System – The Board reviewed specifics for the proposed 2012 voucher system as prepared by Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur.  Town Administrator Wrigley questioned the name on the voucher versus placing “resident” therefore not restricting it to one person at the property.  The Board agreed that adding “or resident” on the voucher will allow for this program to work more efficiently.  The 2012 program offers two vouchers for property owners only who resides in town at their primary residence.  The Board agreed to design the voucher as proposed by Selectman McCarthy to have one voucher allow for two trips; the Attendant would hole punch the voucher when the first voucher has been redeemed.  The voucher allows for a 6 or 8 foot bed load of acceptable items from the fee list; the Attendant will handle the situation when a resident brings smaller items in a car.  Jolicoeur responded that the Attendants will keep track of the amount brought in by recording it on his log.  New residents will be given vouchers based upon property transfer information.  Jolicoeur will work on obtaining quotes from two different companies on the cost of the vouchers and mailing.
  • Request from Matt Muskrat, Newton Baseball & Softball Association asking to meet with the Board regarding the upcoming season and access to the concession stand.  The Board asked for a response to be sent from the Selectmen stating that we are waiting for the results from the engineer working on the septic design at Greenie Park.  Once we have the results we will then be able to get back to you regarding the use of the concession stand.  Please make sure that Matt includes the Recreation Commission in all correspondence/requests for it is imperative that they are kept in the loop.
  • The Board reviewed an email to Town Administrator Wrigley from Brian O’Rourke, Vice President NBSA.  O’Rourke asked to meet with the Board regarding access to the building at Greenie Park.  The Board decided to  invite NBSA into the November 1, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting and asked to have all the documentation on hand from Health Officer Bob Leverone and Chief Building Official Ron LeMere.  
  • The Board signed the Vendor Manifest dated last week for a total of $67,100.83
  • The Board reviewed a letter from the NH Office of Energy and Planning with information regarding the low-income weatherization program.
  • The Board signed a letter to Russell Riccio owner of 58 Peaslee Crossing Road.
  • The Board signed a letter for Michael Pivero of Eastern Seaboard Concrete Construction stating that the Town of Newton, NH has been working with Eastern Seaboard as an Independent Contractor for many years.
  • The Board signed the contract with Virtual Town Hall for Video Streaming for a total of $500.
  • The Board signed a contract for #2 fuel oil with Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil.
  • The Board signed a Veteran’s Tax Credit denial for Map 013-02-15-3
  • The Board signed a Veteran’s Tax Credit approval for Map 008-03-11-2
  • The Board signed a Veteran’s Tax Credit approval for Map 005-03-14-1
  • The Board signed letters to the applicants that applied for the part time Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator position.
  • Chairman Foote announced that starting with the next Selectmen’s Meeting on November 1, 2011, Selectman Raymond Thayer will be the Chairman.
  • Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Hiring of Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator; (a) – Employee Evaluations; (c) – Code Enforcement
Chairman Foote motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Hiring of Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator; (a) – Employee Evaluations; (c) – Code Enforcement.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Foote – aye; Selectman Thayer – aye; Selectman McCarthy – aye.  Vote:  Unanimous.

Chairman Foote motioned to close the nonpublic session at 5pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce that the Board approved to send a letter to the owner of 5 Crane Crossing Road.

  • Adjourn
Chairman Foote motioned at 5:03pm to recess the meeting until tomorrow so we can sign the payroll manifest.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Foote motioned to reconvene the public meeting at 12:43pm on October 25, 2011.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  In attendance were Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Chairman Lawrence B. Foote and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Selectman Trisha McCarthy was not in attendance.

  • The Board signed the Payroll Manifest for the period of October 9th – 22nd.
Chairman Foote motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:45pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager