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May 2, 2005 Selectmen's Meeting minutes

May 2, 2005

Call to Order

Chairman Harding called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.  In attendance were Selectman John P. Ulcickas, Selectman Gary F. Nelson, Chairman Norman P. Harding and Town Administrator, Nancy J. Wrigley.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager, Mary B. Winglass.

Chairman Harding motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (e) – pending claim and (c) – elderly exemptions and permit application.  Second by Selectman Nelson.   Roll Call Vote: Selectman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Nelson – yes, Chairman Harding – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Harding motioned to close the non-public meeting at 7:22pm.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until, in the opinion of the majority of the members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply except to announce that the Selectmen gave Police Chief Streeter the authority to begin the search for candidates for part-time Police Officers to fill the needs of the department and the majority of the Selectmen signed a letter to Mark Grey, Business Administrator, SAU #17 regarding building permits.

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
Continued discussion of the TankSure Program offered by Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil

The Selectmen discussed the TankSure program in that each oil tank would be evaluated during the town’s annual cleaning at a cost of $30 for each tank.  If any of the tanks do not qualify for the program then only a burner tune-up will be performed and the town will not be charged the $30 fee.  The Selectmen decided to have the oil tanks at the NJ Fire Station, Gale Library, Town Hall and the Central Fire Station evaluated under this program.  To have these five (5) tanks evaluated will cost the town $150 and will give us a good benchmark at a reasonable cost.  

The Selectmen then discussed the oil tank at the Police Station and the need to have it inspected as it is buried underground and the TankSure program would not be able to evaluate its condition.  Office Manager Mary Winglass stated that when she spoke with Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil they gave her a name of an Environmental Specialist, Al Bryant 692-0022 who specializes in underground removals.  Chairman Harding will contact him to discuss the cost of an inspection.
Chairman Harding motioned to authorize Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil to inspect the fuel oil tanks under the TankSure program at the NJ Fire Station, Gale Library, Central Fire Station and the Town Hall.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

NPDES Phase II Small MS-4 Storm Water Annual Report

Selectman Ulcickas stated that he has been working on the MS-4 Storm Water Annual Report which includes a summary on what we have done under the town’s BMP (Best Management Practices) and their current status.  Selectman Ulcickas stated that areas he has noted that the town is working on is that we passed a definition on ‘wetlands’ under the town’s zoning ordinance at the March Town Meeting and that the Conservation Commission is holding 1st Annual Biomonitoring  Day on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at the Busch Farm as part of its stream monitoring program and education.  

A discussion followed regarding the material picked up on the town’s roadside and culvert cleanings is being deposited at the Busch Farm.  This material is to sit for one year before being mixed with the leaf pile and used as compost to be available to the public and to be used at the Busch Farm.  The Selectmen concluded that this should be added to the annual report.

Chairman Harding added that the Planning Board recently held a Public Hearing and updated the subdivision regulations.  This update will be added to the annual report.

Selectman Ulcickas stated that he will make the changes to the annual report and will report back at the next Selectmen’s Meeting.   

New Business
Calculating of the 2005 allowable number of Elderly Housing Units

Chairman Harding read the procedure for calculating the allowable number of Elderly Housing Units.  Last year it was determined that as of March 1, 2004, the total number of dwelling units in the Town of Newton is 1,450.  From March 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005 ten (10) new dwelling units were added to bring the total number of dwelling units to 1,460.  The allowable elderly units equal 10% of the total dwelling units minus any Elderly Housing Units approved with a signed mylar.  Chairman Harding stated that right now there is one Elderly Housing project with a conditional approval but at this time the mylar has not been signed.   

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Total Number of Allowable Elderly Housing Units at 146 as of April 1, 2005.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Discussion of the cutoff time to submit a written request to be placed on a Selectmen agenda

The Selectmen discussed that the policy for requesting to be on the Selectmen’s agenda is to submit your request in writing no later than 4pm on the Thursday prior to the meeting.  Office Manager, Mary Winglass stated that the 4pm deadline on Thursday is difficult due to the fact that the Post Office closes at 4:30pm and the agenda is posted at both Post Offices in town.  Mary requested that the deadline be changed to Wednesday at 4pm.  The Selectmen agreed to change the deadline to 4pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting and that a written request outlining the discussion/topics to be discussed at the meeting is required by the Board.   

Review Planning Board Administrative Assistant Job Description

Office Manager, Mary Winglass stated that she made some minor changes to the job description.  These changes did not alter the intent in any way.

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the Planning Board Administrative Assistant Job Description as written.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Police Detail Pay

Chief Streeter stated that the area’s contiguous towns rely on mutual aid for a number of things.  Plaistow, Atkinson, Danville and Hampstead have increased the detail billing rate and Chief Streeter requested that the Board consider authorizing the same police detail pay rate increase to $41 for a detail without the cruiser and $49 for a detail with a cruiser.

Chairman Harding motioned that we move the police detail rate from $30 to $33 per hour with the Admin fee and cruiser fee staying the same.  This would change the detail without a cruiser to $41 per hour and for a detail with a cruiser to $49 per hour.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Municipal Clerks Week May 1st through May 7, 2005

Chairman Harding announced that May 1st through May 7th has been recognized as Municipal Clerks Week.  The Selectmen recognized and extended their appreciation to Raymond Thayer and MaryJo McCullough for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the residents of the Town of Newton.      

Newton Conservation Commission will hold their first Annual Biomonitoring Day on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at the Busch Farm on North Main Street.  The cost is free – come and join local wetland experts and novices alike for this family friendly day in the woods to learn about the health of our environment.   

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of April 4, 2005, April 5, 2005 and April 18, 2005

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the public meeting minutes of April 4, 2005, April 5, 2005 and April 18, 2005.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Chairman Harding – yes, Selectman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Nelson voted yes to accept the April 4th and April 5th minutes but abstained from the April 18th minutes as he was not at the meeting.  Motion passed.

Selectmen’s Non-Public Meeting minutes of April 4, 2005 and April 18, 2005

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the meeting minutes of April 4, 2005.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman Harding motioned to accept the meeting minutes of April 18, 2005.  Second by Selectman Ulcickas.  Vote: Chairman Harding – yes, Selectman Ulcickas – yes, Selectman Nelson - abstained.  Motion passed.

Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items

Chairman Harding motioned to adjourn at 8:12pm.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager