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September 17, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Tuesday September 17, 2013


  • Call to Order: 5:30pm
  • In Attendance: Jessica Brasier: Vice Chair, Sally Woodman, John Neveux, Marilyn Landry: members, Diane Morin: Secretary, Annie Collyer: Chair via phone
  • Introduction of Guests: Larry Foote
  • Approval of Minutes: Minutes from September 4, 2013
Landry motioned to accept the minutes as written.  Brasier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Donation of playground equipment:  Peter Dearborn:  Morin reported that Woodman and she spoke with Mike Pivero about transportation and installation of the donated merry go round.  Mike suggested it be installed at Greenie Park where the ground is better suited.  The beach has lots of trees which would make it hard to dig the hole needed for the base.
Morin motioned to recommend to the BOS the acceptance of the merry go round and to have it installed at Greenie Park.  It will replace the small merry go round that no longer functions.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Budget Review:
  • Update Raft Removal: Morin reported raft has been pulled and is padlocked to a tree at the beach.
  • Town Day:
  • Apple Bake Off Contest: 1 entry so far.  Brasier has the supplies needed for all the contests.  Gift cards from Cider Hill and Hippy Chick Bakery will be given to the winner/s.
  • Chili contest:  2 entries so far. Gift card to Goody Cole’s Smoke house will be given to the winner/s.  She has all the supplies.
  • Kids Pie Eating Contest: Gift cards to Water Street book store in Exeter and from Yogurt City in Plaistow will be given to the winner/s.  She has all the supplies.
  • Music for Event:  DJ Christie Connolly will be there for 3 hours from 10am-1:00pm.  She will also be the MC for the events.  
Brasier motioned to pay $300 for DJ services by Christie Connolly to come from the Special Programs account number 4520-170. Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Library, Books for Bingo: Will be held at the library.
  • Historical society will open the 2 museums.
  • Smokey the Bear: Thayer gave Brasier a possible name of a person willingly to wear the costume.  If unsuccessful Neveux will do it.  
Brasier reported that Larry Foote has gotten Sparky the Fire robot.  Larry will control the robot. Larry will be there with 4 other Emergency personnel. Brasier reviewed the map with Larry.
There will be a police detail present during the event. They will also pass out badges to kids.
  • Budget review: The money spent from the budget so far is $1200.  Brasier has spent $15 out of the $100 approved for misc items.
  • T-Shirts: Brasier first attempt at t-shirts was not successful.  She has another possibility from a vendor in town that we could use for future event. The cost is $12.50 per shirt.
Landry motioned to purchase 7 shirts at a cost of $12.50 per shirt for a total of $87.50 to come from the Special program line item account number 4520-170.  Neveux seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Gift for Judges: Brasier is still working on getting donations for gifts.
  • Senior Events
  • Fall Outing: Hobo RR Still have a full bus. Still waiting on hart’s CI.
  • Holiday event: Roma’s: tabled
  • Trails:
  • Update from Conservation meeting: Neveux reported back to the commission that the conservation commission will not dissolve the trails committee.  They would like to have people join the trails committee.  They would like to meet with recreation before going in front of the BOS. They have control over any trails on conservation land.  Any trails on town property the recreation can work with the town to get them in shape.  Some members will meet with Conservation at their next meeting.  Morin will send an email.
  • Next Step/s:
  • Greenie Park revitalization:
  • Park design consultant/s: The commission received 3 bids.
  • Review quote from Bedford Design: The bid was for $3100 to get the preliminary design and present to BOS.
  • Review quote from Weston & Sampson: The bid was for $3400 for preliminary design and present to BOS.
  • Review quote from Natural Playgrounds: Collyer reviewed the proposal sent to the commission.  For $1200 we get a preliminary design and presentation to BOS. If permits are needed the commission will need to get them.  
Morin offered an option to use Natural Playgrounds to do the trails portion of the park.  And have one of the other company do the playground area.
Brasier offered the option to use Natural Playgrounds.  Then have the skateboarders fund raiser to get the skateboard park revitalized.
The Commission is in favor of using Natural Playgrounds for the project.  The main concern is they would not do the skate board park.  Collyer will contact some skateboard designers for ideas and cost to revitalize the existing park.  The recommendation will be tabled till our next meeting.
  • Canobie Lake/ Fisher Cats Ticket sales: Total tickets sold for Canobie Lake 129.  Collyer still waiting to hear back from the Fisher Cats.
  • Halloween Fund Raiser: Brasier received a promotional brochure for Halloween items we could sell.  To be continued at next meeting.
  • Announcements:
  • Other Business:
  • October Meetings: October 16 will be rescheduled to the 23rd at 7:00pm.
  • Correspondence:
  • Collyer sent an email and text message to Maia Jolicoeur requesting her intention to resign.  We are still waiting for her response.
  • Adjournment:6:50pm
Posted on 10/7/2013: Newton Town Hall and Newton Town Web Site

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin