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August 21, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday August 21, 2013


  • Call to Order: Landry called the meeting to order at 7:01pm
  • In Attendance: Jessica Brasier: Vice Chair, Diane Morin: Secretary: Marilyn Landry, Sally Woodman: Members, Annie Collyer: Chairman
  • Introduction of Guests:
  • Approval of Minutes: Minutes from August 7, 2013
Landry motioned to accept the minutes from August 7, 2013 as written.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Budget Review:
  • Senior Warrant Article remaining funds:  Morin reported that there is $1818 left in the funds.
  • Update from Swim Director:
  • Glass case for signage:  Morin reported that the lock has been replaced.  There is a key in the beach shed and 3 keys at the town hall.
  • Movie Night:  Everything is set for the event
  • Town Day:
  • Three Play: The requisition was signed by the BOS.  The invoice is dated for September 21, 2013 but Brasier would like to pay the bill prior to the event so she doesn’t have to worry about it the day of.  Morin will ask the bookkeeper if this is possible.
  • Pie/Chili contest: Brasier reported that trophies are cheaper to buy than ribbons.  She has received several inquiries about the contests.  We are now going to hold a chili contest, a kid’s pie eating contest and an apple bake off contest.   Landry and Woodman will judge the apple bake off contest.  Morin will ask Chef Joy if he would be a judge for either one or both of the contests. Anyone wanting to enter the contest/s should contact Brasier before September 15, 2013 via email or phone.
  • Brasier displayed a map of where activities will be held on the day of the event.
  • Smokey the Bear: Morin was asked to pass along the following information from Ray Thayer who could not attend the meeting.  Thayer spoke with the Fire Chief and he has put in a request for the costume.  We still need someone to wear the costume.  The PTO has advertised that we will have Smokey the Bear. Brasier is concerned that we have yet to confirm that we have the costume available. Brasier will contact the chief to see if there is anything else we need to do.
  • Brasier has put together a press release for the event with the information for the contests and activities the Recreation Commission are sponsoring and submit it to the Carriage Towne News.  The PTO asked us to review the flyer they are having printed out.  Brasier reviewed the flyer and the members made suggestions.
  • Police detail for event: Morin was asked to pass along the following information from Ray Thayer who could not attend the meeting.  Thayer spoke with the Police Chief and there will be a detail present.  They will also be handing out badges.
  • Portable Toilets: Jessica asked to put a hold on paying Pete’s Septic.  The PTO will be getting the 1 handicap port-a-potties from Pete’s Septic as a donation.   The 2 standard port-a-potties will come from another donation, Pit Stop Portable.
  • Because we no longer have to pay for the port-a-potties we will pick up the expense of the custodian.  
Landry motioned to pay for the custodian, not to exceed $250, to come from budget line item Special Programs, account number 4520-170.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.     
  • Brasier will be donating t-shirts for all recreation members to wear at Town Day.
  • Senior Events
  • Fall Outing: Hobo RR everything is all set.  Woodman will call all those going on the trip to see what meal choice they want.
  • Holiday event: Roma’s will be charging $17.76 for each meal.  The capacity is 70 people.  The poinsettias’ will cost $3.50 each.  The total of $21.60 per person will include the meal, tax, tip and poinsettias.  Brasier and Morin will be the chaperones for this event on December 11, 2013.  We should be able to cover the entire cost from the Senior warrant article.  We can offer the holiday luncheon to 68 Newton Senior residents 60 and older.  Collyer will call Roma’s to see if we need to put a deposit to keep the date.
  • Trails: Morin forwarded a letter from the Conservation Commission to the members.  The Conservation Commission would like to meet with us on September 5, 2013.  Collyer is not able to attend and would like to ask for a different time.  Morin sent an email to Conservation asking if they can attend our September 4, 2013 meeting.  She has not heard back from them.  The BOS tabled it at their meeting.  We wouldn’t be taking over till sometime in October.  There was a suggestion made to open the trails to motorize vehicles.   The commission will look into this once they have taken over the trails.
  • Greenie Park revitalization:
  • Park design consultant/s:  Need 2 more quotes for design proposal. Morin stated that the Town Administrator told her that we need to make a best effort to get at least 3 quotes even though the bids are under $3500.
  • Review quote from Bedford Design: Tabled
  • Weston & Sampson meeting review: Morin met will the company representative and basically told him the same information told to Bedford Design.  He will get back to us with a quote.
  • Morin forwarded to Collyer another design consultant so that she can contact them.
  • Newton Municipal Complex:  
  • Storage space/ office location: We need an area to store our 12x12 raft, beach equipment, refrigerator and water bubbler.  An estimate for this area is a 15x20, 300 square feet.  An office space of 10x15, 150 square feet. Morin will forward our request to the committee.
  • Canobie Lake/ Water Country/ Fisher Cats Ticket sales: Water Country tickets have sold out.  Collyer will check on what we can do with the left over Fisher Cats tickets.  Morin will inform the Town Administrator to hold on to the tickets.  We still have Canobie Lake tickets available.
  • Announcements:
  • Other Business:
  • September 18 meeting re-schedule will be re-scheduled to September 17, 2013
  • Brasier brought up fund raising ideas.  One idea was to hold a skateboard clinic.  Morin stated that the skateboard park is not in good enough shape to hold a clinic.  
Another idea was to hold a vendor fair.  It would not cost the commission anything.  She thought she would hold it at the town hall.  The town hall only holds 49 people at one time.
A farmer’s / vendor market was also put forward. This will be held outside but the weather could be a problem.  We would sell space to vendor’s and for a cost tables/canopies.
Another suggestion was a hay ride.
Brasier will send out a survey to local businesses asking them their preferences.
  • Correspondence:
  • Adjournment: Landry closed the meeting at 8:35pm
Posted on 9/5/2013: Newton Town Hall and Newton Town Web Site
Respectfully submitted,

Diane M Morin