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February 23, 2009 Board of Selectmen Public Hearing Minutes
Gale Library    
February 23, 2009

In accordance with RSA 202-A: 11-b, notice is hereby given to all residents of Newton, NH, that a Public Hearing for the purpose of discussing Warrant Article #2 on the 2009 Town Warrant to permit the Gale Library to retain money received from its income-generating equipment.

Chairman Donovan motioned to open the Public Hearing at 7:02 PM.  Second by Selectman Thayer, Vote: Unanimous.

In attendance were Chairman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley, Gale Library Trustees –Sally Woodman, Carol Szot, and Marilyn Landry.  Selectman Trisha McCarthy was unavailable for this meeting.

Chairman Donovan read warrant article # 2 as follows:

“Shall the Town permit the public library to retain all money it receives from its income generating equipment to be used for general repairs and upgrading and for the purchase of books, supplies and income generating equipment? RSA 202-A: 11-b, I, (d)”

The reason for this public hearing is as required in RSA 202-A: 11-b, I, (d) and to obtain public input.  There was “no public” present, however Town Administrator Wrigley asked the Trustees if they had any idea of how much money would be received and used for this purpose?  

Trustee Szot handed out a spreadsheet for the Board to review showing the last five years of copier money collected.  In 2008 the amount was $244.90.  This money would be used for the incidentals like toner, ink, etc. needed for the income generating equipment.

In looking at the spreadsheet, Town Administrator Wrigley asked if they are only looking to use the money collected from the copier or were they looking to use the money collected from “fines, interest, donations, etc.?  Trustee Szot said she put this spreadsheet together just to show where all the money is coming in from, but the copier money is all they were considering to use.  

Wrigley asked if they charged for faxes and was that part of the copier income.  They said they do charge for faxes and Terry writes them all down when collected.  The Board stated that the article allows them to use the money from all income generating equipment which would include the fax machine.  There was no dollar amount listed for faxes, however the Trustees said it wasn’t that much but would include it in the retention if this article passes at Town Meeting.

Selectman Thayer said he was looking at the Anticipated Income and the Actual Income listed on the spreadsheet. Trustee Szot gave an explanation of how she handles the reimbursements and claims them as anticipated income.

Being no other questions or concerns, Chairman Donovan made a motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:12 pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.   Vote: Unanimous.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Nancy J. Wrigley
                                                Town Administrator