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January 12, 2005 Selectmen's Public Hearing Minutes
JANUARY 12, 2005

Chairman Cushing opened the Public Hearing at 7:02pm.

2005 Town Budget

Copies of the budget were available to the public for their input and discussion.  

Chairman Cushing stated that the 2004 budget appropriation was $2,202,168 and this year it is 2,381,619.  The increases include fuel increases, heating and gas increases, snow plowing rates increases and an across the board 12% increase in health and dental insurance with more positions utilizing the benefits than in previous years.  

Selectman Harding added that due to the gross appropriation law it is difficult to compare one year to the other as the state changed some of the laws.  Money that is paid to the Town Clerk now has to be run through the budget due to gross appropriation and with the increase in building and development in town, the building department is paid by fees and again it is necessary to budget this amount.  

Emergency Management drills in the past were paid directly to the participants from the state but the state law changed and now they pay the town and the town pays the employees, therefore requiring gross budgeting.  The state has allocated $19,400 to the town for drills and equipment; last year the town only appropriated $1,200 in the emergency management budget.  Due to gross appropriation this is an increase over last year’s budget of $18,200.  

Other increases include a small increase in the solid waste budget due to tipping fees and tonnage.  Planning Board budget increase is a direct result of the increase number of subdivisions and development and some of their costs have gone up as well as their legal appropriation.  Insurance went down due to being successful in lumping the town’s insurance together and locking into a three year agreement.

Police Chief Streeter stated that the Police Department’s 2005 budget is a maintenance budget with nothing new except for the replacement of a cruiser through a lease

program.  This program will replace the aging fleet over a five year period.  Chief Streeter added that he has reduced the cruiser maintenance line item by 2,000.  

Chief Streeter added that his department has five full time employees who use the Health and Dental Insurance and with the 12% increase this year it is a substantial impact on his budget.

Chief Streeter then invited any resident with questions about his budget to please stop by the Police Department for an explanation.

Chairman Cushing asked the public if there were any questions about the budget.  There were no questions from the public.

Default Budget

Chairman Cushing stated that the law does not clearly define the default budget.  RSA 40:13, IX (b) “Default Budget” as used in this subdivisions means the amount of the same appropriations as contained in the operating budget authorized for the previous year, reduced and increased, as the case may be, by debt service, contracts, and other obligations previously incurred or mandated by law, and reduced by one-time expenditures contained in the operating budget.

The total 2005 default budget, as prepared by the Board of Selectmen, is $2,337,418.00.

Warrant Articles

Chairman Cushing announced that the Selectmen will not address the Planning Board warrant articles as they had their own Public Hearing.

12.     To raise appropriated $2,381,619.00 as the 2005 Operating Budget and $2,337,418.00 as the default budget.

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 12.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

13.     Adopt an Exemption for the Disabled

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 13.  Second by Selectman Harding. Vote: Unanimous.

14.     Ordinance – Certified Sprinkler Systems in all new commercial and industrial buildings

There is no recommendation required by the Selectmen as there is no funding involved with this article.  

15.     Ordinance – Certified Sprinkler Systems in Senior and Elderly Housing Units.

There is no recommendation required by the Selectmen as there is no funding involved with this article.  

16.     To establish a Capital Reserve Fund for a safety complex and to raise and appropriate $50,000 to be placed in this fund.

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 16.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

17.     To establish a Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Apparatus and Equipment and to raise and appropriate $50,000 to be placed in this fund.

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 17.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

18.     To raise and appropriate $16,000 to purchase an Automatic CPR Board

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 18.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

19.     To raise and appropriate $3,250.00 for the repaving of the driveway at the Newton Junction Fire Station  

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 19.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

20.     Capital Reserve Fund for the Development and Implementation of a tax mapping program.  

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 20.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

21.     Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

Chairman Cushing motioned to not recommend article number 21.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Chairman Cushing and Selectman Nelson – yes; Selectman Harding – no.  Motion passed.

22.     Raise and appropriate $10,000 to be placed in the existing Gale Library Building Fund as proposed by the Gale Library Board of Trustees.

Selectman Harding motioned to recommend article number 22.  Selectman Nelson seconded for discussion.  It was discussed that the function of the library will change in the future and the library is in need of repairs.  Vote: Unanimous.

23.     Town Website

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 23.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

24.     To have the Certificate of Occupancy changed to allow a signature block for the Planning Board designee

There is no recommendation required by the Selectmen as there is no funding involved with this article.  

25.     To raise and appropriate $12,000 to complete the Vision Chapter and update the Land Use Chapter and to Update the Capital Improvements Plan.  

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 25.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

26.     To raise and appropriate $31,318.00 for multiple community services

Chairman Cushing motioned to recommend article number 26.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

27.     Petition to raise and appropriate $5,000 for the Sad Café

Selectman Nelson motioned to recommend article number 27.  Second by Chairman Cushing.  Vote: Unanimous.

28.     Petition to increase the Town Clerk/Tax Collectors salary from $9,000 to $15,000.

Chairman Cushing motioned to not recommend article number 28.  Second for discussion by Selectman Harding.  It was discussed that currently the Town Clerk/Tax Collector is paid approximately $46,000 in fees per year and health insurance benefits but is not eligible for NH Retirement.   As an elected official he does not get costs of living increases and has not had an increase in a couple of years.  Vote: Chairman Cushing – yes, opposed – Selectman Harding and Selectman Nelson.  Motion failed.

Selectman Nelson motioned to recommend article number 28.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Selectman Nelson and Selectman Harding – yes, Chairman Cushing – no.  Motion passed.

Chairman Cushing closed the Public Hearing 9:26pm.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass
                                                        Office Manager