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August 25, 2005 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
                MEETING MINUTES OF August 25, 2005

In Attendance:  Bob Bartlett Chair, Chief Larry Streeter, Chief Bill Ingalls, John Owens EMD, Eileen Patterson, Horace Williams, Steve Palmer, Lynn Harding, Rick Daniels, Norm Harding, and Bob Donovan.

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 PM.

The minutes of the July 28, 2005 meeting were accepted.

New Business – There was discussion regarding setting up a date with the engineer, land owner, Architect John Otte, and members of the committee, to discuss the plans that the architect has presented.  Chief Streeter will arrange a date with all those involved.

The committee has received an invoice in the amount of $1,618.70, for the feasibility study and reimbursable expenses.  The invoice will be passed on to the Selectman’s Office, with instruction from the committee to pay $1,618.70.

The next meeting will be tentatively set for Sept. 1, 2005.  The meeting will be at the Fire Station, at 6 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 7 PM.

Eileen Patterson