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June 16, 2005 Safety Complex Commission Minutes
                         MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 16, 2005

In attendance:  Bob Bartlett, Chief Streeter, Steve Palmer, Eileen Patterson, Bob Donovan, Norm Harding, Lynn Harding, John Owens EMD, and Rick Daniels.

Meeting called to order at 6:15 PM.

Accepted the meeting minutes of June 9, 2005 as presented.

New Business - Mr. Andrew Smith, of the UNH Survey Center, presented and discussed ways of conducting a town survey.  The discussion included what can be accomplished, design of a survey, a time line, cost, and the procedure of agreement on a contract.  A motion was made and approved to instruct Mr. Smith to draw up a contract proposal from the UNH Survey Center, for the purpose of conducting a town survey for Newton.  After Mr. Smiths presentation, discussion of possible questions to be on the survey followed.  The committee will formulate questions and discuss them at the next meeting.

Land availability - There will be a meeting set up for next week with the architect and engineer Dennis Quintal.    Mr. D’Elia has requested that there be some representation from the Safety Committee present.  We will be informed of the date and time when the meeting has been scheduled.  

The next meeting will be on June 23, 2005, at 6 PM, at the Fire Station.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Eileen Patterson