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October 6, 2014 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
   Tel: 382-4405 ext. 13 * Fax 382-9140
Meeting Minutes October 6, 2014
Call to Order:  Chairperson Annie Collyer called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM

In Attendance: Board of Selectman ex-officio Matt Burrill; John Neveux; Sue Milner; and Chairperson and Secretary Annie Collyer.
Introduction of Guests: Angela McVey, Steve St. Cyr, Rick Milner, Nancy Wrigley
Approval of Minutes September 15, 2014  Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Milner, that the minutes be approved as written.  The motion passed unanimously.
Scheduled Business:
        Rick Milner- Resident input on Greenie Park redevelopment
As a resident who also serves as the Town Bookkeeper and as the Secretary of the Planning Board, Mr. Milner wished to share some thoughts and considerations on the future redevelopment of Greenie Park.  He stated that he,  as well as several other residents he has spoken with, are not in agreement with the master plan for Greenie Park as prepared by Natural Playgrounds ("Proposed Design").  He is concerned with the Town getting into a project that we cannot finish.  He believes the project as described is both possibly too complex as well as fraught with unknowns such as soil consistency and drainage concerns.  He is also concerned with the costs of maintaining the facility once the Proposed Design has been implemented.  He feels there is a need for underground surveys, detailed construction plans beyond what is on the Proposed Design, and more information on costs such as bonding and insurance.  In addition, Milner stated that there will be costs for maintenance such as winter plowing, insurance for skating, grass mowing and replacement for aspects of the park that get worn.  He believes that the Town's best interests will be served by having an independent source to evaluate the Proposed Design and what the Town wants.    He stated that there is a problem in that the Proposed Design is a one-company approach.

Chairman Collyer stated that the Commission has actively sought opinions, ideas, objections and priorities from town residents by a questionnaire, by inviting residents to comment by email to the Commission, by attending meetings and by cable, with very few responses over the past 14 months.  After evaluating several playground planning companies, all of which had the goal of selling further services, the Commission recommended to the Board of Selectmen that we hire the Natural Playgrounds Company, and the Board agreed.  The projected cost for only playground redevelopment from several sources was $250,000 while the projected cost for an overall Greenie Park design and implementation was $150,000.  While neither could be implemented without passing a warrant article, the Commission recommended, and the Board approved, commissioning Natural Playgrounds to make a master design for the park.  In the past, the park has been added to piecemeal, due to a lack of funds to make an overall vision for the resource.  We now have a starting point.   And any piecemeal additions we can afford to make as a town will have an overall flow, so that town residents will no longer endure the top problem that they have expressed:  the close proximity of the skate board park with the playground.

Mr. Milner stated that his concern is that the total cost for the Natural Playground is not only the installation but the maintenance and that he thinks that could be higher than the total cost of a manufactured playground.  He stated that the Town Engineer has designed a park in Plymouth, NH for $5000.  He suggested that we talk with him before proceeding further and has agreed to set up and attend such a meeting.  

There was discussion among members, Town Administrator Wrigley and Town Bookkeeper Milner as to what can and cannot be done at Greenie Park within the operating budget.  Chairperson Collyer will discuss options and procedures further with Town Administrator Wrigley and report back to the Commission at the next meeting.

Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux, that Chairperson Collyer attend a meeting arranged by Mr. Milner with the Chief Engineer, and report back on the results at the next Commission meeting on October 20.  The motion passed unanimously.

        Town Day:  Review Selectman Burrill reported that Town Day was good, but not excellent.  Going up against Homecoming for the second time in the past 4 years has been a challenge.  Chairperson Collyer reported that the PTO seems to be open to considering changing the date to early October because the date for Homecoming is not set until much past the needed beginning of planning for the PTO 5 K Race.  She will follow up with this.

Selectman Burrill expressed thanks to Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley and Office Manager Mary Winglass for all their help, and to former Member Brian Theirrien for his help for the hour he was able to give, as well as to current Commission members, all of whom helped to make this a successful day.  Chairperson Collyer noted that former member Jessica Brasier added the DJ last year and revived the chili and pie eating contests held in years past, and Selectman Burrill enhanced Town Day with live bands.  Selectman Burrill credited much of the success as well to the efficiency and dedication of the Memorial PTO, and that the partnership has been good.

Town Administrator Wrigley stated that she enjoyed it very much, and that some of the vendor locations were not easily evident.  Chairperson Collyer suggested that a map of the layout of vendors and events could be a benefit next year.

        Girl Scouts:  Scout leader Angela McVey stated that three of her Middle School scouts want to take on the commitment this year to make a pdf map of the trails at Greenie Park for the Town Website, and have some brochures printed and given away at their awards ceremony, as a project to earn their Silver Awards.  In addition, two of the three are Junior Honor Society members.  For their community service portion of their membership, they want to take on making benches on the trails.  Chairperson Collyer stated that there are currently three benches along the trails that could use replacement, and that if the girls can find someone to split some wood as materials, it may be possible to get the High School shop to make the benches.  She also pointed out that there are a couple of areas along the trails where there are vernal streams that could use new split logs for bridging.  In addition, it may be possible to work with the High School to create a permanent map of their pdf of Greenie trails for display at the trail head at Greenie.

Ms McVey stated that the girls will be looking for a project in coming years to help them earn their Gold Award, similar to Eagle Scouts in Boy Scouting.  Under consideration is raising funds and implementing for some aspect of the Proposed Design at Greenie Park.

        Senior Activities:  Status of Oct 8:  There are 46 Newton Seniors going to Castle in the Clouds on Wednesday, October 8, Milner reported.  Town Administrator Wrigley noted that one is unable to go due to illness unfortunately.  Chairperson Collyer stated that she will get videos- Johnny Carson was suggested by Town Administrator Wrigley - from the Public Library and bring them to the bus to give to Selectman Doggett who will be chaperoning the trip.  

Milner made a motion, seconded by Neveux, to amend the prior motion regarding this trip to expend $1912 from the Senior Warrant Article and $68 from the Special Activities budget line item for 40 tickets for the December 7 North Shore Music Theatre trip for 'Christmas Carol'.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Milner made a motion, seconded by Neveux, that we expend $900 from the Special Events line item, for $900 to Coach Bus for the bus to the theatre on December 7.  The motion passed unanimously.
Milner will begin publicity as soon as the tickets arrive at Town Hall for sale and distribution.  The cost will be $24 for the first 40 Newton resident Seniors (62+) and the full price of $49.50 for up to 15 more attendees, for the total bus capacity of 55.

        Vacation Activity:  Thanksgiving Roller Skating:
Neveux is working to secure a date for Roller Skating during Thanksgiving break, on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  He will also secure a date during the Holiday Vacation if possible.

        Town Beach Proposed Use Ordinance & Signage:  Selectman Burrill made a motion to amend the Town Parks and Recreation Areas Ordinance as follows:
Section 3, Z:  Currently reads: " No unauthorized use by group(s); must receive approval by the Town" to
"The following use of the Town Beach and its apparatus is prohibited without approval of the Board of Selectman:  
        1. Use by guests and/or members of private camp grounds, clubs or the like
        2. Use by groups of 10 or more people".
The motion was seconded by Neveux and passed unanimously.

        Landscaping Neveux  will be obtaining quotes on landscaping for the Town Beach, involving moving sand to areas in need,  in the Spring, for our next meeting.    Once sand has been reallocated, it will be possible to determine our ongoing sand needs and make a permit application to the State for planned service over the following six years.
        The raft and the reportedly deliberate vandalism that has taken place were discussed.  Chairperson Collyer will seek to have Dyer Docking come to the Transfer Station Salt Shed to look at the raft and help determine solutions for additional support for the heavy duty plastic top that has been getting broken.
        Neveux will contact Eastern Seaboard to remove the buoy ropes.  The Commission has already authorized $100 to cover this work.  
        Chairperson Collyer suggested we look at making an ADA compliant path to the beach from the parking area.  She is currently gathering quotes for this work for consideration for the 2015 budget.
Greenie Park  Quotes for
                Tennis Court Fence removal
                Skate Park Fence removal
                Add Electricity near Ball field for Batting Cage
                Move Batting Cage
                Rebuild Wall Ball Backboard
                Add Outdoor Water Fountain to Storage Shed
                Remove 1/2 of Tennis Court Asphalt and Net Poles
                Asphalt crack repairs   
                Clear Heath Side of Skate Park Brush

Treasurer's Report: Chairperson Collyer presented the attached status report on the operating budget for 2015

2015 Priorities and Budget Planning:  Chairperson Collyer stated that our annual budget will be due sometime in December.  As a result the Commission will begin reviewing operating expenses and goals for 2015.  We will need to work up a budget for 2015 over the next month and a half.

Announcements:  none

Other Business:  
Donations raised and received for Greenie Park redevelopment.  Chairperson Collyer made a motion, seconded by Milner, that we send a letter to the Board of Selectmen recommending acceptance of the monies raised at the Vendor Fair and Town Day, now in the Town Vault, to the Recreation Revolving Fund for use toward Greenie Park redevelopment.  The motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Burrill said that he will continue to follow up on the Ravensberger donation of $500 for the previously planned golf tournament fundraiser that had to be canceled, to seek a replacement check and donation for redevelopment of Greenie Park.  

Neveux state that he will obtain a replacement check for the $250 previously donated by Pest-Edge, also for the Golf Fundraiser that was canceled.  

Chairperson Collyer reported that she has sent letters to both, with no response to date, offering to return the old checks and asking for replacement donations.

Chairperson Collyer stated that in prior meetings where a quorum was present only as a result of one of the members  joining the meeting by phone, because she did not declare the meeting an emergency in the minutes, the motions made and actions taken need to be reviewed and reaffirmed as appropriate, with a physical quorum present.  She noted that having a member call in as present at a meeting is always appropriate as long as there is a physical presence of a quorum, and in exceptional circumstances she can declare the meeting an emergency as on September 15, 2014, and a called - in member can be counted as a part of the quorum.  With only 4 members currently, that emergency situation can take place on occasion, and will be so declared by the Chairperson.

Action taken on motions from the March 17, 2014 meeting of the Commission:

Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux, to accept the minutes of February 3, 2014 as written.  The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to submit Requisition #2468 to the Board of Selectmen Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux for an amount not to exceed $1500 from the Special Programs line item for swim lesson contract and supplies. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend no more than $600 from the Advertising line item for bids for work planned for Greenie Park. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $122.50 from the postage line item for stamps for mailings for donors for the Golf Fundraiser. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $400 from the Special Events line item for DJ Matt McElroy for the May Dinner Dance. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $841 for ticket subsidies for the May Dinner Dance, comprised of $441 for tickets, $200 for ticket printing and $200 for a photographer, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $300 for the Town Easter Egg Hunt, put on by the Girl Scouts, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $500 for an Ice Skating event during the April vacation, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $400 for the town Halloween Party, put on by the Boy Scouts, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $300 from the Special Events line item, for the Memorial Day parade. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $500 from the Supplies line item, for Trail signage. The motion passed unanimously.

From June 2:
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept the minutes for May 12 as written. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to add the Treasurer's Report to the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept a gift of a water cooler worth approximately $700 from Kingston Mechanical. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $140.50 for a thermometer banner to post outside of Town Hall to demark fundraising progress for Greenie Park. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to issue a certificate of appreciation for Tyler Mackey to be presented by the Board of Selectmen for creating the new trail signs. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to issue certificates of appreciation for Sarah Salade and her Environmental Science class: for work done to plan for future expansion parking at Greenie Park, to be presented by the Board of Selectmen. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to amend the amount for the swim contract with the Regional Y from $1500 to $1676.48 upon acceptance of the contract by the Board of Selectmen, to be taken from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.

From July 14:
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to Motion to accept the minutes of June 9, amended to reflect the presence of Chairman Annie Collyer, Selectman Matt Burrill, and members John Neveux and Sue Milner for a quorum. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $195.02 from the Special Events line item for Trophy Day supplies. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $50 for a hot dog steamer rental from Grand Rental for Trophy Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to buy 6 picnic tables at a cost of $123.36 each plus shipping form the supplies line item. The motion passed unanimously.

From the March 17 meeting:
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept donations from Pest-Edge for $250 and from Ravensberger for $500 for renovations at Greenie Park, to be deposited in the Revolving Fund for future use on renovations at Greenie Park. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept cash donations of $16.56 to be deposited in the Revolving Fund for future use on renovations at Greenie Park. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $1920 from the Senior Warrant Article 14, for a senior trip to Castle in the Clouds on October 8. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept the 14' boat and life vests from the Newton Police for use at the Town Beach. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend up to $200 for Town Beach signage for No Trespassing, No Smoking and Closed from November 15 to April 15, from the Supplies line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to pay DJ Matt McElroy $250 for the Town Halloween Party, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to buy 6 more $10 Walmart gift certificates for the Town Halloween Party, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $300 for JF Entertainment for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $250 for Zoo Creatures for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.

From August 11
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to accept the minutes from July 14 as written. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $90 to have Dyer Docking repair the raft, from the Supplies line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to amend the payment to be made to Zoo Creatures to $350 from $250, for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend $240 for the school custodian for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend up to $500 for a Sound Engineer for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to pay up to $135 for a handicapped port- a-potty for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to pay up to $250 for donuts and coffee to be distributed in front of the Fire Station on W Main St, at no cost on Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to pay the Manchester Monarchs $100 for their mascot to attend Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.
Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux Motion to spend up to $120 for signs for Town Day, from the Special Events line item. The motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Burrill made a motion, seconded by Neveux, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 PM.  The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Annie Collyer
Secretary and Chairperson