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December 7, 2006 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
                        Bob Bartlett – Committee Chair 603-382-4464

                        Meeting Minutes of December 7, 2006

In attendance: Bob Bartlett, Bob Donovan, Sr., Horace Williams, Eileen Patterson, Steve Palmer, John Owens, EMD.

Public: No public present

Meeting called to order at 6:45 PM.  

 New business/discussion: Discussion was had with Steve Wilson of Hampshire Development Corp. about conceptual plans and pricing, architects and engineers.  A vote was passed to accept Steve Wilson as Construction Manager according to his letter of intent, and to have him proceed with setting up interviews with architects on December 13th.  

It was unanimously voted on to present the proposal from Steve Wilson to the Selectmen with the committee’s recommendation to accept.

A request will be made of Nancy Wrigley for a schedule/calendar of deadlines for warrant to be submitted, deliberative sessions, etc.  

The next meeting will be tentatively on December 13th, 6:30 PM, unless notified otherwise, at the Central Fire Station.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Eileen Patterson