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October 22, 2007 Board of Selectmen Minutes

October 22, 2007

Call to Order

Chairman Ulcickas called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.  In attendance were Chairman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Police Department.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Donovan – yes, Selectman McCarthy – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to close the non-public session at 5:50pm.  Second by McCarthy.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the hiring of Kimberly Lowther as a temporary part time assistant to the Selectmen to work on the DocStar Electronic Filing System for up to $2,000 per year.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
New Business
A.      Review job descriptions

Chairman Ulcickas stated that the Board will be reviewing the job description of the Town Administrator.  When the Board at that time changed the title from Administrative Assistant to Town Administrator a new job description was never written to include the basic functions of the position as well as including other things that have added to the job as the role evolved.  

Town Administrator Wrigley discussed with the Board her job description as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Board of Selectmen.  Supervision of office personnel as well as the Department of Building Safety, Welfare Agent, Computer Technician (IT) and part-time secretaries, providing direction as needed.

Chairman Ulcickas discussed that part of the reason we are discussing the job description tonight is to reduce some of the issues being brought to a meeting for the Board’s consideration.    Chairman Ulcickas added that the Town Administrator needs empowering to have more authority to make judgments and to make sure the reconciliations of deposits and expenditures are happening on a monthly basis.  As the Town Administrator you can force the reconciliation and to make sure the purchase policy is being adhered to throughout the town departments.

Town Administrator Wrigley responded that she is in constant contact with the town Bookkeeper Kim Hughes to make sure monthly deposits and expenditures are being recorded but since the Treasurer works full time, she does not see her to discuss the reconciliations.  Chairman Ulcickas stated that the Town Administrator is the boss and has the authority to make sure that monthly reconciliations are being completed and reports are given to the Board of Selectmen.

Chairman Ulcickas brought forward a draft job description for the Town Administrator that he prepared and suggested the following wording giving the authority to work with those involved with monthly reconciliations.

“Monitors the budget and all financial affairs of the Town; works closely with Selectmen, and department heads to develop a comprehensive budget and work programs.  Works closely with the Treasurer and bookkeeper to insure accounts are reconciled as needed to efficiently operate and make decisions.”

The Board discussed that they have scheduled a meeting on October 29th to meet with the town Treasurer, Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator and Town Clerk/Tax Collector to discuss monthly and year-end reconciliations and communications.
Chairman Ulcickas added that it is imperative to encompass the town staff under the jurisdiction of the Town Administrator.  If issues cannot be resolved, then they are to come to the Board of Selectmen.  

Chairman Ulcickas stated that if we were creating this position from scratch then what do we want from the position.  

1.      All information should flow inward.
2.      Chain of command.  Town Administrator Wrigley added how is she to know how to direct the supervision of departments when the Board is directing them.  The Board discussed the need to make sure all directives from the Board are discussed with the Town Administrator.
3.      Policies and Procedures.  The Board discussed that they are spending too much time updating outdated policies.  The Town Administrator needs to continue to review them and keep updating them as needed.
4.      The Town Administrator needs to conduct staff meetings weekly, bi-weekly once a quarter or as needed in order to move forward otherwise we will move backwards.  The Selectmen’s Office is always playing catch-up and we need to make sure the office staff has more teeth.  Town Administrator asked what is she to do if the elected staff does not show up to the staff meetings and who does it entail?  The Board discussed that it includes elected officials as well as department heads such as the Road Agent, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Transfer Station, Police and Fire Department, Code Enforcement Officer, Health Officer, Office Manager and Building Department.  Selectman McCarthy added that you might find that some departments may only need to meet monthly or even once per quarter.  It was discussed by the Board that it is important for the Board to make sure everyone is aware and to change the mindset of everyone of the role of the Town Administrator as the boss.  

The draft job description prepared by Town Administrator Wrigley included (22) examples of essential duties.  The Board discussed each one and made the following changes;

1.  No change.
2.  The Board removed “supervises the preparation of the weekly agendas and gathers pertinent   supporting data as needed”
3.  No change.
4.  No change.
5.  No change.
6.  No change.  Town Administrator Wrigley discussed that a lot of the reports are sent in on a disk    which is then dumped into the Town Report.  The Board discussed that the gathering and  compiling of information should be running all year long.  Reports must be submitted to the     Town Administrator in a timely manner in order to compile the information by the deadline to    go to the printers.  
7.  The Board agreed to remove the wording “post notices of Annual and Special town Meetings”
8.  The Board agreed to include wording to cover the research and applying for grants, keep track of    grant information.  
9.  The Board agreed to include “Revising policies and to keep them updated.  Review and update as      needed.
10.  Not sure  
11. The Board agreed to include “Outsource specifications for a proper evaluation of bids received.”
12.  No change.
13.  The Board agreed to remove “enters all computer data as submitted by Assessor, maintains   Building Permits, Property Transfers, etc.  Prepare abatements, Board of Tax and Land   Appeals or Superior Court Appeals.”  
14.  The Board discussed that the town is too small to have and staffed IT employee therefore the       town contracts for this function.  Town Administrator added that the new server will be up and  running this Friday.
15.  Remove this function for it is an Office Manager responsibility
16.  Remove “Prepares press releases and reports as required.  Handles Selectmen’s      correspondence and prepares responses as needed.  Make appointments for Selectmen as    requested” for these functions are the responsibility of the Office Manager.
17.  No change.
18.  Remove
19.  Remove
20.  Remove
21.  The Board questioned the necessity of the Town Administrator to process the lien information for   residents that receive assistance and own their own home.  After discussing it the Board stated         that the Town Administrator should oversee the Welfare Agent only.  TA, Wrigley responded       that she will talk with the Welfare Agent to turn over the paperwork to her.
22. The Board changed the wording from “accessible” to “staffed”

B.      Review of 2007 budget expenditures and 2008 proposed budgets

Chairman Ulcickas discussed that the Board signed a contract with Local Government Center for a three year contract for workers’ compensation, health insurance and dental insurance and liability insurance for up to a 9% cap to the increase for each year.

2007 paving program

The Board reviewed the paving bids from Bell & Flynn of Stratham, NH and Pike Industries.  After a discussion on how the Road Agent goes about preparing his budget for the ensuing year, the Board decided to invite Road Agent Frank Gibbs to the November 5th meeting to discuss his proposed 2008 budget and proposed paving program, culvert and catch basin work for next year.  

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to award Bell & Flynn of Stratham, NH the bid for material and labor for Dugway Road for the sum not to exceed $62,250 to be paid from summer highway hottop line item only.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to award Bell & Flynn of Stratham, NH the bid for material and labor for Hayman Circle not to exceed $3,450 to be paid from the summer highway hottop line item only.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

2007 – 2008 Plowing Season Policy

Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that she contacted the surrounding towns to get their rates for snowplowing for the coming season.  Most towns have not finalized their rates for this year; only Kingston returned the call stating that they have a three (3) hour minimum and pay $47 per hour for snowplowing and $70 per hour for snowplowing, wing and sander.  After a discussion a recommendation from Road Agent Frank Gibbs to increase the hourly wages by .80 cents and the fuel inflation surcharge by .20 cents, the Board made the following motion;

Selectman McCarthy motioned to raise the 2007-2008 snowplowing rates with a .80 cent increase per hour with a .20 cent fuel inflation increase and to reduce the hired trucks 4 hour minimum charge to a three hour minimum charge.  Second by Chairman Ulcickas.  Discussion: Selectman Donovan stated that the Board wants to make sure the trucks are inspected before plowing.  Vote: Unanimous.

Road Agent Gibbs discussed that when Hayman Circle was put in it was done improperly and with the scheduled repairs will keep the water off the road and on either side of Hayman Circle.

Road Agent Gibbs discussed that he plans on hiring an additional truck to plow this year, bringing the total to eleven (11) trucks.  Gibbs discussed that the reason for the increase is due to new road being accepted by the town.   

A discussion ensued regarding a safety concern on Twombly Drive with a jersey barrier blocking off the cul de sac at the end of the road.  The Board asked for the Fire Chief to contact the owners of the road to inform the owners that the jersey barriers must be removed on Twombly Drive due to safety concerns.

The Board discussed the telephone pole on Smith Corner Road which is a hazard for it is in the road.  Verizon Communications is the responsible party for removing the pole and they promised to remove it at the beginning of this year and it is still there.  We have had no success with contacting Verizon regarding this pole for no one returns our calls.  The Board discussed that Fairpoint Communications is in the process of buying out Verizon.

The Board decided to send Verizon Communications a letter to warn them of this dangerous intersection, that they promised to remove the pole at the beginning of this year and today the pole is still there, it is a safety issue and if there is an accident then Verizon will be held liable for the town has tried to contact Verizon but to no avail.  The Board requested that the letter is copied to the NH Public Utilities Commission, Road Agent, Police Department, Fire Department and Fairpoint Communications.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                        Mary B. Winglass
                                                                        Office Manager