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October 15, 2007 Board of Selectmen Minutes


October 15, 2007

Call to Order

Chairman Ulcickas opened the meeting at 6:04pm.  In attendance were Chairman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (e) – Litigation.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Donovan – yes, Selectman McCarthy – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to close the non-public meeting at 7:02pm.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the circumstances no longer apply.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
A.      Discussion with Road Agent Frank Gibbs Re: 2007 Road Paving Program

Chairman Ulcickas read the bids for road paving from Pike Industries and Bell & Flynn as follows;  

Pike Industries of Hooksett, NH

Dugway Road – approximately 2300’ x 20’.  Fine grade & compact gravel portion.  Shim designated area.  Pave 2.5” & 2” base course as designated.  Pave wearing course. For a lump sum of $67,820.00.

Hayman Circle – approx. 100’ x 20” fine grade & compact.  Pave 2 1/2” base course for a lump sum of $4,260.00.

Bell & Flynn, Inc. of Stratham, NH

Hayman Circle and Dugway Road proposals did not give a bottom line figure, only an estimate based upon the amount of time to complete the work.

Chairman Ulcickas asked Frank what additional costs are associated with completing the work on Dugway Road.  Frank estimated that approximately $40,000 has been spent on preparing the road for pavement by raising the road, culvert work, tree and stump removal and shoulder work.  The shoulder work completed on Dugway included cutting into the side of the hill.  The Board encumbered funds at the end of last year for the roadwork on Dugway Road.  A discussion was held regarding the repairs and pavement to Hayman Circle and whether this road was part of the paving schedule for this year.  Frank responded that the repairs necessary on Hayman Circle was brought to light when we had flooding issues this past spring.  The repairs were necessary due to a large amount of standing water on Hayman Circle which ran over Heath Street.  The road needs to be raised to fix the problem.

Frank discussed that the Board encumbered funds from last year to prepare the work on Dugway Road and it would take some time to figure out the final cost.  Selectman Donovan asked if the Road Crew will be flagging during the road repairs and Frank responded yes.  At this point Dugway Road has been prepped for paving but he still has about another days work.  Frank will bring in the material and the cost is approximately $275 per load and it will take approximately 10 to 12 loads and approximately another $1,000 for the equipment.  The bids are for grading and supplying the hottop for paving.

After calculating the cost proposed to pave Dugway Road and Hayman Circle, Chairman Ulcickas determined that the cost will exceed the budgeted amount in the Summer Highway Budget.  Road Agent Frank Gibbs responded that he will have enough money in his overall budget to cover the cost for the roads.  The Board agreed that Frank needs to stick to the budgeted amount of $48,000 for hottopping.

The Board decided to table this item until the October 22, 2007 work meeting.

New Business
A.      Request for appointment for Samuel Zannini as an Assistant of the Department of Building Safety

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to appoint Samuel Zannini as a Deputy Building Official until a successor is appointed which is contingent upon receiving a favorable background check.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

B.      Discussion with Cemetery Trustees regarding various issues

Present were Cemetery Trustees Andrew Morse and William Landry  

Chairman Ulcickas stated that the Board requested to meet with the Cemetery Trustees to discuss the minutes of their September 18, 2007 meeting.

Selectman McCarthy questioned the purchase of the riding lawn mower and the need to hold an official meeting to vote on all purchases.  The minutes reflect that “At a previous meeting it was unanimously voted to purchase” and yet this vote was a poll taken over the phone by the Trustees, therefore it was not legal.

The Board questioned the Trustees about going out to bid for the cemetery maintenance.  Andrew Morse responded that two of the Trustees decided that it would be too expensive as an estimate given to a Trustee member came in at approximately $27,000 to maintain three of the town’s cemeteries.  The Board asked for the Trustees to formally go out to bid for the maintenance of all the cemeteries in town as this will hopefully bring in three bids for comparison.  William Landry added that Cemetery Trustee Raymond Thayer wanted to continue to maintain the Willow Grove Cemetery.  It was discussed that it would be more appropriate to get a bid for all the town’s cemeteries at this time.

Andrew Morse asked the Board if the Selectmen’s Office or the Trustees are to prepare the bid and send the legal notice to the newspaper.  It was discussed that the Trustees will prepare the specification and the Selectmen’s Office will prepare the bid and the Selectmen’s Office will make sure it is sent out to area businesses as well as the newspaper and website.

Cemetery Records

The Board discussed with the Trustees keeping the records in the Town Hall vault and whether it would be better to put them in the back office (Three Commissions Office) in a locked filing cabinet for easier access.  Andrew Morse responded that he is working on computerizing the records but feels that it would be better to keep the main records in the vault.

Equipment Shed and recent purchase of two lawnmowers

Andrew Morse discussed the need to purchase the two new push mowers as the riding mower is no longer operable and the other mower will not make it through another summer.  The Board discussed that they were told that Cemetery Trustee Raymond Thayer was seen towing a mower behind his car down the street and this was not acceptable; they do not want a brand new mower being towed down the street.  Andrew discussed that without an equipment shed, Trustees are storing the equipment at their homes and it can be a problem transporting the equipment.  The Board discussed that the lawnmowers are town property and if need be, use the town road crew truck to move the equipment.

The Board discussed with the Trustees the need to stay within the Cemetery budget for the equipment and shed and to either outsource it for next year or purchase the equipment.  The Board asked for the Trustees to wait on any additional purchases until we get the cemetery maintenance bids for comparison.  The Trustees concurred.

Andrew Morse discussed the removal of the leaves from the cemeteries as the Trustees do not have  leaf blowers therefore it is done manually using a rake.  Road Agent Frank Gibbs was asked if he had any equipment that the Trustees could use to clear the leaves from the cemeteries.  Frank responded that he has a truck mounted leaf removal equipment that vacuums the leaves up from the ground onto the truck.  The Trustees will work out the equipment rental with Road Agent Frank Gibbs.

C.      2008 Plaistow Regional Prosecution Contract

Chairman Ulcickas motioned that we sign the 2008 Plaistow Regional Prosecution contract in the amount of $12,919.15 to come from the Police Department budget.  Second by Selectman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.  
D.      Letter from CBI Re: Brush removal from the Transfer Station

The Board reviewed a letter from Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. Facilities Manager Norman Goodwin stating that they will be able to process small amounts of brush at their facility at 22 Whittier Street on an interim basis.  Transfer Station Andrew Morse stated that the town is still waiting for the certificate of insurance from Freeman Logging who will be transporting the brush.   With the brush being hauled out it will decrease burning the brush pile to once every 5 to 6 months.  Andrew added that as of the year 2011 the Town will not be allowed to burn the brush pile at all per the State of NH Department of Environmental Services standards.

E.      Discussion of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Re: Background Checks

Chairman Ulcickas discussed that the Board of Selectmen are currently working on revising the policy on background checks.  In the past few months, the Board has required all newly hired personnel to fill out a criminal record release authorization form to release to the town a copy of any criminal conviction record information.  Yet recently the Board appointed a volunteer to the Recreation Commission and a criminal record check was not required.  The Board discussed whether to require background checks on all volunteers as well as hired employees.

Chairman Ulcickas asked if we have a “Town of Newton Authorization to Release Information” to be signed by the applicant to give consent to the town to authorize the background check.  Office Manager Winglass responded that the town is currently using the State of NH Dept of Safety Criminal Record Release Authorization Form.  The Board reviewed the Newton Fire Department Authorization to Release Information form and asked for the Selectmen’s Office to work on creating a authorization form from the Town of Newton Board of Selectmen.

Selectman Donovan discussed requiring a criminal background check for volunteers as well as hired employees for many volunteer positions work around children and the elderly.  As a town representative, we need to know if there are any issues that would limit their capacity to work with children and the elderly.  The Board agreed that the cost to conduct the background checks is a small price to pay therefore from this point forward criminal record checks are required for all newly appointed and hired individuals.  

The Board discussed requiring a criminal background check for current employees and appointed volunteers.  Resident Bill Landry added that he feels that criminal background checks should be conducted on all current town employees and appointed officials so as not to discriminate with the start of the new policy.

A question was posed whether we need to do a motor vehicle check for anyone driving for the Town.  The Board agreed that we need to include a motor vehicle check from anyone driving any town equipment.

Chairman Ulcickas recapped the discussion by stating that the Board is requiring criminal records check for all new hires and appointed volunteers using the State of NH Dept of Safety Criminal Record Release Authorization Form and a to be determined Town of Newton Authorization to Release records form.  Release of Motor Vehicles Records will be required at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen.

F.      Invitation to Bid – 2007 Town Report

The Board reviewed a draft invitation to bid for the 2007 Town Report for the Board to review.  It was discussed that Town Reports will not be mailed this year due to a warrant article that passed at the 2007 Town Meeting to discontinue the mailing of the Town Reports each year.  Chairman Ulcickas added that if anyone would like a Town Report mailed to them, please contact the Selectmen’s Office to put your name on a list.

The Board then discussed the number of books to have printed and decided to print 1,000 copies.  

The Board discussed whether to print the Town Reports prior to the Deliberative Session or per State law by the 2nd Session of Town Meeting.  It was discussed that to print the Town Report prior to the Deliberative Session means that the Town Warrant does not include the changes made at the Deliberative Session.  

The Board discussed the practicality of having the Town Report ready for the Deliberative Session to give the residents all the information at that time.  But on the reverse side, the time constraints of preparing the year-end reports and getting the information to the printer in time, create long hours for the staff.  A discussion followed as to who would be required to put in the extra hours to prepare the year-end financial information.  The individuals mostly affected are the Treasurer, Bookkeeper and the Town Clerk/Tax Collector who are responsible to close out the financial books at the end of the year.  The Board decided to table this issue until the October 29th work meeting and asked to have the Treasurer, Bookkeeper and Town Clerk/Tax Collector come in to speak with them regarding year-end reconciliations and report deadlines for the Town Report.

G.      Timeline for 2008 Town Meeting

The Board tabled this discussion until the October 29th work meeting.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings

·       Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of September 25, 2007

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of September 25, 2007 as written.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.
·       Selectmen’s Public Hearing minutes of September 25, 2007

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to accept the Selectmen’s Public Hearing minutes of September 25, 2007   as written.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to adjourn at 8:45pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager