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December 21, 2006 Board of Selectmen Minutes

December 21, 2006

Call to Order

Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 5:03pm.  In attendance were Chairman Gary F. Nelson, Selectman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
A.      Review of the 2007 proposed budgets, default budget and warrant articles

Financial Administration

The Board reviewed a memo from the Town Clerk/Tax Collector Raymond Thayer requesting for the Board to review the Tax Collector’s budget to include the 2.5% merit increase for the Deputy Tax Collector.

Chairman Nelson motioned to revise the 2007 Tax Collectors budget to $32,756 to include the 2.5% merit and change the budget line item to $10, 500 with total budget of $32,756.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Nelson motioned to amend the total 2007 Financial Administration budget to $146,093.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous


The Board set the town report and delivery line item to $5,076.00 and added new line item “part time office staff” for a total of $2,000.  The breakdown of the $2,000 equals 20 hours per week x 10 weeks @ $8 per hour.  This will allow the Selectmen’s Office to hire a part-time high school/college student to help complete overdue projects within the office during the summer months.

The Board discussed that they would like to breakout each employees salary within this budget and use the job title as the description, not the employee’s name.  Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley stated that if you do that for one budget you must do it for all.  The Board concluded that at this late date, they did not want to go back and revisit budgets already accepted.

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the revised Executive budget for 2007 for a total of $175,635 to include a line item for a part time office staff under Personnel expenses.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Personnel Administration

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the Personnel Administration budget for 2007 at $94,100.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Planning Board

The Board reviewed the Planning Board budget and had questions regarding the copier lease with a three year buyout option of $1 or to buy it outright.  Another concern is the consultant line item; Chairman Nelson will contact the Planning Board Chairman Kim Pettit to discuss these line items and the Board will revisit this budget next Thursday.

General Gov’t Buildings

The Board reviewed a list of proposed repairs/maintenance to the Town Hall, Library and Fire Station.

The Board reviewed estimates for the repairs to the roof at the Town Hall.  The Board added $40,000.00 into the repairs line item for the roof which brings that line item to $55,000.00.  

The cost of Phase II of the Fire Alarm System at the Library and at the Town hall is budgeted for under improvements.

The cost of windows and insulation at the Town Hall will be part of the $25,000 warrant article for repairs to General Government Buildings.

The cost for the repairs to the Planning Board office for $5,000 was accounted for in the budget under improvements.

The line item total for Improvements is $9,552.00; Repairs and Supplies $55,000.00.

The Board cut the equipment purchase line item to $1,000.

Chairman Nelson motioned to approve the total of $117,367.00 for the 2007 General Government Buildings budget.  The majority of the increase is for the repairs to the roof at the Town Hall.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.


Chairman Nelson motioned to approve $65, 435.00 for the 2007 Insurance budget.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Police Services

The Board discussed that a warrant article for Police Services to be paid from a separate revolving fund will be on the 2007 warrant.  In case the warrant article does not pass, it is necessary to budget for this service due to gross appropriation.  

Chairman Nelson motioned to approve the 2007 Police Services budget at $35,000.00.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Street Lightning

Chairman Nelson motioned to approve the total for Street Lighting for 2007 at $14,650.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Solid Waste

The Board reviewed the revised solid waste budget of $393,190.00.  The Board took $6,000 out of the salary line item due to a portion of the Transfer Station and Facilities Manager’s salary comes from the General Government Buildings budget.  

The Board then discussed the Solid Waste Revolving Fund to use some of the money to help offset the cost of the hauling and disposal costs.

Chairman Nelson motioned to include a warrant article on the ballot to take $40,000 out of the Solid Waste Revolving Fund to offset the 2007 Solid Waste budget.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the 2007 Solid Waste budget at $387,190.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

West Nile Virus

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the 2007 EEE/West Nile Virus budget at $35,000.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Welfare Budget

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept $21,993.00 as the 2007 Welfare budget.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Recreation Commission

The Board revised the dumpster line item under Greenie Park to read zero and create a new line item - facilities maintenance under Greenie Park and budget $1,500.  Other changes included increasing Summer Programs to $3,200 and decreasing Tennis to zero $0.  With the changes made to the budget did not change the bottom line total of $36,696.00.

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the 2007 Recreation Commission budget at $36,696.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.


Chairman Nelson motioned to approve $50,000 for legal expenses for 2007.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.  

The Board discussed that they are hopeful that at the 2007 Town Meeting, the residents will approve the hiring a Code Enforcement Officer which will help to reduce this budget.   

B.      Police Department request to carry-over PTO hours

The Board reviewed a memo from Police Chief Lawrence Streeter requesting to “bank” PTO hours remaining at the year-end for the following employees;

Chief Lawrence Streeter                         20 hours
Nathan Lyons                                    20 hours
Greg Iworsky                                            66 hours
Christopher Van Hurtim                            9 hours
Linda Meissner                                  21 hours

This request is due to the department being short staffed as well as employees attending training and an employee taking on additional workload as a result of another employee’s illness.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the requests from the Police Department to “bank” their remaining PTO balances at the end of the year.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

New Business
A.      American Medical Response Re: Extension of Agreement

The Board reviewed paperwork to extend the agreement between the Town of Newton and American Medical Response of Massachusetts, Inc. to provide emergency ambulance service until March 31, 2007.  All other terms and conditions of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect.  This extension is due to the local area towns negotiating a new contract with American Medical Response and their contract starts on April 1st of each year.

Chairman Nelson motioned to accept the American Medical Response Extension of Agreement to March 31, 2007.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Warrant Articles

The Board briefly reviewed proposed wording of the 2007 warrant articles.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Reports from Department Heads
·       Discussion with the Safety Complex Building Committee and the Town Treasurer Re: Safety Complex Building

Safety Complex Building Committee Chairman Bob Bartlett, Steven Wilson, President of Hampshire Development Corp and State Representative Kim Casey and Town Treasurer Cheryl Nelson were present to meet with the Board to discuss the status of the project as well as the funding options for the project.  

Chairman Bob Bartlett discussed that they had just come from a committee meeting and it was a very productive meeting.  Mr. Bartlett then produced a copy of letter that he prepared to send to Samyn-D’Elia Architects stating that it is the consensus of the committee to abandon the course at this time and to inform them that we will not be able to use any of the concept drawings or renderings as presented.  Consequently, the committee can not justify any further expenditure on this project.    The Board agreed to send the letter to see what they have to say in response.

Mr. Steven Wilson, President of Hampshire Development Corp discussed his background and knowledge as a General Contractor to oversee the Safety Complex project.  Chairman Nelson questioned whether we need to go out to bid for the hiring of a General Contractor.  It was stated that the bidding process is mainly for the supplies and each phase would require three competitive bids in an open book format.  Chairman Bob Bartlett stated that if we use Steven Wilson as the General Contractor then we would get a guaranteed price for the project and he would provide bonding for the project.  Selectman Ulcickas questioned the estimated months to complete the job.  Mr. Wilson response was (8) eight months.

The Board thanked those for attending.  Treasurer Cheryl Nelson and Office Manager Mary Winglass reviewed information from the bond counsel.

Review of Action Items

Chairman Nelson motioned to adjourn at 8:27pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.  

The Board’s next budget work meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30pm next Thursday night, December 28, 2006.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager