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December 18, 2007 Board of Selectmen Minutes


December 18, 2007

Call to Order

Chairman Ulcickas called the meeting to order at 5:12pm.  In attendance were Chairman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Police Department; Code Enforcement; Personnel.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Ulcickas – yes; Selectman Donovan – yes; Selectman McCarthy – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to close the non-public session at 6:10pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members, the circumstances no longer apply except to announce that the Selectmen’s Office will be contacting four applicants that applied for the position of part time Secretary.

Introduction of Guests
Andrea S. Lewy, Assessor  re: 2008 Municipal Assessing Proposal

The Board met with Town Assessor Andrea Lewy and reviewed the 2008 Municipal Assessing proposal for the Town of Newton.  The Board discussed the need to have a clerk assigned to aid the assessor since the Town Administrator’s job description recently changed and does not allow for her to work as an aid under the Assessor.  It was discussed that part of the aid’s responsibilities will be covered by the work done by the new part time Secretary but that it leaves duties such as data entry of assessment changes, secretarial services and to prepare all work for the assessor pertaining to general assessing such as building permits, new construction, subdivisions, applications etc.  Assessor Andrea Lewy stated that the proposal offers assistance with data entry , if necessary, at an additional charge.

The Board questioned how many hours are spent on data entry.  Andrea responded that it depends on the time of year; that she recently purchased the Avitar software so she has the capabilities to do the work, if necessary.

A discussion ensued regarding the 2007 ratio study and the percentages that are over 100% which makes it hard to explain to the residents.  Andrea suggested that the Board start looking at putting aside funds in order to complete a full revaluation in the future as it is an expensive contract.  Andrea added that the data verification phase being completed each year will help offset the cost of the town wide revaluation.  

Selectman McCarthy discussed her concern with seeing illegal apartments on the assessing records.  People are paying taxes on an area that is not legal and this could put the town in a position that could end up as a lawsuit.  Andrea responded that as the Town Assessor it is her job to assess what is physically at the property.  She does not look at whether it is legal or not, that would be a code enforcement issue.  It was discussed that we need to keep communication open between the building department and the Assessing department.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the municipal assessing contract from Andrea S. Lewy, CNHA in the amount of $37,800 for the 2008 General Assessing & Data Verification.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Old Business
1.      Cemetery Trustees/Road Agent

a)      Cemetery Maintenance

Present were Cemetery Trustees Andrew Morse and William Landry and Road Agent Frank Gibbs

The Board reviewed a memo from the Cemetery Trustees with their recommendation to enter into a (1) one year contract with Rick Harris & Son Landscaping of Kingston, NH at an annual cost of $22,500 for the maintenance of Highland, Willow Grove, Town Hall and Farmer Cemeteries.

The Board discussed with the Trustees the additional option of using the town’s road crew to maintain the cemeteries.  Chairman Ulcickas explained that Road Agent Gibbs brought this up at the end of the last Board of Selectmen meeting and felt that it deserved to be looked at before a final decision is made for the 2008 cemetery maintenance.

The Board reviewed a spreadsheet from Cemetery Trustee Andrew Morse outlining the scope of work and estimated hours to maintain the cemeteries.  Based upon the scope of work and the hours to complete the work, the report showed an approximate figure of 32.25 hours per week based upon 28 weeks.  Andrew explained that this is an approximate number to do the job that needs to be done to the cemeteries.  In the past, the cemeteries did not receive the attention required for lime and grub treatment and fertilization.  Therefore, the hours are estimated based upon the optimum number of times needed for the maintenance and treatment of the four cemeteries.  The Board discussed that they felt the estimated hours were high and asked Road Agent Gibbs if he would be able to schedule the road crew for the estimated hours proposed for the cemetery maintenance.  Road Agent Gibbs responded that it all depends on the weather and he is confident that the road crew will be able to handle the duties and keep it under 40 hours.

A discussion ensued regarding the truck rental and supplies needed for the maintenance of the four cemeteries.  Road Agent Gibbs stated that the truck rental fee includes all the equipment needed to maintain the cemeteries except for a riding lawnmower and the lime and grub treatment and fertilization and the cost of the leaf vacuum.  The Board informed Mr. Gibbs that the town owns two push mowers and asked what the cost is for the truck rental.  Gibbs responded that the cost of the truck rental for the 28 weeks will be under $5,000.

The Board of Selectmen and the Cemetery Trustees agreed to try the option of using the road crew to maintain the cemeteries for 2008.  The Cemetery Trustees discussed that with the Road Agent overseeing the maintenance of the cemeteries that he has the authority for the overall maintenance of the cemeteries to make sure it is done and done right.  It was discussed that if the Trustees have any problems with the care of the cemeteries and are unable to resolve the problem with the Road Agent then the Trustees are to come back to the Selectmen.  The Board told Road Agent Gibbs that we received a lot of complaints last year during the time of Memorial Day for the cemeteries were in tough shape.  This year the Selectmen want the cemeteries “spit polished” for Memorial Day.  Road Agent Gibbs agreed.  It was discussed that the Cemetery Trustees have been maintaining the cemeteries and it has come to the point where the job has grown too big to be handled by the Trustees.  

Cemetery Trustee Bill Landry stated that per State law the Trustees can appoint a custodian.  The Trustees have no problem appointing Frank Gibbs as the custodian.  It was discussed that the Trustees will not sign off on bills for the maintenance of the cemeteries for it will be budgeted out of the Road Agent’s (Highway) budget as how would the Trustees be able to approve payment for time spent on the cemeteries when they are not overseeing the work.

With the care and maintenance of the cemeteries being budgeted for in the highway budget, it was agreed to reduce the Cemetery budget to $2,750, which is down from the 2007 budget of $9,100.

b)      Finalize the Cemetery Budget

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the 2008 cemetery budget in the amount of $2,750.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Discussion:  The Selectmen discussed with the Trustees that we need to make it known at the Town Meeting what we are doing and the changes taking place.  Three line items have been added to the summer highway maintenance budget to cover the cost of the cemetery maintenance and the bills will not be approved by the Trustees for there is no way of authenticating the work.  Vote: Unanimous.

c)      Finalize the road Agents Budget

See the discussion above explaining the changes to the Highway budget to include the cost to maintain the four (4) cemeteries owned by the Town of Newton.

The Board discussed other changes that they would like to see regarding the Road Agents budget.  Currently there is a Summer Highway budget and Winter Highway Budget.  The Board decided to combine them into one budget called the “Highway budget”.  Therefore the changes include combining the salaries into one line item for a total of $49,591; adding “Cemetery Maintenance – Salary” in the amount of $12,000; adding “Cemetery Supplies” in the amount of $5,000; and under Equipment Expense adding “Equipment Rental – Cemetery” in the amount of $5,000.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the 2008 Highway budget in the amount of $367,379.00.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Discussion:  It was discussed that Robert White will not be working as a road laborer in 2008.  Vote: Unanimous.

d)      Discuss sand/salt storage (dimensions of the building)

Road Agent Frank Gibbs discussed the dimensions needed for a sand/salt storage facility would be 48 x 60 for total roof coverage.  After discussing pricing for a hot top foundation and the required coverage of the materials, the final cost came to approximately $20,000.  The reason why the Selectmen have been discussing the sand/salt storage is because currently the Road Agent stores the sand/salt pile at his residence and charges the town $400 per month for storage.  The Board has been looking at a way to move this pile to a parcel of town-owned land.

e)      Roadwork on Smith Corner Road

The Board reviewed a proposal from Gibbs Construction for reconstructing of the roadway from #33 Smith Corner Road to #67 Smith Corner Road.  Materials for the project include a culvert piping, gravel, crushed hot top and crushed stone.  The total for this project comes to $42,000.00.  This amount for this project will be encumbered to 2008.

Transfer Station Manager Andrew Morse asked to speak with the Selectmen and Road Agent regarding snow plowing at the Transfer Station.  Andrew stated that the employees are spending a lot of time shoveling the area and it could put them into overtime.  Road Agent Gibbs responded that he uses his loader to clear the area of snow after the plows.  The Board told Frank that it is his job to handle the clearing of the area, not the employees.

2.      Transfer Station

a)      Proposal for stairs

The Board discussed with Transfer Station Manager Andrew Morse the bid to install stairs to the recycling trailer at the Transfer Station.  The Board received a proposal for this job from C.K.S. Building & Remodeling LLC for a total of $600.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the bid for the stairs at the Transfer Station to the trailer at the Transfer Station from C.K.S. Building & Remodeling LLC for a total of $600.00.   Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

b)      Roadwork at the Transfer Station

Frank Gibbs of Gibbs Construction stated that he started the road work at the Transfer Station and plans to complete the job by the end of the year.

c)      Concrete pad

The Board decided to wait on installing a new concrete pad under the packer until next year.

  d) Transfer Station budget

The Board discussed changing the hours of operation at the Transfer Station and discussed opening the Transfer Station for an additional day, Sunday.  Andrew Morse responded that he has been tracking the number of cars entering the Transfer Station on Tuesday and Thursdays.  The first two hours are the busiest and it drops off on the third hour.  

A discussion ensued regarding how many employees are working per shift.  The Board felt that the number of employees can be reduced during the week and on Saturday in order to schedule them for Sunday from 9am to 4pm.   

Andrew Morse stated that most of the employees do not have a problem working on Sunday and he will work on a schedule to split up the hours to include Sunday.  The Board discussed compensating the employees additionally for working on Sunday; no final decision was made.  The Board stressed the need for Andrew to schedule the employees to work an alternate shift each week either Saturday or Sunday.  It was determined by the Board to start the new hours open to the public on Sunday effective January 2008.

The Board discussed the need to inform the residents of the new hours and it was decided to send out a postcard mailing to the residents informing them of the new additional hours on Sundays from 9am to 4pm.

The Board then reviewed a revised 2008 Transfer Station budget prepared by Transfer Station Manager Andrew Morse.  The Board made some changes to the budget and decided to place two warrant articles for consideration on the 2008 ballot.  The first warrant article is to take $20,000 from the Transfer Station/Recycling fund to offset the cost of hauling and the second warrant article to take $20,000 from the Transfer Station/Recycling fund for onsite layout improvements.  

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the 2008 Solid Waste Disposal budget in the amount of $406,698.00.  Second by Selectman Donovan. Vote: Unanimous.

New Business
          A. Encumbrances

The Board reviewed a list of requested 2007 encumbered funds/carry forward from the Selectmen’s Office, Highway department and Recreation Commission as follows;

Selectmen’s Office

Request to encumber $319.99 for payment to Staples for a five drawer file cabinet.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to encumber $319.99 from the Financial Administration budget, as long as funds are available.  Second Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Highway department

Request to encumber $42,000.00 for payment to Gibbs Construction for the reconstruction/re-grading from #33 to #67 Smith Corner Road.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to encumber $42,000.00 for the reconstruction of Smith Corner Road from #33 to #67 to include the prep work in preparation of final top coat paving which will come out of the 2008 highway hot top budget, if funds are available.  Second by Selectmen Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Recreation Commission

Request to encumber $1,050.00 for payment to John DeFilippo for the installation of a sprinkler system for the t-ball field.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to encumber $1,050.00 from the Recreation Commission budget for John DeFilippo for the installation of the sprinkler system at Greenie Park for the t-ball field, if funds are available.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Carry Forward

Warrant Article #14 – Site Plan and Construction of a Pump House

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to carry forward warrant article #14 for the preparation of a site plan for a pump house totaling $23,115.22.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Discussion:  This is a non-lapsing warrant article until 12/31/2009.  Vote: Unanimous.

B.  Other Budgets

No other budgets were reviewed.

C.  2008 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule

The Board reviewed a draft Selectmen’s 2008 meeting schedule.  The only change was to the start time changing from 7pm to 6pm.

V.      Announcements
VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
VIII.   Reports from Department Heads
IX.     Review of Action Items
X.      Adjourn

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to adjourn at 10:08pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager