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May 8, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
Tel: 382-4405 ext. 13 * Fax 382-9140

DATE: Wednesday May 8, 2013
TIME: 7:30PM


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called the meeting to order at 7:35pm
  • In Attendance: Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Diane Morin: Secretary, Annie Collyer: Member, Marilyn Landry: Member, Jessica Brasier: Vice Chair, Ray Thayer: BOS Liaison
  • Introduction of Guests: Filomena Morton, Marissa Morton, Maia Drucker: swim director
  • Approval of Minutes: From April 29, 2013. DiMercurio motion to accept the minutes of the meeting as written.  Landry seconded and passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Swim Director Update:
  • Interviews:
  • Marissa Morton is applying for Swim Aid.  Still needs to be certified and will be done by June 10, 2013.  Marissa will be utilized as an arts and craft instructor.  
DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen, Marissa Morton, pending successful completion of CPR & First Aid certification, the position of Swim Aid at Grade IV, Step 1 at an hourly rate of $8.73 not to exceed 30 hours a week.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Caroline Babcock is applying for Swim Aid and is up to date with her certification.  DiMercurio explained the position and duties of the job.  
DiMercurio made a motion to hire Caroline Babcock as a Swim Aid, Labor Grade IV, and Step 1 at an hourly rate of $8.73 not to exceed 30 hours a week.   Seconded by Thayer and passed unanimously.

  • Sarah Paullis is applying for the Swim Aid.  She is returning and possibly going through the Lifeguard certification.  She has just completed her CPR certification and will be completing the First Aid course within the next few weeks. Drucker has recommended her.
DiMercurio motioned to hire Sarah as a Swim Aid, Labor Grade IV, Step 2, at an hourly rate of $8.95 not to exceed 30 hours a week.  Seconded by Collyer and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Emilly Paullis is applying for the Swim Aid.  She is returning and possibly going through the Lifeguard certification.  She has just completed her CPR certification and will be completing the First Aid course within the next few weeks Drucker has recommended her.  
DiMercurio motioned to hire Emily as a Swim Aid, Labor Grade IV, Step 2, at an hourly rate of $8.95 not to exceed 30 hours a week.  Seconded by Collyer and the motion passed unanimously

  • Beach Inspection: Tentatively scheduled for June 10 with the Local Government Center (LGC).
  • Paying for Lifeguard course for the swim aids: Collyer will ask the Town administrator about docking the swim aid pay to cover the cost of the course.  No scholarships are available for covering this. Collyer will speak with the Town Administrator to see if we are using the current pay grades and if we can increase the salary of lifeguards.  The reason for the request is to attract more potential lifeguards.
  • Drucker went through the list of equipment we need at the beach. DiMercurio will take the list and get prices.  
  • Swim lessons will start July 1, 2013 and end on August 1, 2013. Monday through Thursday the cost will be $55 for residents with a family maximum of $140. Non-resident will be $65 and family maximum of $170. DiMercurio will publish in the Carriage Towne News, Facebook, Cable TV, and the School news letter. She will ask the Town Administrator to post the registration signup information on the message board outside the town hall.  She will also post flyers around the town.
  • Ice Skating Outing: Morin reported that the turnout was not good.  There were less than 20 skaters.  She talked to some of the parents and they suggested the poor turnout was due to the start of baseball.  She suggested that we do only 2 outings a year.  Roller skating during the Holiday vacation and ice skating during the February vacation.
  • Memorial Day Parade: Morin attended the meeting for Kingston’s Memorial Day Parade. Kingston will provide the honor and color guard.  Lineup is at 10:30am and step off is at 11; 00am.  Thayer will contact Ken Weyler to be the Grand Marshall. Brasier will contact Ken for some background information on his military service.
We will be providing coffee, water, munchkins and muffins.  Coffee and munchkins will come from Dunkin Donuts. The water and muffins will come from Market Basket.  Landry will purchase the refreshments.
DiMercurio motioned to purchase the refreshments and paper goods not to exceed $200.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The lineup for the parade was reviewed.  The program was reviewed and revised for the upcoming ceremony.

  • Movie Nights: DiMercurio is still trying to find the company that provided the equipment from last year.  Popcorn and water will be provided.
  • Town Day: Brasier informed the commission that the BOS approved to have Town Day in association with the PTO.  The date is September 21, 2013.  Collyer recommended creating a sub-committee to for the Town Day.
DiMercurio created a sub-committee Town Day 2013 with Brasier as chair.  Collyer has volunteered to join the committee.

  • Update on Requisitions:
  • Water Country Ticket donation: The BOS approved the requisition.  Morin has spoken with the Bookkeeper on how to move the funds.  The Bookkeeper will cut a check from the Town’s general account and it will be deposited into the Recreation Capital Improvement Fund.
  • Flags for Memorial Day Parade:  The BOS approved the requisition and Morin has ordered the flags.
  • Fall Senior Outing: Tabled
  • Canobie Lake Tickets: Morin has sent for the information and is waiting to hear back.  She will follow up.
  • Signature Authorization: tabled
  • Trails Update: Collyer is working on getting a committee to help clean the trails.  Brasier commented that Collyer is doing a great job.
  • New Laptop for Recreation Commission:  Morin informed the commission that the town has assigned the Recreation Commission a laptop for the commission use.

  • Announcements:
  • Ocasio’s offer to teach martial arts at the town hall still needs BOS approval.  The BOS has concerns about insurance and liability.
  • Other Business:
  • Sign requisitions:
  • Sign time sheets:
  • The time for future meeting is now set for 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
  • Correspondence:
  • Plaistow Recreation Director: Morin will setup a meet and greet date with Plaistow’s Recreation commission to see how we can jointly work together.
  • Adjournment: DiMercurio closed the meeting at 9:45pm

Posted on 5/28/2013: Newton Town Hall and Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Morin