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November 3, 2008 Board of Selectmen Minutes

November 3, 2008

Call to Order

Chairman Donovan opened the meeting at 5:30pm.  In attendance were Chairman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio taped; the minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Transfer Station and (c) – Fire Department.   Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Donovan – yes, Selectman McCarthy – yes, Selectman Thayer – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Donovan motioned to close the nonpublic session at 6:30pm.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following;

·       The Board unanimously voted to extend a conditional offer of employment to Kevin Jolicoeur as a Transfer Station part time Attendant with the requirement of a positive criminal background check, with a 60 day probationary period, at Grade V, step 7, $10.63 per hour effective November 3, 2008.  Inform Transfer Station Manager Andrew Morse that until the background check comes back Mr. Jolicoeur is in training only.  

·       Fire Chief William Ingalls is required to sign off on the monthly spreadsheet verifying payroll prior to being submitted to the Payroll Administrator.

·       Fire Chief William Ingalls will speak with the department on zero tolerance when it comes to alcohol.

·       Fire Chief William Ingalls will remind the department that they shall keep their certification for each required position.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
·       Outstanding Action Items

New Business
A.      Fire Department 2009 proposed budget

In attendance was Fire Chief William Ingalls.

The Board reviewed the proposed 2009 Fire Department budget which shows a 2% increase.  Chief Ingalls informed the Board that vehicle repairs were unusually high this year and is looking at more repairs for next year.  Training expense increased in order to have outside professionals train the department at their weekly meetings.  The Board discussed that with today’s economy, a 2% increase is good considering the increases to energy costs and fuel.  

Chairman Donovan motioned to accept the 2009 Fire Department budget which is up by 2% over the 2008 budget at $210,321.00.   Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  

The Board reviewed a requisition with Chief Ingalls to purchase a “Holmatro Cutter” as an upgrade for the department’s cutter is approximately 15 years old and will not cut some of the Harden steel used in newer vehicles.  Chief Ingalls will trade the department’s cutter to offset the cost; the Board signed the requisition.

The Board reviewed past public and nonpublic meeting meetings that dealt with how the Fire Chief is paid.  As the Selectmen wanted to address the nonpublic meeting minutes with Chief Ingalls, the Board tabled this discussion until November 17th in order to go into nonpublic session.

B.      Cemetery Trustees 2009 proposed budget

Selectman Thayer recused himself from this discussion as he is a Cemetery Trustee and informed the Board that the Cemetery Trustees are holding a meeting this Thursday.

Selectman Thayer explained that the reason why the grounds maintenance increased is because two additional mowings are scheduled at each cemetery and there is a 7.78% landscaping cost increase.  The Board decided to meet with the Cemetery Trustees on Monday, November 17th to review the budget.

C.      Care of Trees 2009 proposed budget

The Board reviewed the proposed 2009 budget from David Baker, Tree Warden asking to level fund the Care of Trees budget this year.

Chairman Donovan motioned to accept the Care of Trees budget for 2009 at $4,000.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

D.      Emergency Management 2009 proposed budget

In attendance was Emergency Management Director Lawrence Foote

The Board reviewed a spreadsheet outlining the proposed 2009 budget with additional information on the allocation of funds from the State of New Hampshire Department of Safety to support the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) in Newton.

The Board discussed with Mr. Foote the increase of $850 over last year’s budget.  The Board discussed the requirement to gross appropriate for the funds from the State of $11,625.00.  

Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator Kim Hughes explained to the Board that last year’s budget of $10,000 included the State funding and that the fiscal year for the State’s budget is July 1, 2008 through June 20, 2009 versus the town working on a calendar year, therefore it is hard to estimate the total the town will receive each year.

Mr. Foote discussed with the Board that this year the State bought a new computer, new phones and a base radio with grant funds for a total of $8,000 to $9,000 this year.  

Chairman Donovan questioned the increase to the payroll and training line items.  Kim Hughes responded that the training is for the over and above what the State mandates for any unforeseeable emergency that could require a shelter and/or other situations such as power outages or a train derailment.  Payroll is for the Emergency Management Director and Deputy at a rate of $15 per hour for 100 hours per year as a ballpark for attending training from the State and to hold two local drills which will include funding for payroll for the participants.

Chairman Donovan motioned to accept the Emergency Management budget for 2009 at $18,850.00.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

E.      Gale Library 2009 proposed budget

After reviewing the proposed Gale Library 2009 budget, the Board decided to invite those involved with preparing the budget to the meeting on Monday, November 17th to review and discuss the figures.

F.      Board of Appeals 2009 proposed budget

Chairman Donovan motioned to accept the Board of Appeals budget for 2009 at $10,960.00 as written with an increase of $125.00 over the 2008 budget.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

G.      Parking restriction at Town Hall on Election Day

The Board reviewed the Selectmen’s Meeting minutes dated November 1, 2004 where the Selectmen voted to adopt a one day ordinance for parking control under RSA 41:11 at Town Hall on November 2, 2004, the easterly side of Route 108 one hundred feet north of Town Hall Road with a time limit of 20 minutes for voter parking.  

The Board discussed the concern with candidates parking all day in the front of the Town Hall where parking is a premium.  This one day ordinance would allow good visibility for those crossing the street which is a safety concern with the amount of people expected to turn out at the polls.

Chairman Donovan motioned to adopt a one day ordinance for parking control under RSA 41:11 at Town Hall on November 4, 2008, the easterly side of Route 108 one hundred feet north of Town Hall Road with a time limit of 20 minutes for voter parking.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
·       Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes of October 6, 2008 and October 14, 2008

The Board tabled this item.

VII.    Reports from Department Heads
VIII.   Review of Action Items
IX.     Adjourn

Chairman Donovan motioned to adjourn at 7:59pm.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager