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February 17, 2005 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
Safety Complex Committee

                                Minutes of Meeting
                                Thursday, February 17, 2005

In Attendance:  Bob Bartlett, Chief Larry Streeter, Chief Bill Ingalls, Bob Donovan, Horace Williams, Skip Merriam, Lynn Harding, Norm Harding and Eileen Patterson

Meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM.

Bob Bartlett, as chairman, discussed how the meetings would proceed and handed out an agenda to be followed.

Discussion of possible land availability and locations.  There have been opening conversations with a few community members as to whether they would have any interest in possible land sales, donations, etc. for the purpose of building a town safety complex.

Town Land Maps:  looked at several town land maps to determine ideal locations, center of town, quick response times and availability of acreage.

Facility Needs:  Chief Streeter presented a needs plan.  The Chief handed out a floor plan of the current station, and a needed floor plan.  The new floor plan would enable growth for 20 years, and the doubling of current staff.  The current station floor plan is short 500 square feet to house the current staff.
Chief Ingalls also presented a blueprint of a newer fire station.  He will have copies of the plan to hand out at the next meeting.  Discussion followed about the Chiefs coming up with the departments “wish list”.

Design Assistance:  Horace Williams visited and spoke with a number of other towns fire departments.  He brought back floor plans for Lee fire station and those departments’ suggestions for things that could be better about the building.  There was open discussion about going to UNH, to have students create a building design and footprint for a complex.  It was agreed that we would need to know where the building was to be before an architect could be approached.

Publicity:  Lynn Harding led a discussion as to how to best reach the public with information.  We discussed inserts into papers, letters to the editors, and newspaper articles.  The best feasible way before the vote was to write letters to the editor, and the article in the Rockingham News.  
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Safety Complex Committee: Thursday, February 17, 2005.

Continuation of Committee:  If the warrant article should be defeated on March 8, 2005, we would like to continue as a committee and proceed with coming up with a plan for a future safety complex.  Possibly, by the vote of 2006, we would have a land deal worked out, whether donated land, or a land sale to be voted upon.

Next Meeting Date:  Thursday, March 3, 2005, at 6:30 PM  Town Hall

Eileen Patterson