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February 10, 2015 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Tuesday February 10, 2015


  • Call to Order:  Chairperson Annie Collyer called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
  • In Attendance:  Sue Milner; Steve St. Cyr; Matt Burrill, Selectman Ex-Officio; and Annie Collyer, Chairperson and Secretary
  • Introduction of Guests:  Debi Alcaidinho
  • Approval of Minutes:  Milner made a motion, seconded by Selectman Burrill, that the minutes of January 4, 2015 be accepted as written.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Ray Thayer as New Member:  Collyer made a motion, seconded by St. Cyr, that the Commission recommend to the Board of Selectmen that Ray Thayer, former Selectman and member of the Recreation Commission, return as a member of the Commission, following a long illness.  Collyer stated that Thayer told her he is doing well and will submit the application for membership to the Town Hall for consideration by the Board of Selectmen.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Earth Day:  Collyer reported that the Girl Scouts are planning on being involved in Earth Day, and need to know what date is planned.  A member of the Conservation Commission was not able to attend this meeting, and Collyer, and possibly Selectman Burrill will attend their meeting on the third Thursday Feb 19 to make further plans.  Office Manager Winglass has a few ideas for Earth Day as well.  There was discussion of contacting the Audubon Society for trees and plants, as well as Senter Brothers, Landscapers Depot, HALO, and Freshwater Farms for possible involvement.  Burrill reported that Conservation has some plans as well.  Collyer said that she has emailed Rick Bailey to find out what if any involvement the Boy Scouts want in Earth Day, and has not yet heard back.  Further discussion was tabled pending meeting with the Conservation Commission to coordinate plans for the day, and the setting of the date.  Earth Day falls on a Wednesday, April 22, this year.
  • Winter Vacation Snowtubing Status:  Collyer stated that snowtubing tickets for Amesbury Sports Park are now available at the Selectman's window for Newton residents only.  The normal price for tickets is $25, and a group rate is $20.  Recreation has reserved 50 tickets with a initial deposit of $250.  Recreation is subsidizing the tickets for 50%, therefore, the cost to residents is $10 each.  Office Manager Winglass will give each purchaser the vendor waivers and a flyer noting tickets purchased to bring to the Sports Park on the event date Saturday February 28, from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Collyer reported that Amesbury Sports Park is under new management this year, holds 400 tubes available in each time slot, and therefore, there will be 350 more tubes available for purchase on that date for the full $25 price for non-residents should they wish to join Newton residents.  If there is more demand, Recreation has authorized up to 20 more tickets to be made available at the $10 discounted price.  St. Cyr will pick up the checks and list and take them to the Park on the day of the event.  He will take pictures with waivers that Burrill will email to him for publishing on Facebook.
  • Trails Update:  Collyer reported that Girl Scout Leader Angela McVey sent an email that she could not attend this meeting but that the Girl Scouts will be walking the Greenie Park and other town trails once the snow clears, and will make the pdf's to put on the town website. They will coordinate with JohnHenry at the High School so that he can make the new trail map for Greenie.  Collyer stated that she has the trail signs and blazes made by JohnHenry and last year by Tyler Mackey to be posted in the Spring once the snow clears.  The Commission discussed that the most appropriate time to present to the Board of Selectmen will be upon completion of the maps in the Spring.
  • Easter Egg Hunt:  Milner is in contact with Girl Scout Leader Heather Graham Bell.  Bell will be arranging for use of the Middle School gym, with liability coverage, for the event, in case of inclement weather.  Milner will advise her that the best way to work with Recreation for support is to come to Town Hall to order supplies and have the Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley pay for them directly online with the town credit card.  Collyer mentioned that the Commission has planned for $300 to help the Girl Scouts put on this event for the town.
  • Memorial Day:  Collyer said that Thayer is interested in contacting state representatives to join the parade, and has a person to speak with about being Grand Marshal.  Selectman Burrill said that Selectman Doggett also knows of a possible Grand Marshall and he will follow up with Doggett.  Burrill forwarded a copy of the emails sent to various groups, dignitaries, and other participants to the recreation email, and Collyer will send out emails to invite their participation again this year:  Veterans, Firefighters, Police, other Town organizations, Scouts, teams, Empower, school bands, cannon and Clysdales.  Milner asked how to involve the more recent veterans as well and Burrill suggested that Town Clerk McCollough has a list of people qualifying for veterans' credits that could be used to contact them to participate.  Collyer said it would be great to invite children to decorate their bikes and ride in the parade.  Burrill said that Town Road Agent Pivero has laid out a new route that will be longer to use this year.  He will ask Pivero to provide a flatbed to transport aging veterans who cannot easily navigate an extended route.    Alcaidinho said that she would contact Shriners for their mini cars.  Collyer noted that we will also need to prepare and print programs, order flowers for dignitaries, flags for onlookers, and provide coffee and donuts before the parade.  The Commission agreed that an extended route is an exciting plan.
  • Trophy Day:  Now that the Patriots have won the Super Bowl, Burrill said that we can get on the list for a trophy visitation again this year.  The Commission would like to hold this once again in the Middle School gymnasium, with hot dogs and fixings, Italian ices and a chance for residents to take photos with the trophy.   A small donation will be requested, to be put in the Recreation Revolving Fund and to be used toward future safety improvements at Greenie Park.  Alcaidinaho asked how improvements would be done, and learned that the fund can help, that Recreation is working on a safe playground plan to present to the voters, and that the balance of the cost less the amounts from the Revolving Fund will have to be approved in a warrant article in coming years.
  • Town Day:  Selectman Burrill noted that Town Day is currently done in conjunction with the Memorial School Committee for their 5th 5 K Race fundraiser.  He stated that the 10-12 parents who run this race currently have a very well-oiled machine and that the town has piggy-backed on it to reintroduce Town Day for the residents.  The date is to be set by the Memorial School Committee, and Collyer will contact them to find out what date they are considering.  The Commission prefers early October, to avoid the two year conflict with High School Homecoming.   No rain date will be sought this year.  
Burrill instituted an addition to past Town Days with several bands playing.  Last year there were 4, with each taking 45 minutes and a 15 minute set-up break.  Recreation hired a sound engineer and rented staging placed by the Junction firehouse.  In the last hour from 1-2, tents were coming down and the last band played to a diminishing audience.  
Burrill said that Police Chief Streeter will be willing to get the NH State Police Canine Unit to appear.  The Commission has provided handicapped portatpotty, custodial help, Zoo Creatures and the bands in the prior year.  The Commission has allocated up to $2500 in its budget for Town Day.
Alcaidinho said that she will explore a Firefighters Assn carb-loading spaghetti dinner on the Friday before Town Day, most likely at the firehouse and Community Center.  
St. Cyr agreed to oversee Town Day for the Commission and the town.
  • Announcements: None:
  • Other Business:  Selectman Burrill suggested that we establish a tradition of honoring individuals and organizations annually as we did this year with long-time State Representative Mary Allen.  
The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 16 at 7 PM.  Following, meetings will be held twice a month until further notice.
  • Correspondence:  none
  • Adjournment:  Milner made a motion, seconded by St. Cyr, that the Commission adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously and Chairperson Collyer adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Annie Collyer, Secretary