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September 25, 2007 Board of Selectmen Minutes

September 25, 2007

Chairman Ulcickas opened the meeting at 6:10pm.  In attendance were Chairman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Selectman Trisha J. McCarthy, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass.

Present was Chief Building Official Ron Lemere

Sprinkler System Site Plan

Mr. Ron Lemere discussed the status of the sprinkler system site plan in that the plan needs to reflect a steeper pitch and to remove the window located on the first floor.  Mr. Lemere added that it is not necessary to draw up a new site plan but to indicate in the specifications the changes to the current site plan.

Mr. Lemere is to work on the wording of the specifications to indicate the changes to the site plan so we can move forward by sending out the Invitation to Bid.

Fence at the Transfer Station

Chairman Ulcickas stated that Mr. Lemere did review the fencing bids and gave the Board his recommendation but the Board still had a few questions.  Mr. Lemere discussed the bid from Citiworks, Inc. as the most comprehensive bid submitted but it is not the lowest bid.  Dillon Fence was the lowest bid but the bid was incomplete in that it did not specifically delineate specification requirements such as the depth of the concrete, how they would be setting poles and what they would be using to set the poles.

The Board discussed the price and that we may need to hold off until next year due to budgeting concerns.  At this time, the Board is watching the budget to see if they can afford the necessary fencing as there were no budgeted funds for this project.  The Board was impressed with the details outlined in the bid from Citiworks, Inc. and asked that we contact them to discuss references and whether they would be able to hold the price for next year.  Selectman Donovan responded that with the price of metals as a commodity, it will be difficult to hold the price for 30 days.

Chairman Ulcickas stated that he is ready to move forward with Citiworks but we need to keep an eye on the budget and we need to contact them to apologize for moving slow and to ask for references.
Office of the Department of Building Safety/Health Officer/Code Enforcement/Bookkeeper/Treasurer

Chief Building Official Ron Lemere outlined the different departments utilizing this office and he has come up with some solutions to help make the area more usable.  Mr. Lemere added that he has checked with each department utilizing this space and received their approval of the proposed changes.

1.      Replace all six existing file cabinets as they are falling apart and in need of repair.  The new filing cabinets will be 5-drawer versus the current 4-draw which will help free up floor space.  The costs of the new filing cabinets are $1,920.00.
2.      Repair and paint walls.  Material cost of $90.00
3.      New file folder supplies for code enforcement and building department - $125.00
4.      Change the present Building Inspectors hours to Monday and Wednesday 9am to 12pm.  Tuesday would be closed and this will allow other departments to utilize the office without distractions and interruptions.  The change does not decrease the hours open to the public for Monday and Wednesdays will be increased by one hour to cover the time lost on Tuesdays (9am to 11am).

Additional costs not related to the office environment

Copies of the 2006 I codes, new books in duplicate are required for the department of building safety and code enforcement.  Estimated cost of $680.00

Digital camera for investigation and documentation purposes.  Estimated cost $250.00.  Currently the Code Enforcement Officer is using his own camera.

The department is in need of a means of processing word documents, case file documentation, memo’s, letters and other correspondence currently being done on personal computer equipment.  Estimated cost $1,800.00.  The Board discussed the need to include the Assessing Software on the computer for it needs to be available to the Building Department and the Code Enforcement Officer.

Mr. Lemere explained that there are funds in the building department manuals line item of $600.00 and the remaining balance of $4,265.00 could be paid from the Code Enforcement budget.

Mr. Lemere explained that the reason why we have extra funds in the Code Enforcement line item is due to hiring for the position much later in the year than anticipated.  Selectman McCarthy outlined the need to tract the mileage for the Code Enforcement Officer so we know the true cost for running the department.  Selectman Donovan discussed other hidden costs associated with these purchases that usually put you over budget such as hiring the Town’s IT consultant to handle the installation of the computer and software.

After some discussion regarding the need to update this department, the Board made the following motion;  

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to authorize Chief Building Official Ron Lemere in the Department of Building Safety to perform the upgrades outlined in the 2007 memo titled “Building Department office reorganization” not to exceed $6,000.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  The Board thanked Chief Building Official Ron Lemere for his diligence with preparing options for the department.  Vote: Unanimous.

Instant Hots and Faucets

Chief Building Official Ron Lemere discussed his understanding with the instant hots and the purpose to confine the energy directed to one fixture.  In the summer, it will save fuel currently used to maintain hot water to the kitchen and bathrooms.  Mr. Lemere added that the wiring has been brought into the bathrooms and Councilman Electric owes the town two hours to complete the job, which they have already been paid for.  

Mr. Lemere’s recommendation is to contact Councilman Electric to have the outlets completed so we do not lose contact with finishing the work but to put off the installation of the instant hots until next spring and to update the faucets at the same time.   Mr. Lemere will look into having the electrical completed.  The Board agreed with Mr. Lemere’s recommendation and asked him to move forward with completing the electrical work.

Chairman Ulcickas recessed the public meeting at 6:56pm.

The Board then held a PUBLIC HEARING per RSA 482:13 to discuss the proposed drawdown of Powwow Pond, East Kingston.  Per a request from the Powwow Pond Council, an organization of owners of shorefront property on Powwow Pond, for a change in the date and the depth of the fall drawdown of the pond for the purposes of weed control and cleanup of the shoreline.  The Council has requested that, this year, the normal start of the fall drawdown be moved from November 1st up to October 1st, and the depth of the drawdown be increased from one foot to three feet.  The public is invited to attend this informational meeting.  See the Public Hearing minutes for more details.

Chairman Ulcickas called the public meeting back to order at 8:29pm.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Transfer Station. Second by Selectman Donovan.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Donovan – yes, Selectman McCarthy –yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Ulcickas motioned to close the non-public session at 9:20pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager