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September 21, 2006 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
                        Bob Bartlett – Committee Chair 603-382-4464

                        Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2006   

In attendance: Bob Bartlett, Horace Williams, Eileen Patterson, Larry Streeter, Rick Daniels
Public in attendance:  Chet Bearce

Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM

Minutes of August 31, 2006 accepted.

New business/discussion:  An invoice from Dennis Quintal in the amount of $3,255.00 for engineering costs was approved for payment.

Chet Bearce presented several suggestions for the floor plan of the complex.  Such suggestions included a sally port, storage for the police department, an extra bay to be split for maintenance for both departments, one lobby and public entrance for both departments.  It was agreed upon that the two chiefs and John Owens meet with Dennis Quintal to work out a final floor plan.

Discussion was had regarding the writing of a warrant and what the timeline is for submitting that to the selectman.  Eileen Patterson will request a calendar of dates from the selectman’s office.

The next meeting will be October 5, 2006.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Eileen Patterson