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January 14, 2010 Board of Selectmen Minutes

January 14, 2010

  • Call to Order
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.

Selectman Robert Donovan, Jr. stated that he will be unable to attend the Monday, January 18, 2010 Public Hearing(s) for recently there has been a death in the family and he will be out of town.  Selectman Donovan will see if he has cell phone accessibility while in Florida in order to be a part of the Hearing’s via speakerphone.  If not, Selectman Donovan asked to postpone the portion of the Public Hearing when the Selectmen vote on recommending or not recommending warrant articles.  The Board asked Winglass to contact the State to find out the legal options available for postponing the Public Hearings.

  • Introduction of Guests
  • Old Business
        A.  Cont review of the proposed 2010 budget, default budget and warrant articles

General Government Buildings budget

The Board reviewed a spreadsheet prepared by Town Administrator Wrigley outlining the proposed maintenance and repairs to the town buildings.  

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the 2010 General Government Buildings budget of $119,817.00.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  

General Assistance budget

Town Administrator Wrigley asked to revisit this budget for the 2010 budget already approved did not include the approved 2009 merit increase for the Welfare Agent and the Board may want to consider putting in a merit increase for the Deputy in 2010.  The Board agreed to put in a 2.5% merit increase for the Deputy Welfare Agent in 2010.

Selectman Donovan motioned to amend the 2010 General Assistance budget from $29,143.00 to $29,795.00.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

The Board asked for the staff to find out the cell phone usage paid by the town and to include the lease agreement specifications and a list of the individuals using cell phones in each department.

Selectman Donovan motioned to approve the total 2010 Budget for the Town of Newton in the amount of $2,921,213.00.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the total 2010 Default Budget for the Town of Newton in the amount of $2,875,861.00.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Town Warrant

The Board reviewed a “Warrant Article Pre-Review” from the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA), Municipal Services Division.  DRA reviews the proposed articles in an effort to reduce potential problems with warrant articles later on.  The Board made no comment.  

        B.  Cont review of the Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Board did not review the plan.

        C.  Cont review of the 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule

The Board reviewed a final 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting schedule to include the dates of the Selectmen’s meeting schedule for the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings.  The other dates on the schedule coincide with the signing of the Vendor and Payroll manifests.

IV.     New Business
                1.  2010 Mosquito Control Permit Application

Chairman McCarthy signed a 2010 Permit Application to the State of New Hampshire in preparation of the 2010 mosquito season.

                2.  2010 Standard Mileage Rate

The Board reviewed a memo from Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator Kim Hughes informing the Board that as of January 1, 2010, the Internal Revenue Service announced that the standard mileage rate for reimbursement has decreased from $0.55 to $0.50 for approved employment related travel.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to amend the 2010 Standard Mileage Rate from $.055 to $.050 due to the decrease approved by the Internal Revenue Service.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

3.  Tower Resource Management/Tower Lease Agreement

Town Administrator Wrigley informed the Board of the correspondence received by Town Counsel Sumner Kalman.  After reviewing the proposed agreement, Town Counsel stated that it reflects a “boiler plate” tower management “dream lease” from the tenant’s point of view.  Some issues of concern as proposed in the contract is an open ended option agreement which ties the town up and makes it impossible for the town to work with other tower companies.  The proposed agreement had no promise for the fire and police departments allowing them the use of the tower and the town needs to hold a public hearing for public input from those that live in the area.  Based upon all these outstanding issues and others listed in Town Counsels letter, Wrigley recommended that we hold off with proposing a warrant article for this year.  The Board agreed but would like to continue to look at this as an option to the town.

4.  Municipal Bond Requirements Package

Chairman McCarthy signed an engagement letter for the proposed issuance of a General Obligation Bond by the Town of Newton for Bond Counsel Services.  Office Manager Winglass added that this engagement letter will allow the town to move forward only if the proposed warrant article for the renovations to the Police Station is approved at the March 9, 2010 Town Meeting.

5.  Memo from Police Chief Re: Job Description & Title Change Request

The Board reviewed a memo from Police Chief Streeter for a job description and title change request for the position held by Rebecca Bergeron.  Chief Streeter’s recommendation is to change Bergeron’s title from Secretary/Accreditation Manager to Administrative Assistant/Accreditation Manager.  The Board discussed this request but made no final decision.  

                6.  Appointments to the Cable Committee: Thomas Gasse and Mary Winglass

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the appointment of Thomas Gasse as a member of the Cable Committee with an expiration date of April 15, 2011.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Discussion: A background check is necessary for all appointed officials; Selectman Donovan asked that before we pay for a Background check for Mr. Gasse to first check to see if he has one from Newton Baseball.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the appointment of Mary Winglass as a member of the Cable Committee with an expiration date of April 15, 2011.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Discussion:  Office Manager Winglass asked if a background check is required for her appointment since she has worked for the town for 10+ years.  The Board agreed that a background check needs to be completed for all town officials and employees of the town.  Vote: Unanimous.

                7.  Cable Committee Re: Recommendations for hiring Cable Operators

Office Manager Winglass informed the Board of a cable meeting held the night before when the committee interviewed two candidates for the position of cable operators.  It is the committee’s recommendation to hire Susan Godin and Tavish Forsyth as Cable Operators at Grade IX, step 1, $11.14 per hour effective immediately.

Selectman Donovan motioned to hire Tavish Forsyth as a Cable Operator at Grade IX, step 1, $11.14 per hour effective today.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Thayer motioned to hire Susan Godin as a Cable Operator at Grade IX, step 1, $11.14 per hour effective today.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                8.  Vachon Clukay & Co PC Re: Engagement letter for the 2009 Financial Statement

The Board approved of Chairman McCarthy signing an engagement letter with Vachon Clukay & Company for the 2009 Annual Audit and the preparation of the Financial Statements.

V.      Announcements
  • Public Hearing on budget, warrant articles and bond issue is on Monday, January 18, 2010 at the Town Hall starting at 6:00pm
  • First day for candidates to file for candidacy is January 20, 2010; Last day to file is January 29, 2010.
VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
VII.     Reports from Department Heads
  • Signing of Manifests, Requisitions and Abatements
Vendor Manifest

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the signing of the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $232,556.46.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Equalization Ratio Study

The Board signed the 2009 Equalization Municipal Assessment Data Sheets Certificate which was completed by Town Assessor Andrea Lewy, CNHA.  This will allow the Ratio Study to be released to the Department of Revenue Administration.

Veterans Credit

The Board signed two Veteran’s Tax Credit applications per the recommendation of Town Assessor Andrea Lewy.

  • Treasurer’s response to assignment of duties
The Board reviewed a resignation letter from Treasurer Jennifer Gaines with an effective date of January 13, 2010.  

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept immediately the letter of resignation from Treasurer Jennifer Gaines dated January 13, 2010.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

The Board then reviewed a letter from Deputy Treasurer Brenda Fiers stating that she would like to be considered for the appointment of Interim Treasurer until a vote can be cast for a new Treasurer at the March 9, 2010 Town Meeting.  Brenda Fiers joined the meeting and the Board thanked her for all that she has done for the town over the past couple of years as Deputy Treasurer and stepping in twice as Interim Treasurer.    

Selectman Thayer motioned to appoint Brenda Fiers as the Town Treasurer with an expiration date of March 9, 2010.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

VIII.   Other Business

  • The Board agreed for Chairman McCarthy to sign a “Customer Proof Signoff” from Rydin Decal for the new Resident Stickers.  The color of the new resident sticker will be orange.
IX.    Adjourn

Chairman McCarthy motioned at 7:30pm to recess the meeting until 5:30pm on Monday, January 18th.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to resume the public meeting at 5:48pm on Tuesday, January 19, 2010.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed.  (The meeting was scheduled to resume on Monday, January 18th but a winter weather storm required the Selectmen to postpone the meeting until tonight.)

In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Winglass.  Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. was not in attendance due to a death in the family.

Payroll Manifest

Chairman McCarthy motioned to sign the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of January 3, 2010 through January 16, 2010.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to close the meeting at 5:52pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager