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April 25, 2012 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission

2 Town Hall Rd

Newton, NH 03858

Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2012

Call to order:

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Secretary DiMercurio: seconded by Tom Hansen. Members present were: Secretary Susan DiMercurio, Member Heather Borowy, Member Maia Drucker, Member Tom Hansen, Selectmen Liasion Raymond Thayer. Guests attendees: Selectmen Charlie Melvin, Selectmen Chair Trisha McCarthy, Mr. Rick Bailey

ld Business:

Memorial Day Parade discussion took place. The first matter of business discussed was the actual parade route. Two options were presented: the first route was to start at the central fire station going up to Highland Street and turning onto Whitter. The other option was to start at the new police station, turn down Thornell going down to Whittier. All present felt that the best route would be the Central Fire Station Route.

Motion made by Secretary DiMercurio to change the Memorial Day Parade route to start at the Central Fire Station and follow No Main Street to Highland Street and onto Whittier Street ending at Whittier Street Cemetary. Parade line-up will also change to 9:00 am with step off at 9:30 am in order to have enough time for marchers to make the Kingston Parade. Seconded by Heather Borowy

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

Several other issues discussed:

  • Selectmen Melvin to contact Bob Donovan Sr. regarding Antique Cars and Mr. V. Difazio to see ifhe will put his horses in. Selectmen Melvin gave Secretary DiMercurio a document to fill out and return to Police chief Streeter for road closure due to parade.  
  • Member M. Drucker to contact Haverhill High School to see if ROTC group can march.  
  • Member M. Drucker to check with Chief Ingells about fire trucks.  
  • Member H. Borowy to contact Girls Scouts troop leaders, Memorial School Student Council, and Ultimate Cheering Group
  • Secretary DiMercurio to contact Chief Streeter regarding Grand Marshall, NBSA re: little league walkers  
  • Selectmen Chair McCarthy to contact Captain Merrill, local karate school, and Principal Rutherford
  • Selectmen Thayer to contact several local bands to see if they can march.  
  • Rick Bailey to pass info onto the troop leaders of boy scout and cub scout troops
t was decided that we will discuss this event further and make some final decisions at our next meeting which will be held on May 9, 2012. We will also have representatives attending the Kingston parade meeting which will be held on May 14. It was also discussed to purchase small flags to distribute before the parade begins. Oriental Trading has 6x4 flags which will be purchased.

Motion made by H.Borowy to purchase flags to hand out at the Memorial Day parade. These flags to be purchased from Oriental Trading and should not exceed $250.00. The money to pay for these will come from the parade line of the budget. Seconded by S. DiMercurio

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

This year no get-together will be held in Newton; however, there will be one held after the Kingston parade. Rick Bailey to notify the boy scouts.

Rick Bailey attended the meeting this evening with issues he wanted to discuss. The following issues were presented:

In a past meeting it was decided to open the beach on Memorial Day and he informed recreation that in past years the beach was opened after school let out for the summer. The Swim staff salary was figured exactly for this time period, and that if we opened it sooner, we may not have enough money in the budget to cover the early opening. He also explained that the “Coordinator” position was origianally designed to encourage responsibility and it was intended to be a “promotion” for a deserving guard. He also informed us that the past recreation commission wanted to move the skateboard park to the area behind the new police station. Discussion took place regarding this. This issue will be discussed in future meetings. In regard to Earth Day, he said that we could contact the Boy Scouts if help was ever needed cleaning up the park or beach. Finally, he informed the board that he runs a tennis program and asked for sponsorship from Recreation. Recreation granted this sponsorship.


Secretary DiMercurio presented to the board for vote the following:

  • to pay our swim director $12.91 per hour which is a grade 10 step 5
  • she will be paid on a salaried basis for a total of 37.5 hours which amounts to $484.13 per week
  • She will begin her duties on a per diam basis in May to prepare for beach opening
  • She is offically starting on April 30, 2012
 Motion made by S. DiMercurio to accept all of the above regarding the swim director positon. Seconded by T. Hansen

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

Discussion began about whether to open the beach on Memorial Day. We discussed all the options and it was decided that the Town Beach will be opening on the weekend of June 3rd. It will be staffed with a skelaton crew consisting of the Swim Director plus a “buddy”.

Motion made by H Borowy to open the Town Beach the first weekend of June. The staffing will consist of a our swim director and a “buddy”. The staff will only be used on the weekends; otherwise, it will be unstaffed until school is out. Swim Director will utilize this time to do trainings when necessary. Seconded by T. Hansen

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

Motion madeby H.Borowy to have the summer hours of operation for the beach to be 9:00 am – 5:30 pm. This will allow for swim lessons to begin earlier. Seconded by S. DiMercurio

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

Two suggestions with regard to the beach opening were made:

Clean up day on June 2 utilizing Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for clean up.

Opening Party to be thrown on opening day June 3 with hamburgers, hot dogs, water.

Discussion about the town raft and whether to put in for the season. After much discussion, it was decided that for safety reasons we are not going to put the raft in this year.

Motion made by H. Borowy to forgo putting in the raft for the 2012 swim season. S. DiMercurio to attend a selectmen meeting to explain why this is being done. Seconded by T. Hansen

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed

 Additional Business

In a past meeting, S. DiMercurio informed the board that a bill from T & M was still outstanding and that there was a small issue with a particular line on that bill. She explained that there were some mowing dates that did not coincide with our maintenance agreement and was wondering why we were charged for these. She found out that the selectmen asked T & M why these occurred. T & M is going to adjust these dates out and submit a corrected bill for payment. The balance due is for the winterizing and fall fertilizing of the park. The selectmens office received the corrected bill from T & M Maintenance with the corrections made.

Motion was made by S DiMercurio to accept the adjusted T & M Maintenance adjusted bill for payment. This bill will come out of the “Trails” line of the budget so as to not affect our maintenance line. Seconded by M Drucker.

Vote: Unanimous Motion Passed


Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 pm by S. DiMercurio; seconded by Ray Thayer

Respectfully Submitted

Susan DiMercurio


Recreation Commission