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June 3, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Monday June 3, 2013
TIME: 7:00PM


  • Call to Order: Brasier called to order at 7:00pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson via phone, Diane Morin: Secretary, Jessica Brasier: Vice Chair, Marilyn Landry, Sarah Woodman, Annie Collyer: Members, Ray Thayer: BOS liaison
  • Introduction of Guests: John Neveux
  • Approval of Minutes: Collyer motion to accept minutes from Woodman 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Collyer reported that the raft is down at the Transfer station.  The ladder is broken and needs to be replaced with a heavy duty type ladder.  Two corner cushions are broken.  She learned from a builder of docks and rafts that the Town’s raft is not for commercial use but more suited for home owner. From a safety stand point this raft is not easily flipped but has been reported to have been flipped in the past.  It would need to be anchored on all 4 corners in order to avoid this problem.  
It is possible to repair the old raft and it could be done by same person who would build a new one.  The cost for repairs and upgrades to the existing raft would be $1500. Morin asked if the person who would repair the raft has viewed the raft and the answer was no.  The estimate was given on information Collyer provided him.  

Collyer has estimates for a new larger 12x12 raft which is harder to flip when anchor on all 4 sides. The lowest cost for a new one is $3600 including anchors.  An option for the new raft is to have Thru Flow heavy duty plastic decking for an additional $400. The raft comes standard with an aluminum deck.

Morin suggested that the commission look into a new raft because it is more suitable for commercial use.  From a liability standpoint she feels that the Town would be less liable should something happen because the Town did all it could to ensure a safe environment.

Neveux commented that for the safety he would like to see the 12x12 anchor at all 4 corners. He was wondering how the raft got so beat up.  

The existing raft value is unknown.  If sold to home owner the repair would not be as costly and would have to be sold as is.  From a liability issue the Town could still be liable even if sold as is.  This decision would be handled at the BOS level.   

History was discussed of the current raft which showed that the life expectancy of the 12x12 will be longer.

Landry asked if there would be 4 new anchors for new raft and the answer is yes.

Brasier read emails sent to Recreation and Collyer’s email   Kim Maille, Rachel Burt, Julie Beal, & Lisa Miller are all residents in favor of launching the raft.

Landry is concerned that someone might get hurt after hours.  Brasier stated we need to ensure the proper signage is posted.  

DiMercurio suggested fixing the old raft to save money and then next year put a warrant article in to purchase a new raft.  Neveux feels that the safety would be an issue.

Morin and Thayer explained that a new raft would need to go out to bid due to the expense.  

Collyer motion to recommend to the BOS the purchase 12x12 aluminum raft to replace the existing one, anchored at 4 corners using 280lb weights with 3/8” chain and 4 chain attachments.  Raft will have a bolt-on pipe type ladder, 4 corner cushions, 6 2’x4’x12” deep foam filled poly floats, a black P shaped rub rail down all 4 sides padding the raft edges, and with Thru Flow rugged plastic grating deck, not to exceed $5000.  Funds to come from the Recreation Revolving Fund checking account. Landry seconded. Roll call taken. Thayer, Brasier, Collyer, Woodman, Landry voted yes.  DiMercurio voted no.

Thayer informed the commission that the BOS will handle the bidding process. We’ll need to wait for the bid process to complete which could take 2 weeks.

Neveux asked if we need a receipt if we scrap the old raft. Thayer commented that the Town would take of that.

  • Announcements:
  • Other Business :
  • Review of policy for beach and raft.  
Collyer motioned to recommend to the BOS the acceptance of the Beach and Raft policies with the additional policy “Should the water level fall below 9’ there shall be no diving.”  Brasier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • The length of the buoy lines is unknown.  Some of the buoys need to be replaced and maybe some of the line.  
Collyer motioned to buy 300’ of ¾” recreational racing line buoy kit and not to exceed $725. Funds to come from budget item Beach supplies, account number 4520374. DiMercurio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Morin will get a slide on cable informing residents to check out the policy on town web site.  Once the policies are accepted by the BOS, Morin will ask to have them posted on the Town’s web site.
  • The Swim director has provided the commission with a list of items needed for the beach.  These items are included first aid kits, kick boards, swim goggles and shinny dive toys.
DiMercurio motioned to order the requested beach supplies and to not exceed $500.  Funds to come from budget item Beach supplies, account number 4520374.  Collyer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Correspondence
  • Adjournment: Brasier adjourned meeting at 8:10pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin