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February 4, 2008 Board of Selectmen Agenda


February 4, 2008

The Newton Board of Selectmen will be holding a public meeting on Monday, February 4, 2008 at the Newton Town Hall at 6pm.

Call to Order
Introduction of Guests
·       6pm - Safety Complex Building Committee
·       6:30pm - Resident Wayne Paul Re: Resident Sticker Policy
·       7pm - Planning Board
Old Business
·       Outstanding Action Items
1.      Police Detail Cruiser fee and use of employee vehicle
2.      Town Hall Office hours
3.      Updated Personnel Policies and Procedures
4.      Transfer Station site walk - grill to protect window and electrical pole
5.      Employee Performance Evaluation Form
6.      Update on cable equipment to fix the audio/video on channel 20
7.      Balance of the Safety Complex Fund
8.      Employment restrictions for employees under the age of eighteen
9.      Parking at Municipal buildings/Snow Parking Ban
10.     Resident sticker guidelines
11.     Tablecloths for the Deliberative Session
New Business
A.      2008 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Rate
B.      Letter from Local Government Center Re: NH Retirement System Potential Mandate                  Litigation
C.      Request from the Planning Board Re: Capital Improvement Program
D.      Twombly Drive Re: Status of the road construction
·       1st Session of the Annual Town Meeting (Deliberative Session) is Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 7pm at the Sanborn Regional Middle School in the Gymnasium.  Snow date is Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at the same time and place.
·       2nd Session of the Annual Town Meeting (Voting Day) is Tuesday, March 11, 2008 from 8am to 8pm at the Sanborn Regional Memorial School in the Gymnasium
Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
·       Selectmen’s Public Hearing minutes of January 15, 2008
·       Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of January 21, 2008
Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items
John P. Ulcickas, Ch.
Robert S. Donovan, Jr.
Trisha J. McCarthy
                                                                 BOARD OF SELECTMEN
Posted 1/31/08: Newton Town Hall, Newton & Newton Jct. Post Office, Rowe’s Corner Store &