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December 19, 2005 Board of Selectmen Minutes

December 19, 2005

Call to Order

Chairman Harding called the meeting to order at 6:37PM.  Present were Selectman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Gary F. Nelson, Chairman Norman P. Harding and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
Continued discussion of NPREA reconciliation

Chairman Harding stated that Office Manager Mary Winglass sent an e-mail on Thursday afternoon, December 15th to the Planning Board Office and to all the Planning Board members home/work e-mail address requesting them to attend the Selectmen’s meeting tonight to meet with Laura Stirling, CPA who is reconciling the NPREA (Newton Professional Review Engineering Account).  The Board received an e-mail today from Vice Chairman Kim Pettit that the Planning Board would be unable to attend the meeting.  It was stated in the e-mail that this meeting was scheduled at the last minute without prior notification or agenda to the Planning Board.  It was noted that they felt that the meeting should be rescheduled so that Sally can attend as she had a previous engagement.

The Board then turned to Laura Stirling, CPA, who has been hired by the town to conduct a reconciliation of the NPREA, and asked where she was at with the reconciliation?  Ms. Stirling responded that she has done some work but that she has not received all the documentation that she needs to complete the job.  Ms. Stirling added that she has received information from the Town Treasurer and that she could probably do a fair job on the accounts with this information, however the Treasurer’s records did not include the developers name on the documents, therefore the information on whose account to apply it to was not available.  

TA, Wrigley added that the NPREA November 2005 bank statement just came in and the balance was approximately $8,000.  Ms. Stirling stated that she will continue to work on the reconciliation using the bank statements this weekend.  The Board discussed that we need to discuss this account with the members of the Planning Board and the Administrative Assistant.  The Board decided to sent a certified letter to the Planning Board inviting them to the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 2005.

The Board then discussed authorizing Laura Stirling to contact Altus Engineering, Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella (DTC), and Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) to request copies of past invoices relating to the NPREA so that she may move forward with the reconciliation.

Selectman Nelson motioned to allow Laura Stirling, CPA to contact Altus Engineering, Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella Attorneys at Law (DTC) and Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) to get past invoices relating to the NPREA account.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote:  Unanimous.

Continue review of 2006 budgets, default budget and warrant articles

Building Department budget

The Board reviewed a proposed 2006 budget for the Building Department in the amount of $99,191.00.  The Board discussed that this budget is a wash as 90% of the fees received goes to the Inspectors and the town receives 10% to cover the administrative costs.  The Board discussed their frustration with having to budget for these fees.  TA, Wrigley explained that due to gross appropriation, it is required by the state.

Chairman Harding questioned if the Board is comfortable accepting this budget at $99,191.00 when the December 15, 2005 year to date expenditures totaled $124,256.25.  The Board discussed the difficulty in estimating the building activity for the coming year and yet if the Building Inspector is comfortable with it, then so are they.

Summer and Winter Highway Budget

The Board discussed the over expended 2005 summer highway budget and the 2006 proposed budget of $235,961.00 which is an increase of $75,900 over last years budget.  The Board discussed that they need to review Mr. Gibbs proposed paving program for next year and their order of priority.

The Board requested that a letter be sent to Mr. Gibbs requesting him to attend the next Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 2006 to discuss this budget.

Planning Board

The Board then reviewed the Planning Board budget and decided to make three adjustments to their 2006 proposed budget.  The adjustments were reductions made to the postage, recording fees and consultant fees based upon the December 15, 2005 year to date expenditures for these line items.  The Board reduced the postage from $1,000 to $200; recording fees from $700 to $200 and consultant fees from $3,000 to $2,000 for a new total Planning Board budget of $51,504.00.  The Board then questioned the need to budget $3,000 for the Master Plan/CIP.  The Board encumbered $3,000 from the 2005 Planning Board budget as matching targeted block grant funding through Rockingham Planning Commission for the Master Plan/CIP update.

The Board requested for the office to include the above decision and their question on budgeting $3,000 for the Master Plan,CIP in the letter to the Planning Board inviting them to the January 3, 2006 Selectmen’s meeting.

Police Department

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Police Department budget for 2006 for a total of $528,196.00.   Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Building Inspector

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Building Inspectors budget for 2006 totaling 99,191.00.    Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Care of Trees

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Care of Trees budget for 2006 for a total of $3,000.00.   Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Election, Registration and Vital Statistics

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Election, Registration and Vital Statistics budget for 2006 at $80,120.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.


Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Executive budget for 2006 at $163,653.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Financial Administration

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Financial Administration budget for 2006 totaling $143,597.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Discussion:  This budget includes the Accounting and Assessing budget for $55,035.00; Treasurer/Bookkeeper budget for $14,070.00; Tax Collectors budget for $32,500.00; Budgeting, Planning and Analysis budget for $32,017.00; Board of Appeals budget for $9,975.00.  Vote: Unanimous.

Fire Department

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Fire Department budget for 2006 at $190,821.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Gale Library

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Gale Library budget for 2006 at $92,238.00.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

General Assistance

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the General Assistance budget for 2006 at $20,990.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.


Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Insurance budget for 2006 at $60,260.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.


Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Legal budget for 2006 at $50,000.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Personnel Administration

Chairman Harding motioned to approve the Personnel Administration budget for 2006 at $90,000.00.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

General Government Buildings

Chairman Harding motioned to approve the General Government Buildings budget for 2006 at $67,115.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Discussion:  The reason for the increase is due to the fact that the town buildings are falling apart and we need to appropriate some money to fix them and to make them more energy efficient.  Vote: Unanimous.

Police Services

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Police Services budget for 2006 at $35,000.00.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

Recreation Commission

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Recreation Commission budget for 2006 at $33,009.00.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

Solid Waste Disposal

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the Solid Waste Disposal budget for 2006 at $344,346.00.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

Street Lighting

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Street Lighting budget for 2006 at $12,000.00.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley then informed the Selectmen that the 2005 operating budget balance left as of December 15, 2005 is $115,794.35.  When reviewing outstanding bills to be paid and the last payroll for the year, the balance will be in the vacinity of $29,000.00.

New Business
Request for 2005 Encumbered Funds

The following is a list of 2005 Encumbered Funds and Carry Forward Funds given to the Board by the town’s Bookkeeper Kim Hughes.

Encumbered Funds

Cable Committee
        ABES of Maine, Equipment for $2,968.73

Chairman Harding motioned to encumber $2,968.73 for the Cable Committee as long as there are funds available.  Second by Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Planning Board
        Rockingham Planning Commission Targeted block grant funding for $3,000.00

Selectman Nelson motioned to encumber $3,000 for the Planning Board for the Rockingham Planning Commission Targeted block grant funding, WA #25, if funds are available.  Second by Chairman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley pointed out to the Board that the $3,000 was to come from the Planning Board budget not from warrant article #25.  TA, Wrigley discussed with the Board that this grant program is a 50/50 match program.  The local match must be in the form of budgeted funds and be available as of July 1, 2005 and must be able to be completed by June 30, 2006.  TA, Wrigley referred to a memo from Jill Robinson dated November 22, 2005 which outlined that the $3,000 has been granted to the town, which is matching funds for the following tasks:

1.      Create the vision chapter of the Master Plan with an updated wetland map
2.      Creating a Community Profile and
3.      Revising storm water management regulations for site plan and subdivision development

Selectman Nelson motioned to strike the wording WA #25 from the wording of the above motion.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Carry Forward

Warrant Article #19
        For the repaving of the driveway at the Horace Williams Building for $3,250.00

Chairman Harding motioned to carry forward $3,250 for the repaving of the driveway at the Horace Williams Building.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Warrant Article #25
        To complete the Vision Chapter, update the Land Use Chapter and to update the Capital Improvements Plan for $12,000.00.

Chairman Harding motioned to carry forward $12,000.00 to complete the vision chapter, update the Land Use Chapter and to update the Capital Improvements Plan.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.  

TA, Wrigley added that she was told that RPC is in the process of writing the contract.  Chairman Harding announced that anyone looking to get involved, this is a great project to start.

Year 2003 Warrant Article (lapses in year 2006)
        For the planning and installation of automatic fire sprinklers in the Town Hall for $600

This warrant article approved in 2003 was for $3,000 to hire a consultant for the planning and specifications and a cost for the installation of automatic fire sprinklers in the Town Hall.  As this article does not lapse until 2006, TA, Wrigley requested to carry forward the balance remaining of $600 in case we need it for additional consulting.
Chairman Harding motioned to carry forward $600 for the planning and installation of automatic fire sprinklers in the Town Hall.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Memo from Police Chief Streeter RE: Stop signs at Pond and Whittier Streets

TA, Wrigley informed the Board that the office has received some calls from residents that are not happy with the placement of the stop signs at the Pond Street and Whittier Street intersection.

The Board then reviewed a stack of correspondence from Police Chief Streeter outlining the applicable RSA’s governing the regulations of town roads and information from NHDOT demonstrating their use/reliance of the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” for guidance on traffic regulation.    

Road Agent Frank Gibbs was present and discussed with the Board the location of the stop signs and that he has been talking to residents and he has a 5 to 1 in favor of the location of both stop signs.  Frank added that if the Board agrees to leave the stop signs where they are, he plans on installing a three way intersection on Pond Street before the intersection to let motorist know what is up ahead.

The Board asked Gibbs if he consulted with the Police Chief on the location of the stop signs.  Frank responded “no”.  The Board decided to take a drive by the area to see the intersection and in the meantime get the Police Chief’s thoughts on the placement of the stop signs.  The Board tabled this item until the January 3, 2006 Selectmen’s meeting.

Review of an estimate to reconstruct and refurbish  the two sided Town Office sign

The Board reviewed an estimate from Paul Foti of Paul Foti Signs to reconstruct and refurbish the two sided Town Office sign at the front of Town Hall down near Route 108.  The Board stated that the sign looks awful and has become an eyesore.

Chairman Harding motion that we hire Paul Foti of Paul Foti Signs from Salisbury, MA to reconstruct and refurbish the Town Hall sign for $1,238 plus the extra cost of $150 to finish the ball at the top of the sign in 23 Karat gold leaf for a total not to exceed $1,388 and the work is not to be done before January 1, 2006.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

The posts need to be sanded and painted by the town when weather permits.  It was discussed that the posts will be sanded by the road crew after the sign has been taken down and completed as weather permits.  The painting will not take place until the spring.

Discussion of Intersection Improvement on Peaslee Crossing & Smith Corner Rd

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley and Office Manager Mary Winglass requested the Board to review documents that the office has received regarding the intersection improvements on Peaslee Crossing Road and Smith Corner Road.

The office has received a letter from Altus Engineering talking about bonds and insurance coverage that are to be incorporated in the Construction Contract for the intersection improvements project.

Second, the Board received a copy of a draft easement and memorandum of understanding to Donald Richards from Sharon Somers of DTC Attorneys at Law.  

Third, the Town of Newton received a driveway and excavation permit for Peaslee Crossing Road from the State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation.

TA, Wrigley and Ms. Winglass questioned the Selectmen’s involvement with the proposed improvements.  It was understood by all at the meeting that the Selectmen are the ones to go out to bid for the improvement work.  Is there something that the Selectmen’s Office needs to be doing in order to move forward with this project?  We understand that Altus Engineering is preparing specifications for the project, when will we receive them so that we can determine if the insurance coverage is adequate or is the Planning Board taking care of it?

The Board decided to add this item to the certified letter being sent to the Planning Board inviting them to the next Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 2006.  

Appointment for Charles Melvin, Sr. as an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals

The Board of Selectmen signed the appointment to recommend Charles Melvin, Sr as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

2005 Town Reports will not be mailed to residents; they will be available by March 7, 2005 at the Town Hall and/or it may be viewed on-line at 
  Chairman Harding announced that he will not be running for re-election for Selectman in 2006 as his plan is to embark on a different adventure, therefore it leaves one three year term Selectmen’s position open.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings

Public meeting minutes of November 19, 2005; November 28, 2005 and      December 5, 2005

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the public meeting minutes of November 19, 2005 as written.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Public Hearing minutes of November 28, 2005

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the public hearing minutes of November 28, 2005 as written.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Non-Public meeting minutes of November 28, 2005 and December 5, 2005

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the non-public meeting minutes of November 28, 2005 and December 5, 2005 as written.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Reports from Department Heads
Stewardship Committee
2005 Annual Report
Draft copy of bylaws
Request to clean Thornell Road

The Stewardship Committee was not present for the meeting.  Office Manager, Mary Winglass stated that she contacted the Chairman of the Stewardship Committee, Mary Marshall at 6pm this evening to let her know that the Stewardship Committee was on the agenda tonight and she responded that she was unable to attend but would submit a draft 2005 annual report and a copy of the draft bylaws for the Selectmen’s review.  It was discussed that this item would be on the January 3, 2006 meeting agenda.

Review of Action Items


Chairman Harding motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) employee compensation.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Roll Call Vote: Selectman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Nelson – yes, Chairman Harding – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Harding closed the non-public meeting at 10:25pm.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until, in the opinion of the majority of the members, the circumstances no longer apply except to announce that the Selectmen granted Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley to carry over to 2006 a total of 200.25 PTO hours; the Selectmen granted Richard Owens to carry over to 2006 a total of 80 into his “banked PTO” and any additional hours as regular PTO to year 2006;  the Selectmen motioned to increase Planning Board Administrative Assistant Sally Cockerline to Grade VIII, step 10, $12.93 per hour effective January 1,2006.

Chairman Harding closed the public meeting at 10:25pm.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                        Mary B. Winglass
                                                                        Office Manager