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April 19, 2010 Board of Selectmen Minutes

April 19, 2010

  • Call to Order
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:47pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was video taped; the minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman McCarthy stated that the Selectmen just came out of a non-meeting with Town Counsel and would like to make public that the Board discussed a bankruptcy notice and tax deeding and will invite the property owners to meet with the Board of Selectmen.
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Old Business
        A.  Cont discussion of a Special Town Meeting

Present were Police Chief Lawrence Streeter, Moderator Robert Dezmelyk, Town Clerk/Tax Collector Mary Jo McCullough and Supervisor of the Checklist Lisa Fortin.  Dezmelyk and Fortin were both asked to attend the meeting to discuss how to proceed with a request made by Chief Streeter at the April 5, 2010 Selectmen Meeting.  Police Chief Streeter requested a Special Town Meeting for the reconsideration of Article 3 as presented to the Town Moderator during the Town’s First Session (Deliberative) Town Meeting.  An administrative error between the First and Second Session of the Annual Town Meeting caused a substantive text/wording to Article 3 and is the reason and rationale for this request.

Moderator Dezmelyk spoke on the unusual situation to have an error on the ballot and the request to consider a special election to readdress the issue.  Dezmelyk talked about the operational challenges for a special town meeting and was not able to identify each item tonight but once the decision is made to move ahead then we will need to review the process.  Dezmelyk added that when looking at this issue it is his general sense that the Board of Selectmen can call a special town meeting anytime.  What we are not sure about is if this is a two part meeting and if it is noticed the same as the Annual Town Meeting.

Dezmelyk added that when the Selectmen deliberate whether to have this special town meeting he urged them to consider that in order to have a successful special town meeting it is important for everyone to be in support of it and to give the public a chance to participate in the proceedings.  Dezmelyk encouraged the Selectmen to make sure necessary steps are taken for a higher voter turnout to include posting requirements and notices.  Some suggestions were to place an insert in the local newspaper and to put a big sign out front of the Town Hall.  We need to take extraordinary steps to inform the public of the meeting.  Part of the first phase is to find out if it is advantageous and to seek advice from Town Counsel and the State to run through the processes and to help guide us.

Supervisor of the Checklist Lisa Fortin spoke on the need to hold a supervisor’s meeting before the vote; if we are looking to have the special town meeting on June 8th the normal supervisors meeting on June 1st will qualify for having a meeting before the vote.  June 8th was discussed as an option but we are not sure of all the steps involved as part of the legal proceedings for the special town meeting.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector Mary Jo McCullough discussed the voting machine requirements and printing of the ballots and absentee ballots to include the approximate cost of $1,500 which does not include paying the ballot clerks.  Selectman Thayer offered the suggestion of printing and copying the ballots in house and then hand counting them; this would be cheaper and would simplify the process.  It was discussed that to hand count the ballots would require a ballot clerk check in and check out table.  All were in agreement that this would be the best solution for handling the special town meeting.  Dezmelyk will research on the best way to handle the voting process.  But before any homework is done, Dezmelyk asked the Board to decide tonight on whether to approve the request for a special town meeting.  

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the Police Chiefs request to hold a Special Town Meeting and to set up some work sessions.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chief Streeter commented that June 8th is a soft date; he would like to hold the meeting prior to when school is out for the summer which is June 22nd.

The Board decided to hold a work meeting on Wednesday, April 28th at 6:30pm.  

        B.  Cont discussion of a Office Trailer located at the Central Fire Station

Chairman McCarthy opened the discussion stating that the Selectmen received a letter from a resident with concerns regarding the option of having an office trailer at the Central Fire Station and asked Chief Ingalls if he reviewed the letter.  Chief Ingalls responded that he did and that he is at a loss as to the next step for he is not sure of the State Codes for this type of a building.  Chief Ingalls suggested as the next step to have a member or the whole Board of Selectmen, Conservation and the Building Inspector to have an onsite meeting to view any code issues/violations.

Chairman McCarthy stated that she received some feedback with a suggestion to perhaps instead of a trailer to have a small addition for the storage of supplies.  McCarthy was in favor of analyzing the location for all possible solutions.

Chief Ingalls discussed that the issue with the general public coming into the building to speak with him and to pull permits; the entry way is difficult to maneuver especially for the elderly.  Chief Ingalls added that the additional costs for the trailer were looked at; he still does not have a price for a handicap ramp but did receive a quote on the wiring at $1,225.00.

Selectman Donovan spoke on the many calls he received regarding the decision made at the last meeting to “move forward” with a lease for an office trailer at the Central Fire Station.  Selectman Donovan added that he watched the meeting at home and when he heard the comment to contact them quickly due to them going into their busy season when in fact they are laying people off.  Selectman Donovan added that at the last meeting when Deputy Fire Chief John Owens commented that another issue this will alleviate is the entrance way where many hit their head walking upstairs; the Emergency Management Department will still be upstairs therefore he will still need to access the upstairs.  Donovan added that this feels like the ambulance all over again and to “move forward” when we do not know the cost for the electrical setup and telephone.  Chairman McCarthy responded that Deputy John Owens was asked to find out the cost for the electrical work and she agrees with Chief Ingalls to set up a work meeting to discuss options; this option has been a success at the Police Department and since we cannot see into the future for a change to the Fire Station this is one option for review.

Selectman Donovan replied that a motion was made to “move forward” without going out to bid.  Chairman McCarthy responded that we cannot move forward without a signed contract and they were told that this is their busy season hence the motion to move forward.  Now perhaps we will not move as quickly but to move forward in the best interest of the town.  Chairman McCarthy added that any motion can be re-discussed and brought back to the table.  

Resident Allen French discussed the option of purchasing a used construction trailer and stated that there are many out on the market at half the cost.

Chairman McCarthy stated that she contacted Chief Building Official Ron LeMere with the details of the project and she is waiting for a response and will share it with the Board then we can possibly set up a site walk.

        C.  Cont discussion of a Trails Committee

The Board reviewed a memo from Town Administrator Wrigley with information on an existing trail committee in Concord, NH with helpful information and guidelines for implementing a trail committee in Newton.  There are members of the Planning Board and Conservation Commission that are interested in becoming a member of Newton’s trail committee; the Board decided to invite those that are interested in this committee to a meeting on Saturday, May 1st at 10am at the Town Hall.  If anyone in the public is interested with joining this committee, please plan on attending the meeting as well.

        D.  Road Agent Re: Storm related debris cleanup

Road Agent Mike Pivero discussed the debris cleanup schedule to start on May 3rd which gives the residents two weekends to place debris, vegetation only that came down in the February/March storm.  Once a street has been cleaned, the town will not be back to conduct any further pickup.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the scheduling for the debris cleanup for brush only starting on May 3rd.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.  EMD Director Larry Foote added that FEMA is allowing for debris cleanup that happened during the February 23rd to March 3rd wind/rain storm only.

        E.  Emergency Management Director Re: Update on the FEMA Application            and EMPG Grant

EMD Director Larry Foote informed the Board that FEMA has scheduled to come Monday morning to discuss damages sustained during the declared disaster for the period of February 23rd through March 3rd.

Foote discussed preparing the information for the EMPG Grant to include the soft match and is currently waiting to hear if there will be any remaining funds from this grant.

IV.     New Business
        1.  Letter from the First Christian Church Re: Renovations

Chairman McCarthy read a letter from the First Christian Church on Amesbury Road asking for the Selectmen to waive the dumping fees (bulky item fee schedule) in support of the efforts to update the facility and to clean the property.  The Board discussed the town’s Transfer Station policy that if hiring a contractor then a dumpster would be used for contractors are not allowed access into the Transfer Station.  If church members are donating their time then there is no fee.

Selectman Thayer motioned that if First Christian Church is to hire out then they would have to get a dumpster but if done by volunteers then they would be allowed to use the Transfer Station at no cost and the Manager would be notified.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

        2.  Letter from Rockingham Community Action Re: 2010 Town Meeting results

Chairman McCarthy read a letter from Rockingham Community Action expressing their sorrow that the residents did not vote in favor of funding them for fiscal year 2010-11.  They will continue to serve the low-income families in need and look forward to restoring the support of Newton voters at next year’s town meeting.

        3.  Transfer Station Manager Re: Fee Free Weekend

Selectman Donovan read a memo from Transfer Station Mgr Kevin Jolicoeur asking to close the compost and brush pile on the “fee free” weekend, June 5th and 6th and to open on that same weekend for Newton residents only.  This will help alleviate the traffic on the street and will make it easier to monitor.  Selectman Donovan had no problem allowing only Newton residents on June 5th and 6th for the “fee free” weekend but had a problem with not allowing residents to bring brush for he feels that they should be able to bring it down anytime.  The Board agreed with Selectman Donovan’s recommendations.

Office Manager Winglass asked the Board if we are going to offer a free pickup of bulky items as we have done in the past on the Monday after “fee free” weekend.  Winglass spoke with Road Agent Mike Pivero and he approved of the Road Crew to pickup items on Monday.  The Board agreed to offer this service to the public but residents must call the Selectmen’s Office to notify them of the items to be picked up.

        4.  Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend $550 donated to the Food Pantry from New England Clothes Recycling.  This donation is due to Newton recycling 4,125 lbs of used clothing at the Transfer Station.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the check in the amount of $550 from New England Clothes Recycling from Newton’s recycling program to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

        5.  Letter from Family Mediation & Juvenile Services Re: Annual Appointments

The Board reviewed a letter from Family Mediation & Juvenile Services of Rockingham County asking for the Board to make the annual appointments to the Board of Directors of Family Mediation & Juvenile Services.  The town’s present members are Kathleen Marino and Laura Bertogli.  The Board asked that we contact the two present members to find out if they are interested with continuing this volunteer activity.  

        V.       Announcements
  • Annual Fee Free Weekend to be held on June 5th and 6th
  • 2010 Census.  Please make sure you mail back your census form.
  • May 3, 2010 at 7pm Public Hearing per RSA 31:95-b to accept unanticipated funds in the amount of $12,948.93 for the Gale Library for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the State of NH Office of Energy and Planning.
  • Newton Recreation Commission registered with New Hampshire the Beautiful.  The Board signed a 2010 Town Registration Form to organize a community-wide litter clean-up sponsored by the Recreation Commission.
VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
  • Selectmen Public Meeting minutes of February 1, 2010, February 8, 2010, February 17, 2010 and March 1, 2010
  • Selectmen Nonpublic Meeting minutes of February 1, 2010, February 8, 2010, February 17, 2010
No minutes were reviewed or accepted.

VII.     Reports from Department Heads
VIII.   Other Business
  • Sign Vendor and Payroll Manifest, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits and Correspondence
  • The Board signed a Veterans Credit denial due to dates of service requires either Vietnam Service Metal or the Armed Forces Expeditionary and the resident does not have either.  
  • The Board signed a Gravel Tax Levy for Coleman McDonough for lot 014-01-27-4 for tax year 2007-2008 for a total of $70.00.  The Board signed a Gravel Tax Levy to Coleman McDonough for lot 014-01-27-4 for tax year 2008-2009 for a total of $80.00.  The Board signed a Gravel Tax Levy to Coleman McDonough for lots 014-01-27-4 and 014-01-27-3 for tax year 2009-2010 for a total of $283.80.
  • The Board signed a Timber Tax Levy for tax year April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 to Centerview Hollow Land Co., Christine Lewis Morse, Pres. for Map/Lot 008-03-011 with a total due of $224.49.  
  • The Board signed an abatement for 8 Overlook Road per the recommendation of Town Assessor Andrea Lewy.
  • The following abatements were settled per the State of NH Board of Tax and Land Appeals.
Ocean Bank for tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 for 6 Puzzle Lane units 1,2,3,4 for a total of $3,983.36.  

D&D Realty Trust for tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 for 6 Puzzle Lane units 5 and 6      for a total of $1,313.88.

Arthur Mitchell for tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 for 6 Puzzle Lane units 7, 8, 9 for a         total of $2,931.25.

125 Development NH Corp for tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 for 6 Puzzle Lane units       10 and 11 for a total of $1,665.13.

Sarro Realty Trust for tax years 2007, 2008 and 2009 for 6 Puzzle Lane units 13, 14     and 15 for a total of $7,638.52.

  • Recreation Commission Re: Request for Payment
1.  The Board reviewed a memo from Lisa Babcock, Secretary for the Recreation Commission asking to purchase two (2) recycling bins to use at town events for a total of $20.00 to be paid out of Greenie Park supplies.

Selectman Donovan motioned to purchase two recycling bins for recreation events.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

2.  The Board reviewed a doctor’s note for a resident in town asking for an exception for placing the town’s resident sticker on the left side of the windshield due to a medical condition.

Selectman Donovan motioned to allow an exception for the placement of the town resident sticker due to a medical condition and to allow the sticker to be placed in the lower right hand corner of the windshield.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

3.  The Board reviewed a membership renewal for the period of 5/11/2010 to 5/10/2011 to the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce for a total of $295.00.  The Board decided to approve it for another year with Selectman Thayer approving it reluctantly.  Selectman Thayer will look into programs offered to the town with this membership.

4.  Vendor Manifest was approved and signed for a total of $120,548.24 dated April 19, 2010.

5.  Selectman Donovan asked to review the nonpublic meeting minutes for when the Board approved the merit raises for the Fire Department.  Donovan asked for the nonpublic meeting minutes to be made public per Town Counsel’s recommendation.  Office Manager Winglass replied that the meeting minutes were voted to remain confidential therefore the Board will have to reverse this decision in order to make them public.  Chairman McCarthy added that we also need to review the nonpublic meeting minutes for when the Police Department received merit increases approved last year.

IX.    Adjourn

Chairman McCarthy motioned to adjourn at 9:28pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager