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November 14, 2005 Board of Selectmen Agenda

November 14, 2005

The Newton Board of Selectmen will be holding a public meeting on Monday, November 14, 2005 at the Newton Town Hall. The Board will open the public meeting at 6:00 PM and then promptly go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) tax lien.

The Public Meeting will resume at approximately 7:00pm.

Call to Order
Introduction of Guests
Old Business
Continued review of the 2006 Proposed budgets and warrant articles
Continued discussion of 2006 observed holiday schedule
Continued discussion Re: Holder of the Boston Post Cane
Review salary classification plan for the position of Transfer Station part-time laborer  

New Business
Conservation Commission Re: Tree Cutting at the Transfer Station
Proposal for the installation of a fence at the Transfer Station

2005 Town Reports will not be mailed to residents; they will be available by
March 7, 2005 at the Town Hall and/or it may be viewed on-line at

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of November 3, 2005

Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items
Norman P. Harding, Ch.
Gary F. Nelson
John P. Ulcickas
                                               BOARD OF SELECTMEN

        Posted 11/9/05: Newton Town Hall, Newton & Newton Jct. Post Office & Rowe’s Corner Store