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May 17, 2011 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Office of the Board of Selectmen
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
   Tel: 382-4405 ext. 10 * Fax 382-9140

TIME: 4:30PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 4:42pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Lawrence B. Foote, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was videotaped; the minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.  

Chairman McCarthy announced that she is sorry for the delay as the Board conducted a site walk at 1 Heath Street and ran a little late.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting) Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated April 25, 2011 and May 2, 2011
Selectman Foote motioned to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Minutes dated April 25, 2011 as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Minutes of May 2, 2011 as written.  Second by Selectman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Scheduled Business:
  • Review State of NH E9-1-1 Data Capture for the Town of Newton
Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley informed the Board that she submitted a packet to the Police Department, Fire Department and Road Agent, as well as to the Selectmen with documents dated April 20, 2011 from the State of NH E9-1-1.  These documents include an 11x17 address book, address list, acceptance letter, acknowledgment of nonstandard addressing and other pertinent documents.  

Wrigley discussed recommendations from E9-1-1 showing a list of eight changes in town.  Wrigley added that with the last E9-1-1 update some residents refused to change their address and still have not made the change.  Wrigley stated that we need the department heads to give their input and suggested a work meeting with those involved with this update.  Wrigley asked to hold off from signing anything tonight for she want to review this information with the Town Assessor.

Chairman McCarthy added that possibly we can encourage residents to put street numbers outside their house or mailbox as part of this process for emergency services.  This item will be continued to the next meeting on May 24, 2011.

  • RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $7.50 from the Gale Library and $55.70 from the Newton Learning Center to the Food Pantry
Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept and expend per RSA 31:95-b, $55.70 from the Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Selectman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept and expend per RSA 31:95-b, $7.50 from the Gale Library/Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Selectman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Recreation Commission Re: Lifeguard Shack, Beach Cleanup, Memorial Day Parade and Trip to Indian Head Resort

Lifeguard Shack

Selectman Foote read a memo from Office Manager Winglass informing them that a phone line will be installed at the Guard Shack at the Town Beach on Thursday, May 26th in the afternoon by Fairpoint.  Recreation Chairman Pauline Dupuis will be available on that day to meet with Fairpoint for this installation.  The cost is approximately $200; Winglass is working with Earthlink to order the new phone number.  The Recreation Commission will purchase the phone and will address the location of the phone line in the shack.

Selectman Foote motioned to accept the purchase of approximately $200 for the installation of a phone line at the guard shack at the Town Beach.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Discussion: This is to be paid from the General Government Buildings budget; there is to be no long distance service on this line and we need to look at the cost to activate the line for a three month period only for it may or may not be cost effective.  Vote: Unanimous.

Memorial Day Parade

Recreation Commission Secretary Sue DiMercurio talked about having invited the following to the Memorial Day Parade; Newton’s Belgium Draft Horses, High School Band, Football team, t-ball, Police Department, Veterans, Walter Riley on a bicycle, Miss Massachusetts, Miss New Hampshire and Miss Rockingham County.  Fire Department is trying to get someone from the department to help on the day of the parade.  Area Fire Departments were contacted as well as the Sheriff’s Department, State Reps, Selectmen as well as a Karate School from Plaistow.  Newton Junction Baptist Church will have a float in the parade and Pastor Jim Malkemes will cover the opening and closing of the ceremony.  Chairman McCarthy added that she will give Sue the phone number for Captain Morrills Company and we need to get someone who can play taps.  McCarthy reminded Sue that no vehicles go in the cemetery and they usually turn around at CBI; the horses cannot be placed near the band or the Fire Department.  Sue responded that she was looking to put the horses near the end of the parade.

The Board then reviewed a notice from the Recreation Commission to be placed on the town’s website, cable channel and the Carriage Towne News.  The notice included the parade route which was discussed for the notice included an extended route to include Elm Street.  The Board discussed that last year Elm Street was not included due to the extended walk, Fire Department vehicles and not sure the horses and rig can go down the side of Elm Street.  These items will be looked into by Sue; it was decided to remove the parade route from the notice for now.  Sue added that we are in search of antique cars for the parade; anyone interested should call Sue at (603) 382-4405 ext. 13.

Indian Head Resort

Recreation Commission Chairman Pauline Dupuis informed the Board that approximately 31 people have signed up for this trip and they are expecting more to signup this Thursday.  

Dupuis submitted a letter to the Selectmen requesting for the town to pay for 1 ticket $41.00 to be given to either Sue or Ray as members of Recreation so they may attend the trip to Indian Head as chaperones.  Indian Head Resort will compensate for one chaperone for every 21 person group; we would need to increase our attendance in order to receive a second comp ticket.  Dupuis is attending as the first chaperone and felt that she needed a second chaperone.  The Board agreed that we need a second chaperone.  Selectman Thayer added that he recommends that Sue should go as the second chaperone.  Selectman Foote stated that the Recreation Commission needs to look at avoiding this scenario for future trips; we need to avoid spending taxpayer’s money to pay for chaperones.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve Sue DiMercurio as a working member on Recreation and to approve funding for her to attend as a chaperone to the Indian Head Resort; to be paid out of the programs budget.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  

Town Beach Complaint

The Board reviewed a complaint from resident Skip Cheney regarding illegal dumping at the Town Beach.  Skip lives near the beach and asked for the Board to consider installing signs that read “no dumping, police take notice”.  The last three years he has seen an increase in illegal dumping at this site and it is getting worse.  Skip added that there use to be a fire lane but now it is filled in with leaves, tree limbs and stumps.  The Board decided to look into no dumping signs and some type of blockage.

Sprinkler System Repairs

The Board reviewed from a list of repairs from T & M Property Maintenance for the sprinkler system at Greenie Park.  The total of the repairs is $275; Recreation approved of this purchase at their May 11, 2011 meeting with the approval of Newton Baseball to pay for half of the repair cost.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the repairs of the sprinkler system with half to be paid by Baseball and the other half from the Recreation budget to be paid from Greenie Park Supplies.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Skate Park Repairs

Recreation Commission Chairman Pauline Dupuis informed the Board that the whole Commission feels that the park needs some serious help.  Dupuis recently checked out some parks in other towns and the comparison was disappointing at best.  The skateboard area at Greenie Park is in tough shape and the kids have tried to make some changes but they have created a situation that could become a liability to the town.  Dupuis talked about how she has visited Greenie Park numerous times and has come to know the kids and has talked to them about keeping the area clean.  Dupuis talked about the need to take care of the liability and safety issues therefore they asked T & M Property Maintenance to take a look at the area and to give his recommendation.

The Board reviewed an estimate from T & M Property Maintenance for the skate park repairs and rail installment for a total of $1,000.   Selectman Thayer added that some of the items to be repaired are in bad shape and need to be addressed.  The Recreation Commission talked about paying for the repairs out of the Recreation checking account instead of the budget.  

The Board asked Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley to find out if this repair can be paid out of this account; Wrigley responded that the Recreation Checking Account paid for expenditure last year to improve the town beach.  Wrigley will check into the purpose of this account.  

Selectman Thayer motioned to pay out of the Recreation Checking Account $1,000 to upgrade the skateboard area at Greenie Park per the list of repairs from T & M Property Maintenance.  Second by Selectman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

Recreation Commission - Requisitions

The Board reviewed a requisition to purchase two wooden picnic tables for Greenie Park for a total of $322 to be paid out of the Recreation Checking Account.  Pauline Dupuis, Chair of the Recreation Commission discussed this purchase for currently the two picnic tables at Greenie Park have been placed by Newton Baseball near the concession stand which leaves no tables under the pavilion.  The Board suggested the option of having one of the tables moved to the pavilion area and to take a look at the picnic tables at the town beach for with some repairs we may be able to use one from this location.  The Board cautioned the Recreation Commission regarding their expenditures yet they also understand the need for updates each year.  The Board did not approve this requisition; Kevin Jolicoeur, Transfer Station Manager offered to check on the condition of a picnic table at the town beach and if possible repair it and move it to Greenie Park.

The Board then reviewed a second requisition for the purchase of a basketball hoop and net for a second basketball stand at Greenie Park for a total of $218.02 to be paid from Greenie Park Supply.  The Board approved this purchase but before the order is placed Selectman Foote will check with some other local vendors on prices in the hope to cut out the shipping cost.

Selectman Foote motion to accept and approve of the purchase of a basketball hoop and net for a total not to exceed $180.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Review of proposed Clean Harbors Service and Treatment Costs
The Board reviewed a summary of the service and treatment costs as well as transportation and disposal costs from Clean Harbors for the town to hold a Household Hazardous Waste Day.

The Board discussed options for holding this event as an all day or half a day, Saturday or Sunday.  Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur was present and discussed the option of holding the event after school starts in September, a week or two later.  A discussion took place with different options which Jolicoeur will contact Clean Harbors to get a complete understanding and will ask for a list of items that will be accepted and if there are any regulations for accepting them at the Transfer Station.  Notices will go out on the website and cable channel to inform the residents of this event.

  • Review of Electrical Work at the Transfer Station
Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur informed the Board that the company he was planning on using for the electrical work at the Transfer Station did not come through with an acceptable insurance policy.  Jolicoeur then discussed that he was able to procure four proposals and all four came in at a much higher price than the original quote.  

The Board decided to have Chief Building Official Ron LeMere review the bids and then give his recommendation.  Since LeMere was present at the meeting the Board gave him a copy of the quotes and set a meeting for Thursday, May 19th at 6pm to review his recommendation.

  • Building Dept Fees, Department Reconstruction and Permit Clerk Advertisement
Permit Clerk

The Board approved a help wanted advertisement from Chief Building Official Ron LeMere for a part time permit clerk.  


Chief Building Official Ron LeMere discussed a flowchart and a descriptive process for the Building/Code Enforcement Department to include all personnel within the department.  This will help with the transition as well as the new clerk once hired.  

Permit Fees

The Board reviewed a revised fee structure for residential and commercial building permits.  LeMere discussed the reasoning for the change to make the fee structure easier to read and configure.  Past fee structure was approved on December 1, 2009 therefore any change would require approval by the Board.  The fee structure comes out of the building code to include construction and inspection fees.

Selectman Foote motioned to approve the permit fee schedule effective today as written by the Chief Building Official.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

  • Police Department Re: Fuel/Gasoline for vehicles
The Board reviewed a detail/gasoline comparison spreadsheet and chart showing the average detail and annual gasoline cost for the next four years.  The comparison shows an unfavorable bottom line.  Streeter added that he needs the Board to be aware of the cost and effect and it may be necessary to include gasoline back into his budget in the future versus using the special details account set up for this purpose.

Chief Streeter added that he prepared a draft Traffic/Roadway Construction Policy for the Board to review to ensure that the safe, constant and consistent flow of traffic is maintained in and adjacent to construction areas on public ways within the Town of Newton.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to recess the meeting at 7:05pm for the Board moved down to the Selectmen’s Office in order for the Zoning Board of Appeals to use the hall.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to resume the public meeting at 7:15pm.  Second by Selectman Foote.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chief Streeter then updated the Board on the burglaries in town which is not a town problem but regional and national problem that stems from heroine and oxycontin.  

AlertNow training for the staff at the Police Department was discussed with Chief Streeter; McCarthy will forward the documentation showing the steps to use the system.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
The Board approved and signed the following documents;

  • Bill to the State of New Hampshire for training for the Newton FD for a total of $184.28.
  • Welfare Manifest for $447.50
  • Abatement for Map 9-1-5 denied
  • Abatement for Map 8-3-11-28 for $1,046.89
  • Abatement for Map 6-9-9 for $44.11
  • Abatement for Map 7-3-18 for $1,095.75
  • Abatement for Map 7-2-1-17 for $26.85
  • Abatement for Map 2-4-9 for $75.86
  • Abatement signed April 25th – Amy Flint and Brent Flint.
  • Abatement for Map 2-4-10 denied (correction)
  • Abatement for Map 7-3-21-13 denied
  • Abatement for Map 2-4-3 denied
  • Approve the manifest from 5/15/11 in the amount of $48,008.61.
  • Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – Police Department; (b) – Recreation Commission (c) – Code Enforcement and (b) – Highway Department.
Selectman Foote motioned to go into nonpublic at 7:36pm per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – Police Department; (b) – Recreation Commission (c) – Code Enforcement and (b) – Highway Department.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman McCarthy – aye, Selectman Thayer – aye, Selectman Foote – aye.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to adjourn the nonpublic session at 8:58pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following;

  • The Board unanimously approve hiring Craig Maguire as a part time Highway Laborer position at Grade V, step 9 effective May 22, 2011 with a three month probationary period.  Maguire is able to start work while waiting for his background check as long as he is supervised.
  • The Board unanimously approved a change to the Building Department Administrative fee from 20% back to the 10% as the way it should be effective immediately.  This change is due to the fact that we were overfunding the line item administrative expenses.
  • The Board unanimously approved the change to have Chief Building Official Ron LeMere as the department head authorized to sign payroll and expenditures for Code Enforcement.
  • Adjourn
Chairman McCarthy motioned to adjourn the public meeting at 8:58pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager