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January 4, 2005 Selectmen's Meeting minutes

January 4, 2005

Call to Order

Chairman Cushing called the meeting to order at 7:27pm.  In attendance were Selectman Gary F. Nelson, Chairman Stephen M. Cushing and Town Administrator, Nancy J. Wrigley.  Selectman Norman P. Harding was not present.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager, Mary B. Winglass.  

Introduction of Guests
Old Business
Continued discussion of 2005 budget, default budget and warrant articles

The Board decided to adjust the General Government Buildings budget to include the additional funds in the janitorial services line item to include the cleaning of the Police Department and the Town Hall.  This change to the General Government Buildings budget includes $5,500 for janitorial services for a total budget of $43,915.00.

The Board spent a considerable amount of time reviewing each line item in the budget in order to determine the default budget.

2005 NHSPCA Annual Impoundment Contract

Chief Streeter discussed with the Board that he reviewed the contract with Animal Control Officer Kim Mears and they have no issues with the contract nor do they have any suggested changes to the contract.  

Selectman Nelson motioned to accept the NHSPCA contract with the Town of Newton for 2005.  Second by Chairman Cushing.  Vote: Unanimous.

Continued discussion of surviving spouse coverage policy        

The Selectmen reviewed the information prepared by TA, Nancy Wrigley regarding the surviving spouse coverage policy and the three options to the Town.  The Local Government Center is requesting that the town select from the three options, the town can select more than one option, in order to determine a policy on providing medical and/or dental coverage to a surviving spouse of a deceased retiree.  Offering coverage to a surviving spouse does not mean the Town is obligated to contribute to the cost of the coverage.

The Board decided to select two statements that apply to our group (Town of Newton).  
·       Our group offers coverage for surviving spouse of deceased retiree only if surviving spouse is eligible for a NH Retirement System benefit/subsidy.
·       The Group offers coverage for surviving spouse of deceased retiree

It was discussed that the Town should include this decision into the Town’s Personnel Policy.  

New Business
Andrea Lewy, CNHA Re: Contract Assessing

Certified NH Assessor, Andrea Lewy met with the Board to discuss the possibility of the Town contracting her to work one day per week as the Town’s Assessor.  Andrea has been the primary Assessor working for the Town since 2000 and is a certified Appraiser Supervisor and a Certified NH Assessor since 1993.  This past year Andrea no longer is employed by Avitar Associates and has contracted with the Town of Stratham for four days per week and would like to schedule in Newton for one day per week.  Andrea stated that she has a fondness and loyalty to Newton and would like to continue being the Town’s Assessor.  

The Board then discussed that the President of Avitar Associates, Gary Roberge told the Selectmen and the Town Administrator that if we were inclined to hire Andrea, he would be flexible and would be willing to break the three year contract the Board signed last year.  The Board then discussed that having Andrea work for the Town would be a great asset as she works well with the residents and she takes the time to explain and educate the residents in a fair and confident manner.  

The Board discussed with Andrea that the goal of the Town is to finish the revaluation in 2005 versus 2006.  Avitar Associates would still be working for the town doing the revaluation and the Town would continue with the yearly Software Contract.  It was discussed that we need to be careful that Avitar does not have a problem with this change as we want to keep them on schedule for the revaluation.  Chairman Cushing added that he feels hiring Andrea as the Town’s Assessor would give the town the added bonus of knowing and keeping track of the progress through the revaluation process and making sure we are getting what we have contracted for with Avitar.   Chairman Cushing also mentioned the court decision last year when it was found in favor of the Town, based upon Andrea’s recommendation that Country Pond Fish & Game was not a non-profit organization.  

Chairman Cushing discussed the differences between hiring Andrea as a subcontractor or as a Town employee.  Andrea responded that she would prefer to be hired as a subcontractor and has secured liability insurance for that purpose.

Chairman Cushing then questioned Andrea about the assessment of her comfort level when working with Avitar.  Andrea responded that she is very happy with the software and she currently does not have a problem working with Avitar through the Town of Stratham.  Andrea stated that it is a business relationship and business is business.  

Andrea stated that she has not made a schedule commitment with the Town of Stratham for her four days per week.  Chairman Cushing responded that neither Thursday or Friday’s are good for the town, therefore her scheduled day with Newton will have to be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.      

Selectman Nelson and Chairman Cushing agreed that it would be good to have Selectman Harding’s input and to have him be part of the decision.  The Selectmen informed Andrea that we need a copy of her Certificate of Liability Insurance and the Board will discuss this issue with Selectman Harding at the next Selectmen’s meeting.
B.      Newton Police Department Police Matrons

Police Chief Streeter discussed with the Selectmen the appointment of Kimberly Mears and Rebecca Gagne as Police Matrons.  Chief Streeter stated that this is a housekeeping issue, not a money issue.  The matrons would be used infrequently but as a liability issue it is necessary.  The Selectmen accepted the job description in 2004 and allows dispatch to notify an on-call female person to respond to the Police Department for situations when a female is arrested.  Chief Streeter stated that he does not see this as a significant impact on the department’s budget; that the cost can be absorbed through the part-time officer’s line item.

Chairman Cushing motioned to appoint Kimberly Mears and Rebecca Gagne as Police Matrons with an expiration date of March 31, 2006.  Second by Selectman Nelson.  Vote: Unanimous.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 7pm the Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing to discuss/disclose 2005 warrant articles and budget.  The public is encouraged to attend.

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public meeting minutes of December 13, 2004 and December 20, 2004

No minutes were accepted at this meeting.

Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items

Chairman Cushing motioned to adjourn at 10:40pm.  Second by Selectman Harding.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass
                                                                Office Manager