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February 27, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday February 27, 2013


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called to order at 7:00pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Diane Morin: Secretary, Marilyn Landry: Member, Sarah Woodman: Member, Ray Thayer: BOS liaison
  • Introduction of Guests: Maia Drucker Swim Director/Coordinator
  • Approval of Minutes: Woodman motion to accept minutes from February 13, 2013 as written.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously with Thayer abstaining because he was not present at the meeting.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Maia’s status and next steps:  Morin reported that Drucker’s contract was still in effect for 2 more years, 2013 & 2014.  The BOS explained that if they changed the job title it would change the contract Drucker signed in 2012.  The only change will be to her salary which was approved by the BOS at their February 19, 2013 meeting.  Drucker will proceed with the background check required by the Town.
Morin also reported that the BOS was concerned with the maximum number of hours, 15 per week, that the Recreation Commission had approved at their February 13, 2013 meeting for Drucker to work on a per diem basis till June.  The BOS felt that the Recreation salary budget would be over extended.

Drucker will contact the lifeguards and swim aids that worked last year to see if they would like to work for the Town this year.  She will have this information by March 13.  Landry will ask Mary Winglass for the classified ad that is used for posting jobs within the town and application forms.  The commission will review and interview all applicants.  The commission will then recommend to the BOS which candidates to hire.  Drucker will write up an article explaining what types of jobs are available and send her draft to the commission for review.  

Morin asked how long it took to get the swim gear in from the vendor.  Drucker said it took about 2 weeks.

Morin updated the commission about the letter Drucker needs sent to the Red Cross.  The BOS has not been able to act on it due to other issues that the BOS needed to work on.  It should be on the next BOS agenda, March 5, 2013.

DiMercurio motioned to allow Drucker a maximum of 5 hours a week for per diem work for the month of March.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Boat and raft update:  Morin reported that she met with the BOS at their February 19, 2013 meeting to discuss the status of the boat and raft at the town beach.  After some discussion the BOS decided to table the selling or salvaging because no one knew for sure the condition the equipment was in.
Drucker brought up to the commission that the boat is used to secure and retrieve the swimming buoys each day.  If we were to get rid of the boat, the lifeguards would need some other vessel to replace the boat.  Morin asked what condition the boat was in.  Drucker reported that the oar locks were broken.  She thought the oars were fine.  DiMercurio asked her to check the oars to ensure they were good for use.  Upon further discussion the commission decided to keep the boat unless it needs major repairs.  The boat will be secured and have lettering stating for “Lifeguard Use Only”.

  • Update on Ice Skating event:  Morin reported that there has been a lot of chatter from the online sites in Facebook asking about the outing.  She also reported that there was an email asking if students who attend the Middle school but reside in Kingston can still go.  DiMercurio stated that the outing is opened to all students in the Middle and Memorial School.
  • Helping out with a thrift store in town:  Tabled till next meeting.
  • Update on Memorial Day parade:  Morin reported that the following have confirmed there attendance.  Rev Jim Malkemes will do the invocation and the benediction.  Mike Pivero will have the motorcycles in the parade as well.  Captain Morrell’s troop will also be on hand as well.  Thayer stated that State Rep Mary Allen will be there and that he has placed a call to the Governor’s office to see if Gov. Hassan can attend.  
The following organizations or individuals need to be contacted:
Boy Scouts                      Rick Bailey             Thayer will contact
Kingston VFW            James Voss              Thayer will contact
Girl Scouts                                             Brazier will contact
Newton Police           Larry Streeter  Woodman will contact
Newton Baseball         Brain O’Rourke  Woodman will contact
Emergency Response      Larry Foot              Landry will contact
Newton Fire                     Bill Ingalls            DiMercurio will contact
Sanborn School band                             Morin will contact
Newton Learning Center                          Morin will contact
Empowered Martial Arts                          Morin will contact
Ocasios Martial Arts                                    Morin will contact
Draft horses            Vincent Difazio Morin will contact via
Charlie Melvin

                The parade permit has been filled out and will be sent to the state highway             system for approval.  
The commission will submit a memo to the BOS by end of April informing them of who will be participating in the parade.  And then schedule a meeting with the BOS to go over the event.
  • Update on Foxwoods trip:  Morin informed the commission that the flyers have been posted in various places in Newton and Plaistow.  The contract for the bus was received and she will ask the Town Treasurer to issue a check from the Recreation Revolving Fund account.  Should we not get enough people to cover the cost; the rest of the monies will come from the Programs line item budget.  DiMercurio will collect the checks and monies that come in for the trip.  She will then list the names of those attending and give a copy to the Bookkeeper and Treasurer.
  • Contact made with Girl Scouts:  Tabled till next meeting.
  • Town days:  Thayer gave an account of what was done last year.  There was a problem with the paying the vendors.  The invoices went to the PTO and not to the commission.  Last year the commission sponsored the Dunk tank for the PTO.  Also, held a chili cook off, pie eating contest for kids, and a baked apple cook off.  The commission paid for Zoo Creatures from Plaistow which was a big hit.
Karen Radjavitch, president of the PTO, will be invited to the March 27 meeting to discuss this year’s event.

DiMercurio stated we need to get all the town departments involved this year.  The Newton Historical Society expressed interest in participating in Town Day.  Morin will write a memo to send to all departments head asking them to begin the thinking about what they would like to do to represent their department. She will send it to the commission for review via email.

  • Indian Head Resort: Morin reported that the cost for a dinner and entertainment is $31 per person.  The bus fare is $19 based on 50 people attending.  The date for the event is October 9 with an alternate date of September 30.  The total cost for the trip is $2500 and the funds would come from the senior warrant article.  After discussion it was decided to charge $40 for senior residents and $55 for all others. Before motioning on this the commission decided to wait for the election results.
  • Announcements:  Morin received a phone call from a resident informing her of a theatrical play coming in April.  The Pentucket Players will be performing Brigadoon.  After discussion it was decided there isn’t enough time to get approval for the event.
  • Other Business
  • Correspondence
  • Adjournment: DiMercurio adjourned meeting at 8:45pm
Posted on 03/14 /2013: Newton Town Hall and Official Town Website @

Respectfully submitted

Diane M Morin
Newton Recreation Commission