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February 13, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday February 13, 2013


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called to order at 7:35pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Diane Morin: Secretary, Marilyn Landry: Member, Sarah Woodman: Member
  • Approval of Minutes: DiMercurio made a motion to approve the minutes from January 30, 2013 as written.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Jessica Brazier attended the meeting.
  • Anne Collyer would like to join commission as well.  She was unable to attend.
  • DiMercurio notified the commission that she will be away for the April 10, 2013 meeting.
  • Budget Review:
  •  Align the budget line items to the bookkeeper’s account:  The commission went over the budget line items and the account names that the Bookkeeper uses.  Morin will work with the town bookkeeper to better align the account names to the budget line items.  The changes are within the Programs budget items.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Update on Swim Director title change, evaluation and background check: We are still waiting for the BOS to approve of the changes proposed by the commission.  These items should be on the BOS’s next agenda.
  • Update on disposal of un-used equipment raft & boat:  We are still waiting on the BOS to provide direction on how to proceed.
  • Update and comments on Palace Theatre outing:  Morin, Landry and Woodman reported that the play was colorful.  They reported that the participants all seem to enjoy the play.  We might get better participation if we provided transportation.
  • Update on Ice Skating outing:  We are all set for the outing to take place on February 28 at the Rinks @ Exeter.  The flyers are ready to go out to the schools. DiMercurio asked about the results for on the poll taken on the Recreation Facebook page.  Morin reported that she had 13 responses, 6 for ice skating, 4 for roller skating, and 3 for bowling.  The commission felt that this was not a very big response to the poll.
DiMercurio explained how we run these types of events to the new members.  Brazier volunteered to post the flyers at several businesses in Newton and at the Post Offices.
  • Foxwoods / Mohegan Sun trip:  The particulars of the trip were discussed.  We can use the Middle school parking lot for parking.  We will need to sign a waiver releasing the school of any liability.  Morin asked the Town Administrator to look into who needs to sign this waiver.  Should it be the town and/or those that are participating?  The Town Administrator will contact the Town’s legal counsel to determine who needs to sign.  Brazier recommended we have a petition like form that everyone would sign that is on the trip.  DiMercurio stated that the previous chairman passed around a legal paper that everyone signed.   The Commission will wait to see what legal counsel recommends.
The bus holds 55 people.  Two seats would be for chaperones.  DiMercurio recommended we only allow 50 people and use the back seats for water, snacks etc.  

DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that we sponsor a trip to Foxwoods for Newton residents and non-residents 21 and older on April 23rd, 2013.  The trip will include transportation leaving from the Middle school at 8:00am and returning 7:30pm. A voucher for $10 for food and a $15 voucher for keno is included.  The cost will be $25 for residents and $30 for non-residents which include the gratuity for the bus driver.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Landry made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the deposit of $250 for the Foxwoods trip come from the Capital account or the Programs budget line depending on what the Town Administrator recommends.  Seconded by DiMercurio and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Planning for Memorial Day parade:  The parade date is May 27, 2013.  The older veterans are willing to walk but it cannot be far.  After some discussion it was decided to keep the route the same as in previous years.  DiMercurio explained which organizations have participated in the parade. Morin will ask Mike Pivero about participating in the parade again.  Morin will get the necessary paper work from Chief Streeter to close the streets off.  Morin will ask Reverend Jim Malkemes to perform the benediction and invocation.  She will ask Selectwomen McCarthy to see if Captain Merrell and the bugler can participate this year.  She will ask Selectmen Thayer to contact the State representatives for their participation.  This year there will be no transport vehicles due to the expense.  Morin will notify the Selectmen of the preliminary plans developed by the commission and to start thinking of the Grand Marshall.  All officials will be invited to walk in the parade.
  • Planning for Town Day: DiMercurio stated that the commission is expected to hold Town Day which is where all the town committees and commission participate in day long activities.  She explained how some departments would have demonstrations for the residents.  She suggested a chili cook off and a pie eating contest, which was a success at last year’s School’s 5k fund raising event.  Town Day needs to take place after mosquitos have died off.  The last time it was held the attendance was minimal and there were not enough volunteers to help organize it.  The discussion was tabled until Thayer can make the meeting as he has more experience with this event.  The rest of the discussion was brainstorming different types of events that could be incorporated into the day.
  • Announcements
  • Other Business
DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen the appointment of Jessica Brazier for a 2 year term expiring April 15, 2015. Seconded by Woodman and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Correspondence:  Received from the Seacoast United a brochure with their offerings for soccer, baseball and field hockey coaching and team sports.
  • Adjournment: DiMercurio adjourned meeting at 8:45pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin