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October 14, 2009 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
October 14, 2009

1. Call to Order:
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm with the following members present: Chairman Rick Bailey, Nancy Slombo, and Alternate/Secretary Lisa Babcock.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Lisa Babcock.

Bailey appointed Babcock to stand in for the evening.

2. Fall Fair: The commission reviewed the invoices for the fall fair.  The following invoices will be submitted for payment: $38.44 to Bailey for food, $6.37 to Babcock for coffee supplies, $475 to Mad Science for entertainment, and $1,070.88 to Holden for the tent, cotton candy machine and spin art machine rentals, trash barrel, candy, gift bags and yellow signs.

3. Tails: Ann Miles and Michele Shepherd arrived at 7:30 pm.

The commission and guests discussed trail issues.  Ms. Miles discussed an idea for having a meeting at the Busch Farm land to introduce the land to the public.  

Bail suggested starting a trails committee to identify, clear and mark trails.  He suggested that a representative from the Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission and Planning Board approach the selectmen with the idea.

Babcock will send an e-mail to the three boards about the idea and ask for dates to approach the BOS.

4. Winter Senior Trip: The winter trip will be to Bright Nights in Springfield, MA.  

Bailey moved to spend up to $200 on the credit card for deposits for the Bright Nights and bus for the winter senior trip. Second by Babcock. Motion carried.

5. New Member: Ms. Shepherd expressed interest in joining the commission. She asked what steps are necessary.  Bailey said she should submit a letter of interest.

Bailey moved to accept a letter of interest from Michele Shepherd should she decide to join the Recreation Commission. Second by Babcock. Motion carried.

6. Secretary Evaluation:

Bailey moved to accept the secretary's evaluation and recommend a 1 step increase.  Motion carried with Babcock abstaining.

7. Adjourn: Bailey called the meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary
Newton Recreation Commission