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July 28, 2005 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
                        MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 28, 2005

In attendance:  Bob Bartlett, Chief Bill Ingalls, Chief Larry Streeter, John Owens EMD, Eileen Patterson, Rick Daniels, Bob Donovan, Norm Harding, Lynn Harding and Steve Palmer.

The meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM.

The meeting minutes of June 23 and July 21, 2005 were accepted.

Dr. Andrew Smith of the UNH Survey Center presented on the Town Survey.  He discussed the questions that the committee submitted to him at an earlier date.  He made recommendations regarding what questions should be asked to obtain the most useful information.  He will finalize a survey questionnaire and send it to us via e-mail. We will review it, make changes and/or accept it.  Dr. Smith will meet with us at a later date to set up a time for the survey to be taken.

Mr. John Otte of Samyn-D’Elia Architects presented their first conceptual plan.  The report covered the Safety Building square footage needs for the police department and fire department.   Discussion followed with Chief Streeter and Chief Ingalls, expressing additional needs or changes.  Mr. Otte will make those changes.  A map that is more to scale was requested by Mr. Otte, so that they can present a better plan for the placement of the building on the proposed land.  

The next meeting will be on August 11, 2005, at the Fire Station at 6 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Eileen Patterson