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August 15, 2005 Selectmen's Meeting minutes

August 15, 2005

Call to Order

Chairman Harding called the public meeting to order at 6:30PM.  In attendance were Selectman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Gary F. Nelson, Chairman Norman P. Harding and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager, Mary B. Winglass.

Chairman Harding motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Police Department Personnel and (c) – site inspections.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Roll Call Vote: Selectman Ulcickas – yes; Selectman Nelson – yes; Chairman Harding – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.  

Chairman Harding called the public meeting back to order at 7:10pm.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until, in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce that the Board hired Gregory M. Iworsky as a full time uncertified Police Officer at Grade XV, step 1, $14.57 per hour effective August 15, 2005.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
New Business
Letter from Robert G. Breault Senior Project Manager RE: Open Land

Bob Breault, Senior Project Manager for C.P. McDonough Construction Corp. spoke to the Selectmen about the conceptual phased development of Puzzle Estates to see if there is any interest with the possibility of granting water rights to the Town.  The Selectmen agreed to discuss this issue with the Conservation Commission and other departments in town to get their input.  The Board thanked Mr. Breault and Coleman McDonough for approaching the Board with this option.  Selectman Ulcickas and Selectman Nelson stated that they will meet with the Conservation Commission at their next meeting to discuss this issue to see if there is any interest.

Mr. Breault and Mr. McDonough then discussed their concern with the Planning Board and their operating procedures such as the status of fees, their accounting procedures and the effectiveness of Altus Engineering.  Chairman Harding stated that the Selectmen are in the process of preparing documents to audit the NPREA, which should help the new Planning Board Administrative Assistant with the documentation.  As far as the hiring of Altus Engineering, Chairman Harding stated clearly that the Selectmen have no jurisdiction over the Planning Board but with the new Administrative Assistant and new members on the Board, things are changing.

Quote from Life Safety Fire Protection for a Fire Sprinkler System consultation

Chairman Harding stated that the town passed a warrant article two years ago for the sum of $3,000 to assist in the development of performance specification for the planning and installation of automatic fire sprinklers in the Newton Town Hall.  Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley has been working on finding someone who would give us a quote and has just recently met with Alan Schmidt of Life Safety Fire Protection, Inc. who submitted a quote for the Fire Sprinkler System consultation for the Town Hall.  The Board reviewed the quote for a total of $2,400 to include an on-site survey of the building, a consultation with the Fire Department and Building Inspector and specifications for a wet or dry fire sprinkler valves and systems of an appropriate listed Fire Pump and sized water tank.  

The Board discussed that once they receive the quote with a full set of specifications then the town will know how much it will cost and the Selectmen will be able to write a warrant article to request the funds to implement a sprinkler system at the Town Hall.
Chairman Harding motioned to hire Life Safety Fire Protection, Inc. to design a fire sprinkler system for the Town Hall.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Chairman Harding amended the motion to include the amount of $2,400.  Selectman Ulcickas seconded the amendment.  Vote: Unanimous.  

Letter from Brox Industries RE: NHDOT resurfacing

Chairman Harding read a letter from Brox Industries stating that they are planning to start resurfacing state roads in town during the month of August or early September and if we have any concerns or special events to please contact them.  The tentative paving schedule set by the state in February lists Newton Jct/Highland Street, W. Main/Peaslee Crossing Rd and Amesbury Road.

Looking for eldest resident in Newton to be awarded the BOSTON POST CANE certificate

Chairman Harding read the announcement that the Board is looking for the eldest resident in town to be awarded the Boston Post Cane certificate.  Please contact the Selectmen’s Office at 382-4405 to give us your name and birth date so that you may be considered for this distinguished award.  Anyone with information on past holders of the Boston Post Cane is urged to contact the Selectmen’s Office.

Memorial walk in honor of Allison L. Fillio to benefit Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will be held on Sunday October 2nd starting at 9AM at Greenie Park to Highland Cemetery

Chairman Harding stated that anyone interested in receiving more information, please contact Cathy Surette at 382-3910.  

  Beach Closing

Selectman Nelson discussed that with the Beach being closed these past few weeks due to the danger of Blue-Green Algae, a lot of residents are concerned that it may be due to the building going on around town.  This is the third year that Country Pond has had a problem with health related risks when swimming during the month of August.  Selectman Nelson added that some residents are interested in starting a committee to look into why this is happening at Country Pond.  If anyone is interested in volunteering their time on this committee, please contact the Selectmen’s Office.

MS-1 Extension

Town Administrator, Nancy Wrigley explained to the Selectmen that due to the process of conducting a revaluation of properties in town this year, the bills will be late.  The schedule of events is that the residents will receive a letter from Avitar Associates in the month of September with their new assessment and a Public Hearing process will be open to the residents to speak with a representative from Avitar before the second bills are finalized.  The usual time that the MS-1 is due is the beginning of September and the extension request is until November 15, 2005.  TA, Wrigley stated that this is a normal procedure when the town goes through the revaluation process.  The three selectmen signed the extension.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public meeting minutes of August 1, 2005

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the public and non-public meeting minutes of August 1, 2005.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Reports from Department Head
Review of Action Items

Chairman Harding motioned to adjourn at 8:10pm.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager