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January 23, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, January 23, 2013


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called to order at 7:02pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Raymond Thayer: BOS rep, Diane Morin: Secretary, Marilyn Landry: Member, Sarah Woodman: Member, Maia Drucker: Swim Director
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes: No prior meeting was held due to lack of quorum
  • Scheduled Business:
  • New members Marilyn Landry & Sarah Woodman were welcomed to the commission
  • Update on Skateland outing:  Morin reported that there were more than 125 residents that participated in the outing.  We will look at holding another outing in the summer.
  • Update on Palace Theatre outing:  We have 21 residents attending the play.  Morin will be attending as the Commission representative.  The first 10 tickets were paid for from the 2012 Warrant article 21.  The remaining tickets, 12, will need to be paid from the 2013 budget.
DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the BOS to pay for the 12 tickets from the Programs, Senior Programs, account number 4520474  line item budget the sum of $240 to cover the cost of the 12 tickets to see “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” to be held on January 26, 2013 at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH.  Seconded by Ray Thayer and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Update on Ice Skating outing:  Morin reported that we are all set.  She has contacted the schools and has received approval for the flyer.  She will also place a notice in the Carriage Town News as the event draws nearer.  The funds for 75 skaters will be paid out of the 2012 encumbered funds.  The town bookkeeper has not processed the encumbered funds but is planning on completing that task by end of January 2013.  Morin contacted the Rinks at Exeter and they are ok with this.
  • Changing the by-laws:  We cannot change the by-laws via this commission.  There will need to be a warrant article submitted to reduce the number of members.  At this time we will table this till later in the year.
  • Foxwoods / Mohegan Sun trip:  DiMercurio and Thayer have had residents request a trip to a casino.  It would be good to plan this trip around the Vic Geary Center so we are not offering the trip at the same time. This trip would be open to all residents and non-residents 21 and older.   Residents will pay one price and non-residents would pay the full price.  The trip would include transportation, lunch and maybe gambling credit.  It would be best to go during the week.  We’ll be planning for April during the school break so that we can utilize the parking lot.  Woodman will check with the Vic Geary Center to see when/if they are planning a trip in April.  Morin will contact the bus company about a package deal to both Foxwoods and/or Mohegan Sun.
  • Review Swim Director duties and contract with Maia Drucker current director:  After some discussion it was decided to go with swim director for Maia’s title.  DiMercurio will send Morin the contract she has electronically for Swim Coordinator and Morin will update it to Swim Director.
DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the BOS to combine the title of Swim Director and Swim Coordinate to Swim Director.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

DiMercurio made a motion to allow the Swim Director, Drucker, to work on a per diem basis not to exceed 15 hours per week starting January 23, 2013 so that she may work on Swim Director duties for the upcoming summer session.  Thayer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

    Drucker inquired if her pay would increase and who does her review.
    Morin will ask the Town Administrator about this.
    Drucker will coordinate with Boy Scouts to assist in Town Beach cleanup.
    Drucker will contact last year’s lifeguards to see if they are still interested
     in working as lifeguard.  She will post open lifeguard positions.
  • Disposal of un-used equipment: dock, raft, boat etc… There is no dock.  The Safety Committee met last year to discuss safety issues in the town.  One of their concerns was the raft and boat at the town beach.  They consider these to be a liability to the town.  DiMercurio asked to get a copy of the Safety Committee meeting so that we can publish why the raft and boat are not going to be utilized this year.  Drucker will write up a summary of the reasons for the commission decision.  After discussion it was decided that the commission would recommend to the BOS that the boat and its equipment be scrapped.  And that the raft should be sold.
DiMercurio made a motion to recommend to the BOS that the boat and its   gear be scraped and that the town sell the raft and its gear.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • New safety equipment for town beach:  
Morin made a motion to have Drucker present a list of safety equipment that is needed for a safe beach operation.  DiMercurio seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
         Drucker contacted the Red Cross to ensure her certificates were in order.  They do not have her registered under the town as Swim Director.  In order for her to send in course record sheets, such as the swim classes she teaches, she needs to have the Town send a letter either email or mail using town stationary stating that she is the Swim Director for the town.  This will allow her to hand out certificates to those that complete the swim course.  It needs to include, billing information, name, address, email and phone numbers.  Morin will ask the Town Administrator for assistance on this.
        DiMercurio has signup sheets for the swim program and would like them to be handed out in April 2013.
  • Date for Easter Egg Hunt: Girl Scouts are supposed to be doing this in conjunction with the commission but they have not done so for the past 2 years.  Thayer will contact Yvette Nicol about the event.   The commission will provide funds for a specific need if the event is held provided that the invoice is made out to the Town of Newton.
  • Announcements   
  • Other Business
  • DiMercurio brought up the idea of doing something with the library such as the Children’s museum passes.  Landry commented that the Library Director had told the Library Trustees that the museum passes did not sell well.   
  • Landry asked if there were plans for any activities in December.  She suggested a trip to New York.
  • Correspondence
  • Comments on skating outing: Thayer received positive feedback from some of the residents.  They would like to see this outing done again.  Morin received an email from the Milner family thanking the Commission for the outing.
  • Adjournment: DiMercurio adjourned at 8:12pm

Respectfully Submitted

Diane M Morin