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November 9, 2011 Recreation Commission Minutes
Recreation Commission
2 Town Hall Rd., Newton, NH 03858
Tel:  382-4405 Ext 13

DATE:  WEDNESDAY November 9, 2011
TIME:  7:00 p.m.


I.      Call To Order:
Sue DiMercurio called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.  In attendance were Secretary Susan DiMercurio, , Members—Matt Maskrat ,Jennifer Klopotoski, and Heather Borowy.   Guest attendee: Rick Bailey   Minutes were transcribed and typed by Secretary DiMercurio

  • Approval of Minutes:
Minutes were read from past meeting.

Jennifer Klopotoski motioned to accept the Recreation Minutes dated October 26, 2011 as written.  Seconded by Matt Muskrat.  Vote:  Unanimous

  • Business Discussed:
As of October 12, 2011, Chairman Pauline Dupuis resigned from the Recreation Commission.  Jennifer Klopotoski has been nominated to be the new chairperson for the board

Motion made by Matt Muskrat to appoint Jennifer Klopotoski as the Chairmaon of the Recreation Commission.  Second: Susan DiMercurio.  Vote:  Unanimous   Motion passed

December Activities:
                Several activities have been planned for the month of December.  They are as follows:

                        1.   We are planning a babysitting night at the Memorial School on December 16
                       2.   We are planning a senior dinner on December 7
3.   We are getting wreathes for the telephone poles to compliment the Historical Society’s Christmas        tree lighting ceremony

                1.  Babysitting Night/Movie
Chairman Klopotoski has suggested that we do a babysitting night for the town at the Memorial School on December 16.   This will give adults some time to get shopping done, attend parties, or wrap gifts.  She has suggested that we utilize the Key Club from the High School as our babysitters ( there will be members from Recreation in attendance as well) and serve the children some refreshments (pizza, popcorn, drink).  The ages of the children would be from potty-trained 3- 8.  Discussion on how to keep track of the children took place and it has been decided that we will be doing an online (through email) registration and assigning numbers to each child. These numbers would then be written onto the childs hand and the corresponding number will be put onto the parents hand…  Since this is a first time event, we would be keeping it small.  Chairman Klopotoski will check with the school for costs, and approval.
Motion made by Matt Muskrat to hold a babysitting/movie night on Dec 16, 2011 at the Memorial School.  Utilize the Key Club as babysitters, serve refreshments, and put into effect a pre-registration system through email. Money to fund this event will be deducted from the programs line of the budget.  Seconded by Heather Borowy
Vote: Unanimous  Motion Passed

2.  Senior Dinner

Recreation has planned a Christmas Dinner for our Senior’s at the Newton Fish and Game Club on December 7 from 5-7 pm.  We would like to have a catered dinner and centerpieces for raffling.  This is contingent on having money left in our Warrant Article line.  Recreation will be looking into different caterers for this event.  

Motion made by Sue DiMercurio to hold a Christmas Dinner for Newton Seniors on December 7, 2011 at the Newton Fish and Game Club from 5 – 7.  Event is to include a catered dinner and centerpieces for raffling which will be coming from the balance of the warrant article.   Seconded by Heather Borowy   Vote: Unanimous    Motion Passed
                3.  Wreaths

Recreation would like to contribute something to the Historical Society’s Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.  We would like to put up simply decorated 16” wreaths up on the telephone poles following their luminaries path.  We would like to see if the road crew would be able to put up for us.

Motion made by Sue DiMercurio to obtain (10 ) 16” wreaths ,along with the bows, not to exceed $175 for display on the telephone poles during the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony being held by the Historical Society.  Funds to come from the Trails line in budget.  Seconded by Heather Borowy   Vote:  Unanimous     Motion Passed
        Tabled Items:

The following items have been tabled for further discussion until November 30, 2011 meeting.  

        1   Ice Skating event at a local rink …H Borowy to research
       2   Skateland  event for February Vacation – H. Borowy to research
        3   Laser Tag  event during the Christmas break
        4.  Manchester Monarchs game in February – Matt Muskrat to research
        5.  Mohegan Sun Trip for January

        Storage Building Recap:
Matt Muskrat reviewed and brought the other members of Recreation up-to-date with what occurred at the Selectmen’s Meeting regarding the storage building at Greenie Park.  He mentioned that the town is concerned about the liability and who has access to that building.   NBSA needs access as they have a lot of equipment in storage there and as they do hold winter clinics they will need continued access.  Per Matt, Brian O’Rourke has been given a key so that baseball can obtain their equipment throughout the year.  He did mention that the town has volunteers working on a new septic design, and once finished, it will need to be approved by the state before work can begin.    He did also mention that the town does wish to change to naming of the building from the “Concession Stand” to “a storage building”.  

        Summer Day Camp Preview:
This issue has been tabled until a further date.  Recreation needs to do some further research regarding this issue before discussion can occur


Rick Bailey from Boy Scouts presented the receipts for the annual Halloween Party.  These totaled to a balance of $513.20.  We did mention to Mr. Bailey when he approached us in September that we would like to keep this event under budget and at that time we gave him the leftover popcorn from movie night for this event.  Secretary DiMercurio will call to question the receipt from Market Basket for popcorn as we had given him some already.  

Chairman Klopotoski made a motion to pay Rick Bailey for the receipts submitted up to the amount budgeted. Susan DiMercurio to contact Mr. Bailey regarding above issue before payment is made. Money to come from the Halloween Party line of budget.  Matt Muskrat seconded.  Vote:  Unanimous     Motion Passed

Secretary DiMercurio presented a bill for voting:
  • T & M Property Maintenance presented a bill for $340.00.   This is for installing a grind rail at the skate park.    The money to pay this is to come from the Revolving Account and not from the budget.  
Matt Muskrat made a motion to accept the above.  Chairman Klopotoski seconded.  Vote:  Unanimous     Motion Passed

               Heather Bowory motioned to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.  Seconded by Susan DiMercurio
                Vote: Unanimous

Respectfully Submitted

Susan DiMercurio
Recreation Commission