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October 20, 2014 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
                                               Tel: 382-4405 ext. 13 * Fax 382-9140                                                                                                            
Meeting Minutes for Monday, October 20, 2014
Call to Order:  Chairperson Collyer called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
In Attendance: Sue Milner, John Neveux, Selectman Ex-Officio Matt Burrill, and Chairperson Annie Collyer
Introduction of Guests: Stephen St. Cyr
Neveux made a motion to accept the minutes as written from the October 6, 2014 meeting.  The motion passed unanimously.
        Senior Activities:  Milner reported that the Senior trip to Castle in the Clouds on October 8, 2014 went very well, according to chaperone and Selectman Jim Doggett.  The tickets for the Dec 7 North Shore Music Theatre trip to 'Christmas Carol' have not yet arrived.  If they do not in the next day or so, Milner will follow up.  She has flyers, sign-up sheets, cable and email information ready to go to publicize the trip once the tickets come in.  Several have asked for them, and Chairperson Collyer said that Town Admininstrator Wrigley has their names and will call them when the tickets are available.
Milner will look at other offerings by the tour agency,  and find out whether they offer trips with tickets available for purchase online by any and all Newton residents.  If so, Recreation will be able to publicize the opportunities, without creating an increased work load for the office staff at Town Hall.
        Vacation Activity:  Neveux has arranged for two roller skating dates for the upcoming vacation weeks:  November 28 and December 28.  The invoices for these activities will be arriving soon.  Chairperson Collyer will take them to Town Administrator Wrigley to get checks issued for the nights of the events.  Neveux will hold a 50/50 raffle during each event.
Discussion followed about future vacation activities, and Milner will arrange for ice skating for the February vacation next year, while Neveux will arrange for roller skating for the April, Thanksgiving and Holiday vacations.
        Landscaping Quotes: Neveux is obtaining a quote to dig up, loosen up and redistribute the sand at the town beach.  One quote will be in the mail shortly.  Selectman Burrill suggested that he obtain additional quotes from, and Neveux will do so.
Neveux is also obtaining a quote to put in an ADA-compliant path from the parking lot to the beach.  Selectman Burrill pointed out that adding materials to the beach will no doubt require state permitting.  The Commission will check into options for making the beach access ADA compliant.
        Status of Ropes Removal; Neveux has been attempting to get Eastern Seaboard to remove the swim buoys, and has secured the additional help of Town Administrator Wrigley.  He will follow up with Wrigley.  In addition, he will see if Wrigley can have the Town Custodian remove the volleyball net.  Milner made the suggestion that the Commission arrange for a set contract for buoy, raft and volleyball installation and removal for the next few years with a set vendor.
        Raft and possible remedies for breakage:  Chairperson Collyer has been in touch with Dyer Docking about coming up with a plan to reinforce the joints under the panels on the raft.  Neveux pointed out that any engineer should know that freestanding panels need support in a commercial raft.  Dyer will be coming to look at the raft and suggest remedies.
Greenie Park Priorities and Quotes for Work:  Chairperson Collyer reviewed the history of the Commission's concerns about Greenie Park, specifically the unsafe proximity of the Playground and the Skate Board Park, the lack of maintenance over the years due to budget constraints, and the unsafe fall zone depths.  The Commission in 2013 looked into many possibilities for redesigning the park and for paying for it.  They were led to believe that a golf tournament would be a successful vehicle for fundraising, resulting in about $10,000 the first year and growing to as much as $35,000 in subsequent years.  The Commission also publicized the need for donations of both money and materials with local businesses and with residents, and conducted 50/50 raffles.  In addition, the Board of Selectmen in 2013 agreed to permit the Commission to use both funds from the operating budget and also funds from the Revolving Fund to supplement money raised with the golf tournament and other fundraising efforts.  What has happened, Collyer noted, is that we have raised about $700 so far, with indications of an additional $750 coming in, which is a very big deviation from the $25,000 sought for 2014.  The golf tournament failed to garner community support.  As a result, and in discussion as well with Administrator Wrigley and with Planning Board Secretary Milner, Collyer has concluded that the plan as developed by Natural Playgrounds is not feasible, and that we remove the master plan as developed by Natural Playgrounds from the lobby of Town Hall.   The town is not behind it.  The Commission agreed.
Collyer suggests that there are some attractive elements that we can draw upon for a master plan for Greenie Park, going forward, such as the labyrinth and the boulder fields.  She presented some preliminary ideas for relocating existing playground equipment to provide the needed distance from the skate park and repairing the playground area with safe fall zones.  Collyer met with Planning Board Secretary Milner and the Town Engineer to review the ideas she has developed, and the Town Engineer liked the flow and layout she has developed so far.  
The Town Engineer stated that there are elements in the skate board park that need removal, because homemade, which is against town regulations, or because damaged, as with the rail.  He has offered to locate a skate board park advisor for us, so that we can plan safety repairs to the skate park as well.  In addition, he will investigate the various options for fall zones - sand, rubber mulch and wood chips - and help us decide what to recommend to the Board of Selectmen.
Chairperson Collyer has asked to be on the agenda for a Planning Board meeting as soon as possible since they have expressed an interest in the Greenie Plans, and have assigned their Secretary Milner to coordinate with the Commission on those plans.  She is waiting to hear back from them.
Milner emphasized that we need to develop a comprehensive plan for Greenie Park before making any repairs to the fall zones, distances and skate park, and the Commission agreed.  The goal for 2015 will be finalize the plan for Greenie Park and to begin to implement it.  Selectman Burrill suggested that 2015 be the Year of Safety, with installing security cameras and aiming to add safe fall zones and locations at Greenie if possible.  Milner believes it is not probable that a comprehensive plan for Greenie will be developed in time to do work on playground safety in 2015.  The Commission agreed to prioritize developing and implementing a safe playground and skate board park as the second phase of the Year of Safety.   

Chairperson Collyer stated that our suggested budget is due to be presented to the Board of Selectmen on November 10.  She distributed last year's budget plans as well as the forms for developing the 2015 budget.  The meeting of the Commission on November 3 will concentrate on the budget, and all Commission members will prepare accordingly.  Selectman Burrill suggested that we begin with two phases for Greenie Park:  Phase One, encumbered funds from the 2014 budget to install security cameras, and Phase Two, taking measures to make the playground and skate board park safe.  Chairperson Collyer stated that while the town insurer has seen the park and notes that it is non-compliant with safety standards, they are not condemning the park and will indemnify the town if injuries occur.  However, the Commission wants to prioritize implementing safety standards as quickly as possible, so serious injuries do not occur.  Collyer noted that the high slide was removed a year ago by the Commission because of the risk of injury from both falls and from burns with the southern exposure.  Milner emphasized that a comprehensive plan for Greenie is needed before we  make any changes.  The Commission agreed, and steps are being taken to get that plan in place.
Selectman Burrill noted that there have been drug arrests at Greenie Park and he believes that installation of security cameras is paramount.  He feels that our residents will enjoy the Park more freely once security is established.  Chairperson Collyer noted that the town has just received security cameras and equipment donated by Diane Morin's company, Axis, with the efforts of Morin and the Police Chief as well as Collyer.  The cost to install the cameras will be at least $8500 according to preliminary estimates developed by Collyer, and will also require $2500 in annual fees for internet at both the town beach and Greenie Park.  Selectman Burrill expressed his view that this installation and monitoring is a priority that needs to be addressed as soon as possible now that we have the cameras we worked on obtaining for the past year, and that the costs will need to come out of Recreation's budget line items.  The Commission will seek to encumber about $10,000 in 2014 operating expenses for the installation of the security cameras.  Chairperson Collyer will schedule a meeting with the Police Chief and Morin over the coming weeks to further develop the plans, needs and costs for the installation.  Collyer will also meet with Administrator Wrigley and Bookkeeper Milner to find out how best to categorize the expense of installation and the ongoing $200/month internet expense for monitoring the cameras.
Besides spending operating expenses for repairs and maintenance that will address safety issues, the Commission wishes to continue providing Special Programs for town residents.  Besides the programs offered this year, Milner suggested resurrecting Movie Night.  Chairperson Collyer suggested using the Town Beach as a possible venue, and obtaining current movies instead of DVD's from the library as was done in the past.  Milner, as noted above, is also checking to see whether there are events and trips that we can make available online to all residents.
Other Business:  Guest St. Cyr wishes to join the Commission.  Neveux made a motion, seconded by Selectman Burrill, that the Commission recommend Stephen St. Cyr as a new member to the Board of Selectmen.  The motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Collyer explained the process to St. Cyr:  he needs to submit an application to join, found online at the town website.  The Board of Selectmen have to vote to appoint him.  Once appointed, he will be sworn in by the Town Clerk and have to get a background check including fingerprinting.  St. Cyr is pleased to follow the procedures to become a member, and the Commission is pleased to welcome him.
Chairperson Collyer made a motion, seconded by Milner, that we ask the Board of Selectmen to remove Brian Theirrien as a member.  Theirrien wanted to serve, but has found that his job precludes his ability to serve.  He has expressed this to Collyer in person and by phone, but has not sent an email or letter to this effect.  He has not been able to attend meetings for several months.  The motion passed unanimously.
Collyer stated that there are several times a year where only one meeting  a month or no meetings in the month are needed, such as in late February and during March and during the summer.  The Commission will develop a schedule of meetings for the balance of 2014 and for 2015 at the next meeting.
Correspondence: none
Adjournment :Neveux made a motion, seconded by Selectman Burrill, that the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 PM.  The motion passed unanimously.