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March 30, 2009 Board of Selectmen Minutes

March 30, 2009

  • Call to Order
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:01pm.  Present were Chairman Trisha McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley, Road Agent Mike Pivero and Emergency Management Director Larry Foote.  The meeting was audio taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass.

  • Introduction of Guests
  • Old Business
  • New Business
        A.  FEMA Update

Road Agent Mike Pivero discussed the need to schedule for a spring cleanup from the December ice storm.  He added that a scheduled meeting with a FEMA representative on Wednesday should help clarify their requirements and reimbursement to the towns.  The spring cleanup includes brush pickup around town and FEMA is leaving it up to the town to determine how this will be done.  

Pivero discussed a couple options for the Board to consider; by allowing homeowners to put their brush pile at the curb for pickup, which could work in the negative for some may take advantage and bring everything to the curb.  Chairman McCarthy added that FEMA will be driving around town on Wednesday to determine what they will reimburse the town for and that in her opinion will be the basis for how the town will proceed.
What ever FEMA quantifies as the amount of brush cleanup would fall under the reimbursement then FEMA will pay 75% of the cost; state reimbursement is 12.5%.  Pivero added that he has heard that FEMA is determining the amount per cubic yard.  Emergency Management Director Larry Foote added that we should check with what we have at the Transfer Station with FEMA on Wednesday.  

Pivero added that nothing will be determined tonight but to only start the dialogue for next Monday nights Selectmen’s Meeting for at that time we will have the information from FEMA.  The first option is to allow residents to bring their brush curbside which has some advantages and disadvantages.  Selectman Thayer added that he knows of someone who would take burnable wood, as she has been already picking it up around town.  Selectman McCarthy discussed that

she has trees in her backyard that split at the top and she needs to hire someone to cut it down but FEMA will not see that for you cannot see her backyard from the street.  

Selectman Thayer asked about the trees that are down in the cemeteries; Pivero responded that he spoke with Bill Landry, Chairman of the Cemetery Trustees and was told that the Trustees are going to take care of the cleanup in the cemeteries.  

Pivero added that he went around town this weekend and with the help of the Road Crew they checked the amount of brush on the town’s easements and determined between 696 yards and 825 yards of brush which does not include the state roads.  Pivero stated that based upon the cubic yards as viewed around town will take up to 26 days and that does not include any brush being brought to the curb.

Selectman Thayer asked if Pivero has talked to anyone at Family Mediation for kids who need to do community service as an option.  Pivero added that if they are under 18 then they are of no use due to the liability to the town.  

Another option looked into by Pivero is to use man power through the Rockingham Correctional System using inmates to help clean the towns easement (roadside), which may or may not work.  Pivero added that the variables that need to be considered by the Selectmen are to allow or not allow residents to bring their brush to the curb to be picked up by the town.  Pros and cons were discussed and Selectman Donovan asked if there have been any complaints from the residents regarding brush pickup.  Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley added that she had one call today and she gave them Pivero’s office number.  

The second variable is the state roads where the state is doing some work but they are not cleaning it all up and that would require the town to cleanup the state roads as well.  Chairman McCarthy added that another equation to consider is the amount of reimbursement determined by FEMA will be the towns to keep whether the funding is spent or not.  

A discussion ensued with again we need to find out what FEMA will cover for brush cleanup and it was discussed that Mike Pivero and Larry Foote will meet with the FEMA representative on Wednesday afternoon.   

Mike Pivero discussed that if the inmates are used then we only need two trucks and a couple of chainsaws and that is it.  Most of the widow makers are down but there are still some scattered throughout the town but we need a large boom to clean them up; again Mike will check with FEMA as to whether these will be covered.  The Board discussed going out to bid for this work and how to specify the work to be completed.  Pivero responded that he does not have a good way of writing up the criteria for the work to be completed.  

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley questioned the need to have the OSHA vests for those that will be working roadside.  The Board agreed that whoever works roadside needs to wear the appropriate vests.

Emergency Management Director Larry Foote then asked if the Board would discuss the generators.  Larry discussed some frustration with finding all the particulars with the Police Department generator and the warranty.  Foote added that today he received the

signoff from the Principal at the Middle School to use it as an emergency shelter and now he is looking at generators for the Town Hall, Police Department and the school.  If he is able to get funding from FEMA for the Police Department generator then we could use the funding for a generator for the Town Hall and the school.  Larry will speak with Chief Streeter to get a copy of the repair bill for the Police Department generator and then forward it to FEMA for reimbursement.

The Board discussed that Memorial School is the one with the kitchen not the Middle School and the Middle School has the well.  Larry will speak with the School’s Superintendent to change the Memorandum of Agreement.  

The Board discussed the bomb scare that happened at the school today and the notification process that the Selectmen should have been first to be contacted but as the case happened, Chief Streeter contacted the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Trisha McCarthy.  

  • Announcements
  • Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
  • Reports from Department Heads
  • Adjourn
Chairman McCarthy motioned to adjourn at 6:58pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager