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November 2, 2015 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Monday November 2, 2015
LOCATION: Town Hall Rear Meeting Room


  • Call to Order:  Chairperson Annie Collyer called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
  • Members in Attendance:  Sue Milner, Selectman Ex-Officio Matt Burrill, Bob Faghan, Steve St. Cyr, and Ms. Collyer
  • Guests:  None
  • Approval of Minutes of October 19, 2015.  Selectman Burrill made a modification to the minutes as to the language about legal separation between the Town of Newton and its Recreation Commission, from a Friends of Recreation.  Mr. Faghan made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Selectman Burrill, and motion passed unanimously.
  • Senior Holiday Luncheon:  Mrs. Milner has booked Roma's in Bradford MA for Wednesday December 9 at noon for a Holiday luncheon for Newton Seniors.  She will determine the remaining balance in the Senior Warrant Article, confirm the cost of poinsettias, and figure out how many Seniors can attend the luncheon, at no cost to them, within that budget balance.  Selectman Doggett is most likely going to attend as a chaperone, and Selectman Burrill will confirm that.  Selectman Burrill will attend at a guest, and will pay his cost to do so.  Ms. Collyer will serve as a chaperone as well.  Mrs. Milner will prepare a flyer and take it and the requisition to Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley for approval by the Board of Selectmen.  
  • Greenie Park and Town Beach:  Mr. St. Cyr reported that he has installed the new replacement swing hooks at Greenie Park.  He noted that new swing chains are needed next year.  To replace the wall ball wall, he will price out the cost of five 4x8 foot pressure-treated plywood panels, 2 gallons of exterior paint, and 3 inch deck screws at both Home Depot and Monihan's Lumber.  Once he has the most favorable pricing, he will forward the invoice to Ms. Collyer to take to Administrator Wrigley to purchase the needed supplies with the Town credit card.  He will pick up the supplies once paid for, and will paint the plywood with two coats of exterior paint.  The other members of the Recreation Commission will assemble at Greenie Park on Saturday November 14 to remove the existing wall ball wall, and will install the new one on that or the following day, depending on how long it takes to do the work.  Mr. St. Cyr made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Milner, that an amount not to exceed $250.00 from the Supply budget (4520310) be spent on the supplies.   The motion passed unanimously.  
  •         Further discussion on what is needed to make Greenie Park safe followed.  Mr. St. Cyr stated how important it is to make the playground safe.  Mrs. Milner reminded the Commission that Amesbury has donated some additional play equipment to the town.  Ms. Collyer said that for the height of the structures at the playground, either 24" of sand is necessary or 8-9" of engineered wood chips, per playground guidelines.  To install either of these, excavation is needed which includes removing and reinstalling the play structures.  She pointed out this process would permit replacement of those structures at safe distances from one another and from the skate park as well.  Mr. St. Cyr will put together the cost of the excavation, the chips or sand, and the replacement of those structures as well as the donated structures.  Selectman Burrill will write a warrant article to be presented to the town for safe playground at Greenie Park.  The Commission will discuss all proposed warrant articles at the next meeting on December 7.
  •         Mr. St. Cyr said that the crack filling done this year on the skate park is making some areas sticky for the skaters.  In addition, there are some structures that are in poor condition.  He will obtain quotes to resurface the skate park, and to remove or repair structures as needed for the December 7 meeting.  Selectman Burrill will write a warrant article for presentation to the Board of Selectmen and voters, for discussion and approval by the Commission at that time.
  •         Mr. St. Cyr then reviewed the Town Beach.  The buoy lines are still in the water.  He is willing to remove them with a boat that belongs to an assistant.  Ms. Collyer will check into event insurance to cover them and the use of their boat.  She made a motion, seconded by Selectman Burrill, to spend an amount not to exceed $100 from the Supply line of the budget (4520310) for insurance, subject to approval by the Board of Selectmen.  The motion passed unanimously.  Mr. St. Cyr will coil and place the lines in the storage box by the shed.
  •         Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Faghan, that an amount not to exceed $600 be spent from the supply line of the budget (4520310) for two signs stating the 'premises are under security surveillance', one stating 'Town Beach closed December 1 to May 1,  and for three signs stating 'no trespassing' along with 3 metal stakes and 6 sign attachment kits from My Security Sign.  The first two will be placed one each at Greenie and at the Town Beach, and the others at the Town Beach.  The Beach Closed  sign will deter parking and access to Country Pond during ice conditions.  The No Trespassing sign will state that the beach is for Newton Residents only and all others must obtain permits.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Budget Review and Planning:  The balance of the meeting was spent on planning for 2016 and approving a budget to support those plans.  Most items are proposed to stay about the same as in 2015.  The repairs and supplies line items will be less, however, because much of the work was done in 2015.  The bigger needs for safety issues at Greenie Park will be presented in warrant articles, as discussed previously.
  •         Special Events being planned for 2016 are
  • Tubing tickets at Amesbury Sports Park, with plans to work with the Park to offer discounted tickets to Newton residents, for $1000;
  • Roller skating for $500;
  • Support for the Easter Egg Hunt put on by the Girl Scouts for $450;
  • Memorial Day Parade for $400;
  • Support for the Halloween Party put on by the Boy Scouts for $450;
  • A new Trunk or Treat Event for $200;
  • A series of 4 Movie Nights in May and June for $1600;
  • and a 5K Race for $1500.
  • Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Mr. St. Cyr, that we present a budget totaling $11,420 to the Board of Selectmen.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Milner, that the voters be presented a warrant article to support Town Day in 2016.  Mr. St. Cyr asked if that means that the warrant article would need to be approved annually in order to hold Town Day.  Ms. Collyer pointed out that the Recreation budget decreased by approximately $12,000 in 2015 since the Town no longer has lifeguards at the Town Beach, and if Town Day becomes a warrant article, the proposed budget will be about another $8500 less than 2015.  Mr. Faghan stated that he likes the idea of having voters decide whether to spend money on Town Day, since it is an event that cost about $7000 this year.  The vote was unanimous in favor.
  • Ms. Collyer will put together the proposed cost for Town Day for 2016, and Selectman Burrill will write a warrant article for consideration by the Commission on December 7.  He will also write a Senior Warrant article.
  • Adjournment:  Mrs. Milner made a motion, seconded by Mr. St. Cyr, that the meeting be adjourned.  Having passed unanimously, Ms. Collyer adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Annie Collyer,