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June 23, 2005 Safety Complex Commission Minutes

In attendance:  Bob Bartlett, Norm Harding, Rick Daniels, Horace Williams, Eileen Patterson, Bob Donovan and Lynn Harding.

New Business:  Discussed that the architect accepted the amendments made to the Phase I Feasibility Study contract, agreed that the contract will be amended by the architect, and then sent on to the Selectmen to be signed and a payment of $1,000.00 be issued.

A review and discussion of the meeting of June 23, 2005, between Architect Ward D’Elia and Engineer Dennis Quintal, and several committee members followed.  The members who were present at the meeting felt that the meeting went very well.  Dennis Quintal was presented with plans of a local safety complex, similar to what the committee feels would meet the towns needs.  Dennis in turn presented ideas of possible land availability.  Mr. D’Elia will begin working on proposals of a building, to be built on that site.

Survey discussion – The committee worked on list of question possibilities for the UNH survey.  A homework assignment was established.  Each committee member needs to come up with questions that are not on the existing list.  The questions should be submitted to Lynn Harding via e-mail, by July 7, 2005.  The questions will then be submitted to Andrew Smith.  Mr. Smith will be at the July 28, 2005 meeting to present a format of questions to ask on the town survey.  On August 4, we should be able to finalize the format of the survey.

The next meeting dates will be:
July 21, 2005, at 6 PM, at the Fire Station    meeting with Ward D’Elia
July 28, 2005, at 6 PM, at the Fire Station    meeting with Andrew Smith/draft of survey
August 4, 2005 at 6 PM, at the Fire Station   finalize draft of survey
August 11, 2005 at 6 PM, at the Fire Station meeting with Ward D’Elia

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Eileen Patterson