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May 2, 2016 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Monday May 2, 2016
LOCATION: Town Hall Main Meeting Room


  • Call to Order:  Chairman Bob Faghan called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM
  • Members in Attendance:  Steve St. Cyr, Chairman Bob Faghan, Selectman ex-officio Matt Burrill, Vice Chairman Annie Collyer
  • Guests:  Christine Kuzmitski, Gerry Quatrale, Fred Burbridge, Joe Maggio and joining at 7:30 PM, Mike Pivero.
  • Approval of Minutes of April 11, 2016:  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Faghan, to accept the minutes with an amendment to correct the spelling for Christine Kuzmitski.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Memorial Day Parade: tabled until Mr. Pivero could arrive.
  • Greenie Park:  Mr. St. Cyr will paint a white line on the backboard at no charge. Selectman Burrill stated that there were several sink holes that opened this year on the playing fields.  The Board of Selectmen were presented by NBSA with a quote for almost $2,000 to remedy the situation.  Fortunately, some private individuals came forward with the money, and the field repair should be completed by Opening Day this weekend.
  • Town Beach:  Mr. St. Cyr said that Mr. Pivero will be bringing the raft to the beach to install.  He said there is one panel he can order and replace.  It will be a cost of $35.  Mr. St. Cyr made a motion, seconded by Selectman Burrill, to spend an amount not to exceed $50 to replace the broken panel.  The motion passed unanimously.  Ms. Collyer briefly informed the guests of the history of the raft and its vandalism, the presence of security cameras, and the prior beach staffing for swim lessons and lifeguards, too expensive at $25,000 for the limited numbers using the beach.  She also explained the history of trying to have the Regional Y give swim lessons at the beach, and that it failed due to liability issues.  Mr. St. Cyr will inquire to find out whether the Y Director at the Plaistow Y can offer any workable alternative to revisit in coming years.  Selectman Burrill explained that the Y wanted the town to take on all liability, instead of taking liability themselves for the time they were to be in control of the beach, and that was not workable.   
  • Movie Nights:  Ms. Collyer said that she has been in touch with Mary Winglass, Town Manager, regarding mosquitoes and movie nights.  Ms. Winglass has said all the town needs is to know when and where to mow.  Selectman Burrill said that he is very concerned about mosquito-bourne illness this year and late July is peak season.  Ms. Collyer made a motion to spend $1440 for 4 movie nights in June and early July.  It was seconded by Selectman Burrill.  Selectman Burrill said that he would like to show 'Star Wars, the Force Awakens' for the first movie.  He make a friendly amendment to the motion, that we begin with 2 movies at $720.  It was seconded by Annie.  Mr. St. Cyr wondered whether it might make sense to buy a screen instead of renting time after time.  With some online searching, he found that they retail for as much as $17,000 and the idea was abandoned.  The motion passed unamimously.
  • Memorial Day Parade:  Ms. Collyer presented the draft program, noting that the Board of Selectmen will be appointing the Grand Marshall most likely the following night.  She noted that he has also volunteered to do a write-up with picture on the Grand Marshall for the program.  Ms. Collyer reviewed the proposed line up and program for the ceremony at Willow Grove Cemetery.  Mr. Pivero will be contacting many veteran groups to take part and will email the list of groups to Ms. Collyer for inclusion in the program about a week before the May 30 parade.  Mr. Pivero suggested that area businesses should be contacted to participate.  Halo, for instance, is a defense contractor who makes non-explosive protective barriers.  Selectman Burrill said he will follow up on that.  Mr. Pivero will obtain a marching color guard, noting the one last year was from Revere.  In addition, he will be in touch with motorcycle veterans to take part.  Mr. Maggio inquired about trucks for veterans who cannot walk.  Mr. Pivero said he has room for 40, and if there are more, he will make arrangements.  Mr. Burbridge asked where the parade muster and was told it will take off from the Main Fire House.  Parking can be at Memorial once again, and Mr. Pivero will transport veterans to the fire house. Mr. Pivero said there will be better radio checks to keep the pace vehicle at an improved speed this year.  Selectman Burrill noted that convertibles are needed for some of our officials who will not be able to walk.  Mr. Maggio offered his.  Mr. Pivero said there will be antique vehicles again this year.  Ms. Collyer said that Representative Wyler will be available to speak again this year, on Peace, War and Sacrifice.  Selectman Burrill  said that his proposed Grand Marshall if accepted by the Board would be a great speaker as well.  It was decided that if that were the case, the Grand Marshal could give a talk following the invocation.  It was agreed in the future that the Board of Selectmen would approve all potential speaker participants.  Ms. Collyer said that she has ordered mini flags and pinwheels for parade favors, and generic Parade signs so they can be used year after year.  She also has a quote for printing the programs from King Printing for $131 for 250.  Selectman Burrill said we have to make certain that programs are available for the ceremonies at the cemetery as well as along the parade route.  It was agreed that 150 would be set aside for the Ceremony and the other 100 will be passed out along the route, and if they run out, spectators will be directed to pick one up at the ceremony.  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Faghan, to authorize an additional $2.50 for the printing cost.  The motion passed unanimously. Selectman Burrill expressed a desire for a vocalist for the National Anthem.  The band will play the Anthem, so a recording is not a solution.  Ms. Collyer offered to email Mr. Stack to see whether there is a Sanborn Chorus that can perform the Anthem.  Ms. Collyer noted that she has not heard about the fire house doing donuts and coffee, and Mr. Pivero and Selectman Burrill said they will follow up and it will be taken care of.
  • Opening Day:  Ms. Collyer said that Angela McVey is planning to have a sign up opportunity for anyone who would like to have a Farmer's Market at Opening Day from 9:30 to 10:30 AM.  Selectman Burrill said that all are welcome at Opening Day this weekend at Greenie Park
  • Senior Activities:  Mrs. Kuzmitski, not yet appointed by the Board of Selectman, will be looking into Senior Activities very soon.  Ms. Collyer said that a few years ago, there was an attempt by Recreation to do a trip in May.  Unfortunately, with the approval and advertising process, the lead time is at least 2 months, so a trip in July - September and a Holiday event tend to work the best.  Ms. Collyer also noted that a few years ago, the Senior Warrant article was for $5,000, and was cut back to $4,000 over the past years.  It may be time, she noted, to increase it again slightly next year.
  • 5K Race:  Ms. Collyer said the Jamie and Laurie Bezanson have offered to help with the race start and water again this year.  Selectman Burrill noted that Vanessa Burrill has offered to project plan for the race, from beginning to end.  Ms. Collyer said she will email Mrs. Burrill the contact information for the Bezansons.
  • Other Business:  Ms. Collyer spoke about the possibility of having a Friends of Recreation form, which would grant more flexibility to Recreational activities in town.  Mr. Quatrale expressed interest and will follow up on the idea.  Selectman Burrill said he thinks having a Friends group form would be wonderful, and he will be personally supportive of it once it is formed.
  • Mr. Burbridge expressed interest in joining the Recreation Commission as an alternate.  Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Ms. Collyer, to recommend that the Board of Selectmen appoint Mr. Burbridge to the Commission, with a term until 2019.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • The next Recreation meeting will be held on May 23, to review final plans for the Memorial Day Parade.
  • Adjournment:  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mr. St. Cyr, to adjourn.  Passing unanimously, Mr. Faghan adjourned the meeting at 8:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Annie Collyer,
Recreation Secretary