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February 23, 2011 Recreation Commission Minutes
Recreation Commission Meeting
February 23, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm

Attendee’s included
        Tom Hansen
        Pauline Dupuis
        Matt Muskratt
        Sue DiMercurio
Guest Attendee
        Dave Marden

Meeting minutes read by S. DiMercurio from last two meetings and both were accepted.


Dave Marden -- Sealed bid submitted for maintenance of town properties.  Also he submitted his schedule for barrel pickup.  He has also state that he may have to adjust his bid due to fuel increases.
Membership for NH Parks Assoc.  Matt has submitted request and it has been snt in.  Matt will look into any grant monies available
Child Scape company…Pauline to contact to seed if rep can attend a recreation meeting since Matt has had no luck contacting.  Matt to do further research on other playground “landscapers”
Barrel costs discussed.  Dave will look into barrels with special tops and the costs.  Discussion on possibly using plastic barrels vs. metal barrels.
Discussion on new shed building at Greenie Park to store recreation and baseball equipment.  Matt submitted a suggested plan and proposal amounts for materials.  A motion was made by P. Dupuis for recreation commission to appropriate $2500.00 out of their capital account to split the cost of the materials with the baseball commission.  Tom Hansen seconded and the motion was passed unanimously
Info board at Greenie Park-- looking into all options; whether to buy or build
Newsletter discussion
        How to distribute..discussed emailing to residents, printing small      amounts to distribute to post offices, discussion on what to put into it,       and posting on website if possible.  Matt to put together a draft for   review at next meeting.
Trips for 2011 -- based on planned budget, we discussed whether to decrease the amount of planned trips or if fees should be attached to certain ones.  Pauline to look into this option by refiguring costs.


Monarchs Flyers received in this week’s mail.  Tom to distribute to the post offices and library for those interested.
Skateboard Area at Greenie Park-- received information from American Skateboard Corp regarding skateboard parks.  We will try to get a rep from either Child Scapes or American Skateboard Corp to come and talk to us at a future meeting.
Summer Programs -- discussion regarding several items
        If we can combine “Beach Salary” and “Summer Program” budgets   together  
        Perhaps creating a Summer Recreation Coordinator position to    coordinate summer program as well as instruct swim lessons
        Possibly charge fee to help defray the cost
        Start out program with just a few days during the week and work our     way up from there
April Vacation Plans
        Several suggestions were made for a day trip for the children in        Newton.  The suggestions were a “Pizza/Bowling Day” or a trip to the    NH Children’s Museum. Tom and Pauline to check into the cost and        availability.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 pm by Pauline Dupuis and seconded by Tom Hansen.

Respectfully Submitted

Susan DiMercurio, Secretary

 Addendum to Recreation Meeting Minutes from February 23, 2011


Gray Water Issue at Greenie Park
        Motion made on February 9, 2011 to have this issue worked on as it      has been made a priority for health reasons.  Matt has not received the         bid to fix yet.  He will contact Ken Dun (plumber) to get the bid in for        voting.  

Info board at Greenie Park
        Recreation Commission Members to review all catalogues for prices       of new ones     and check to out prices of wood at local lumber yards to        see which one would be a better option

Picnic Tables at Greenie Park and Town Beach
        Recreation will research where other tables were purchased and also     will review current catalogues.  Further research is still to be done

Respectfully Submitted

Susan DiMercurio