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May 13, 2009 Recreation Commission Minutes
Newton Recreation Commission
May 13, 2009
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:28 pm with the following members present: Chairman Rick Bailey, Treasurer Nancy Slombo, Member Deb Holden, and Alternate/Secretary Lisa Babcock.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Lisa Babcock.

Bailey appointed Babcock to stand in for the evening.

2. After Prom Party:
Erica Crawford was in attendance to request that the Recreation Commission fund a portion of the After Prom Party for Sanborn Regional High School.

Ms. Crawford said the Party will include a breakfast and some raffle gifts.

Bailey moved to reimburse the After Prom Party Committee up to $400 to purchase food for the breakfast out of the Vacation Weeks budget line and to donate 2 Water Country Tickets for the raffle. Second by Slombo. Motion carried unanimously.

The After Prom Party Committee will need to present sales receipts to the Recreation Commission.

3. Sanborn Babe Ruth:
Chris Paladino was in attendance to request that the Recreation Commission assist SBR in the purchase of some uniforms and equipment.  He said the registration fees don’t cover all of the expenses especially since there is an additional team this year.  

Mr. Paladino said he will get some of the boys to assist with cleanup at the Town Beach.  Bailey suggested that they pick up any trash, trim weeds near the fence line and rake out the volleyball court. Babcock suggested they move the picnic tables away from the front of the guard shack as they have been piled up there.

Mr. Paladino said he plans to do the cleanup on May 23rd.

Slombo moved to reimburse Sanborn Babe Ruth up to $455 for catcher’s gear, practice balls and other baseball equipment and up to $252 for baseball hats and shirts total costs not to exceed $707 out of summer programs. Second by Bailey. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Paladino requested that the check be made out to NBSA c/o Sanborn Babe Ruth.  He will submit the receipts to the Commission.

Mr. Paladino also said he will look into getting a key for Recreation for the side of the shed with the sprinkler system.
4. Memorial Day Parade:
Parade date is May 25th.  Line-up begins at 1:45 pm and parade begins at 2:30 pm.  Bailey said he has been in constant communication with Selectman McCarthy regarding parade preparation.

Babcock will order 200 flags for the parade and use the credit card to pay for them.  

Slombo moved to spend up to $150 for flags for the Memorial Day Parade. Second by Bailey. Motion carried unanimously.

Babcock will contact the Girl Scouts to see if they will serve the refreshments and do set-up and clean-up of the hall.

Babcock and Holden will purchase the supplies: coffee, cream, sugar, coffee cups, stirrers, cold-drink cups, punch or juice, small bottles of water, full sheet cake (to read “Newton Remembers” and be decorated in red, white & blue), plates, forks, cheese puffs, napkins, cookies, small bowls or cups for cheese puffs, mixed fruit or vegetable platter, cheese and crackers, and table cloths.

Slombo moved to spend up to $300 for food and supplies for the Memorial Day Parade. Second by Bailey. Motion carried unanimously.

Babcock will go to the shed and see what decorations are there.

Bailey said there is a parade meeting on Tuesday, May 19th. Babcock will send a draft of the flyer to Selectman McCarthy.

Babcock will contact Selectman McCarthy and reminder her that we need a sound system and some chairs at the cemetery.

5. Appointments:
Slombo moved to recommend that the Board of Selectmen appoint Lisa Babcock to a 2-year alternate term. Second by Bailey.  Motion carried 3-0-1 with Babcock abstaining.

The Commission unanimously agreed upon the following officers: Rick Bailey - Chairman, Deb Holden - Vice Chair, and Nancy Slombo – Treasurer.   

6. Tennis Program:
Bailed requested that the Recreation Commission sponsor his tennis program this summer.  The commission agreed.

7. Logo Contest:
Holden announced that the deadline for the logo contest will be May 26th.

8. Fraud & Fitness for Duty Policies:
Policies were distributed to the members.

9. Discussion items for next agenda:
Parade Follow-up
Summer Programs
Swim Program
Signage for Greenie Park and Town Beach
Logo Contest
Senior Programs

11. Meeting Schedule:
Holden had suggested meeting every other week.  Bailey said the Commission would have to check the bylaws and RSAs.

12. Swim Contracts:
Babcock will contact Swim Director, Jon Holden to notify him that swim contacts are due by June 10th.

13. Adjourn:  
Bailey called the meeting adjourned at 9:29 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock, Secretary
Newton Recreation Commission