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January 15, 2005 Selectmen's Site Walk Agenda


January 15, 2005

The Newton Board of Selectmen will be holding a SITE WALK on Saturday, January 15, 2005 between 10am and 12pm.  The Selectmen will request permission to enter the properties of 58 Peaslee Crossing, 5 Crane Crossing Road, 14 Wallace Street and 43 North Main Street to determine if any progress has been made toward compliance in regards to the storing of discarded machinery, vehicles, junk or other scrap materials in violation of the Newton Zoning Ordinance Section XVIII, section 1 and the compliance of having not more than one unregistered/uninspected motor vehicle not stored in a legally permitted structure on the property in violation of the Newton Zoning Ordinance, Section XVIII, section 4.  

Stephen M. Cushing, Chairman
Norman P. Harding
Gary F. Nelson
                                               BOARD OF SELECTMEN

        Posted 1/13/05:  Newton Town Hall, Newton & Newton Jct. Post Office & Rowe’s Corner Store