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September 19, 2005 Board of Selectmen Minutes

September 19, 2005

Call to Order

Chairman Harding motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) salary classification plan review and (c) possible zoning violation.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Roll Call Vote: Selectman Nelson – yes, Selectman Ulcickas – yes, Chairman Harding – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Harding motioned to close the non-public meeting at 7:04 pm.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until, in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the addition of Police Department Secretary/Clerk – Full-time to the town’s salary classification plan; to send a letter to Mr. Young of 21 Chase Road regarding a site walk of his property on October 1, 2005 and to send a memo to the Planning Board requesting whether S&R Construction Company of 158 South Main Street has approval for a change of use for a used car dealership.

Introduction of Guests
Town Assessor, Andrea Lewy and Jim Rice, Representative from Avitar Associates
Re:  Town Revaluation

Jim Rice, Representative from Avitar Associates was unable to make it to the meeting tonight.

The Town’s Assessor, Andrea Lewy was present and discussed and explained what happens during a town revaluation and to stress the importance for all residents to call and make an appointment this week to review their preliminary assessment values with a Representative from Avitar Associates.  Call (603) 382-9140 between 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday through Friday this week to schedule an appointment.  

Old Business
Discussion of eligibility for permanent part-time benefits for Planning Board Administrative Assistant Sally Cockerline

Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley discussed with the Board that she met with Sally after the September 6, 2005 Selectmen’s Non-Public Meeting to let her know of the Boards decision to take a look at her weekly hours at her six month evaluation for consideration for part time benefits as a permanent part time employee.  TA, Wrigley stated that after discussing the situation with Sally, they came up with a revised schedule together and she prepared the information in a memo for the Board’s consideration.  

Before this memo could be discussed at a Selectmen’s meeting, the Planning Board met and discussed it at their last meeting.  The revised schedule created misunderstanding at the Planning Board meeting as this information was prepared for the Board of Selectmen to review as an alternate schedule to allow for Sally to be eligible for part time benefits, prorated vacation and holiday pay, through the end of this year.  

TA, Wrigley added that the revised schedule made changes to Sally’s hours opened to the public; Sally is a town employee and while working as such, TA, Wrigley feels that she should be open to serve the public when at work.   Currently Sally is open to the public on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9am to 3pm and on Friday’s she works at the Town Hall but is not open to the public.  

The revised schedule suggested that Sally’s predetermined scheduled hours be calculated on a two week pay-period until December 31, 2005 totaling 50 hours.  The revised schedule has Sally open to the public on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 4:30pm; Thursday from 2pm to 5pm and scheduled hours on Friday, not open to the public for Sally to run errands and transcribe minutes.  When preparing the budget for 2006, the Planning Board could prepare the budget to include not less than 25 hours a week.    

Chairman Harding and Selectman Nelson stated that they do not have a problem with the revised schedule.  Selectman Nelson stated that at his place of employment, they allow for flexible scheduling and he approves of it.  Selectman Ulcickas disagreed and feels that it is not fair to the other town employees who work a scheduled 25 hours per week in order to get prorated holiday and vacation benefits; we should look at this for next year’s budget.

Chairman Harding stated that since he is the liaison to the Planning Board, he will bring this up at the next Planning Board meeting for discussion to see what can be agreed upon between the two Boards.

Hiring of a seasonal cemetery laborer for spring/fall cleanup

Chairman Harding read a memo from Cemetery Trustee Andrew Morse requesting to hire George Edwards as a part time casual laborer to assist with the cemetery mowing, spring/fall cleanup and other maintenance the Trustees deem necessary.  Mr. Edwards would be hired at Grade I, step 5, $8.12 per hour.  Mr. Morse stated that he has enough money in his budget to cover this expense.

Chairman Harding motioned to hire George Edwards as a casual part time labor to assist in the mowing, spring/fall cleanup and what other maintenance the Trustees deem appropriate at Grade 1, step 5, $8.12 per hour effective Sept. 19, 2005.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Continued discussion of hiring grave diggers with the Cemetery Trustees

Cemetery Trustee Andrew Morse informed the Board that he has received a Certificate of Liability Insurance from James E. Thornton, owner of ACME Vault Company.  A discussion ensued regarding whether the town needed a Certificate of Insurance naming ACME Vault as the insured or whether Mr. Thornton is the only person who will be doing the grave digging.  The Board recommended that Mr. Morse contact Mr. Thornton and then contact NHMA Legal Counsel for their opinion.  

The Board questioned Mr. Morse if the Cemetery Trustees have set a date to hold a meeting to discuss policy and procedures.  Mr. Morse responded that he is still trying to get in contact with one of the Trustees but they will be holding the meeting soon.  The Cemetery Trustee bylaws were written in 1958 and need to be reviewed and updated.  

Treasurer, Elizabeth Standing Re: July & August 2005 Month-end reconciliation

Chairman Harding stated that Treasurer, Elizabeth Standing was unable to attend this meeting due to a work scheduling conflict.  The Board discussed that they still have not received a July or August 2005 month-end reconciliation.  The Board requested that this item be on the next agenda and to invite the Treasurer and request both July and August month-end statements.

Review of General Government Buildings budget Re: Bids

The Board reviewed the August 31, 2005 General Government Buildings expenditure report prepared by Bookkeeper Kim Hughes.  The Board noted that the $5,000 repairs/supplies budget line item is already in the negative by ($2,000.73) but the overall budget has a balance of $11,360.22.  The budget covers the expenses of all town owned buildings including utilities, dumpster fees, grounds maintenance, internet service and equipment expenses and purchases.  

Gale Library Repairs

The Board then reviewed a proposal for masonry work to the front porch foundation of the Gale Library.  Selectman Nelson visited the Gale Library and found that the foundation needs to be repaired.  After reviewing the proposal, the Board questioned what is the total price for the repair to the pillar and an optional point of the foundation and the price for the sealer.  The Board asked for a clarification and they will review this issue again at the next meeting.

Central Fire Station and Town Hall upgrade and repair to the Alarm Warning System

TA, Nancy Wrigley stated that the alarm warning system is old and cannot be repaired.  The silent alarm system at the Town Hall goes off each time we lose power and the Fire Department has to come to the Town Hall and inspect the building and then resets the alarm.  The cost to upgrade and repair the alarm system at the Town Hall is $1,449.95 plus a $480 annual service charge paid per annum, annually in advance for a period of three years effective from the date the service is operative.

The repair to the Central Fire Station includes one (1) Silent Knight 5208 control to replace the defective King Fisher unit downstairs.  Rockingham County Dispatch will be removing their King Fisher radio receiving equipment in the near future.  The cost of the repair is $ 1,099.95 plus a $480 annual service charge paid per annum, annually in advance for a period of three years effective from the date the service is operative.

The Board questioned the last paragraph on the front page of the proposal and asked for a clarification and they will look at this item again at the next meeting.  

Hand railing repair at the rear of the Town Hall – entrance into the Planning Board Office

The Board reviewed a proposal to remove and replace the handicap rail entrance into the Planning Board Office with aluminum pipe for $6,750.00.  The Board discussed getting other bids for this work as the cost seems high; in the meantime Chairman Harding will bolt the posts to the ramp as the nails have rusted out.  The Board then discussed other items that need to be updated at the Town Hall such as air conditioning or new ceiling fans for the upstairs hall.  The Board discussed that these items will either be put in a warrant article or in the budget for next year.

Emergency buttons at the Town Hall

The Board then reviewed a proposal from Protection One to upgrade the Town’s outdated emergency buttons.  TA, Wrigley stated that the cost of $594 versus the protection to the town’s employees should not be an issue that can be put off.  At this point, we can not be assured that the system will work when needed.  

Chairman Harding motioned to spend $594 to replace the Town Hall existing emergency button system to include one wireless receiver, five wireless alarm buttons which will tie into the existing control system.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Action taken by the town in regards to mosquito spraying

Chairman Harding read the Public Notice posted around town that spraying to control adult mosquitoes was done on Wednesday, September 14th between 5pm and 9pm at the Middle and Memorial Schools at 31 West Main Street, Greenie Park Skate Board area at 24-32 Heath Street, Crane Crossing Road Trailer Park (Willow Grove) and Packer Meadows located at the end of Highland Street.  The insecticide, Permanone 10EC (permethrin) was used to control adult mosquitoes and was achieved by using backpack sprayers.

Chairman Harding added that Dragon Mosquito Control did some mosquito trapping the weekend before last and one mosquito tested positive for EEE from the Willow Grove Trailer Park located on Crane Crossing Road.  

Mr. Mark Brooks, former Selectman in Merrimac, MA was present and discussed that Merrimac has had one mosquito tested with EEE and the West Nile Virus and they had a horse died this past weekend.  He discussed the need for bordering towns to exchange information.  Mr. Brooks stated that Merrimac has planned to conduct spraying this week.  Chairman Harding explained what the Town of Newton has been doing for the past three years to help combat against West Nile Virus.  The Selectmen agreed that this issue needs to be discussed with the surrounding towns and discussed contacting Plaistow Town Manager John Scruton for this item to be placed on the next Area Selectmen’s Meeting schedule for this Wednesday, September 21st.

The Board added that there is a table at the Town Hall with pamphlets and literature on how to handle dead birds and ways that you can protect yourself and your family.

The Board then discussed the Transfer Station and the open containers holding recycling materials and the concern that they are probably housing a mosquito population.  Selectman Nelson discussed that a roof needs to be placed over the open containers but in the meantime, maybe we should have them removed until we can provide a more weather proof cover.  Andrew Morse, Transfer Station worker stated that they have covered some of the containers with tarps.  The Selectmen agreed that the Boy Scouts need to be contacted to have them cover their container and to contact NRRA to find out if they have closed containers for the recycling and the cost.

Another issue is the Fire Pond located at the back of the Transfer Station.  The Board agreed to contact Sarah MacGregor, President of Dragon Mosquito to have the pond tested.   

Letter from the Cable Committee Chairman Andrew Morse Re: Comcast Form 394

Chairman Harding read a letter from Andrew Morse, Chairman of the Cable Committee stating that the Cable Committee voted in favor 3-0 to recommend that the Board sign the Comcast Form 394.  The Board agreed to sign the form after the meeting.

New Business
Discussion of the due date for the first 2006 preliminary department budgets

The Board agreed upon Monday, October 10th as the due date for the 2006 preliminary department budgets to be submitted to the Selectmen’s office.  Note: After the meeting, it came to the attention of the Board that on October 10th the Town Hall is closed in observance of Columbus Day.  The Board agreed to change the due date to Tuesday, October 11th.

Set date for Trick or Treat

Selectman Nelson motioned to set the date for Trick or Treat for Monday, October 31st from 5 pm to 8pm.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Letter from Newton Garden Club Member, Sheila Bergeron Re:  Treatment for voles at the Marshall House Property

The Board reviewed a letter from Garden Club Member, Sheila Bergeron requesting permission to treat the voles that have infested the gardens and destroyed many of the perennials at the Marshall House property.  The Newton Garden Club planted gardens around the Marshall House for the town anniversary in1999 and they would like to replant and keep the gardens looking nice but they need to treat for the voles first and would use Bonide Molemas, which is a granular product that is biodegradable and safe for children and pets.  The Board agreed to allow the Newton Garden Club to treat the voles and to replant the garden at the Marshall House.  The Board thanked them for their time and effort.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items

Chairman Harding motioned to adjourn at 9:43pm.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager